🗊Презентация Operational risk management ORM

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Operational risk management ORM, слайд №1Operational risk management ORM, слайд №2Operational risk management ORM, слайд №3Operational risk management ORM, слайд №4Operational risk management ORM, слайд №5Operational risk management ORM, слайд №6Operational risk management ORM, слайд №7Operational risk management ORM, слайд №8Operational risk management ORM, слайд №9Operational risk management ORM, слайд №10Operational risk management ORM, слайд №11Operational risk management ORM, слайд №12Operational risk management ORM, слайд №13Operational risk management ORM, слайд №14Operational risk management ORM, слайд №15Operational risk management ORM, слайд №16Operational risk management ORM, слайд №17Operational risk management ORM, слайд №18Operational risk management ORM, слайд №19Operational risk management ORM, слайд №20Operational risk management ORM, слайд №21Operational risk management ORM, слайд №22Operational risk management ORM, слайд №23Operational risk management ORM, слайд №24Operational risk management ORM, слайд №25Operational risk management ORM, слайд №26Operational risk management ORM, слайд №27Operational risk management ORM, слайд №28Operational risk management ORM, слайд №29Operational risk management ORM, слайд №30Operational risk management ORM, слайд №31Operational risk management ORM, слайд №32Operational risk management ORM, слайд №33Operational risk management ORM, слайд №34Operational risk management ORM, слайд №35Operational risk management ORM, слайд №36Operational risk management ORM, слайд №37Operational risk management ORM, слайд №38Operational risk management ORM, слайд №39Operational risk management ORM, слайд №40Operational risk management ORM, слайд №41Operational risk management ORM, слайд №42Operational risk management ORM, слайд №43Operational risk management ORM, слайд №44Operational risk management ORM, слайд №45Operational risk management ORM, слайд №46Operational risk management ORM, слайд №47Operational risk management ORM, слайд №48Operational risk management ORM, слайд №49Operational risk management ORM, слайд №50Operational risk management ORM, слайд №51Operational risk management ORM, слайд №52Operational risk management ORM, слайд №53Operational risk management ORM, слайд №54Operational risk management ORM, слайд №55Operational risk management ORM, слайд №56Operational risk management ORM, слайд №57Operational risk management ORM, слайд №58Operational risk management ORM, слайд №59Operational risk management ORM, слайд №60Operational risk management ORM, слайд №61Operational risk management ORM, слайд №62Operational risk management ORM, слайд №63Operational risk management ORM, слайд №64Operational risk management ORM, слайд №65Operational risk management ORM, слайд №66Operational risk management ORM, слайд №67Operational risk management ORM, слайд №68Operational risk management ORM, слайд №69Operational risk management ORM, слайд №70Operational risk management ORM, слайд №71Operational risk management ORM, слайд №72Operational risk management ORM, слайд №73Operational risk management ORM, слайд №74Operational risk management ORM, слайд №75Operational risk management ORM, слайд №76Operational risk management ORM, слайд №77Operational risk management ORM, слайд №78Operational risk management ORM, слайд №79Operational risk management ORM, слайд №80Operational risk management ORM, слайд №81Operational risk management ORM, слайд №82Operational risk management ORM, слайд №83Operational risk management ORM, слайд №84Operational risk management ORM, слайд №85Operational risk management ORM, слайд №86Operational risk management ORM, слайд №87Operational risk management ORM, слайд №88Operational risk management ORM, слайд №89Operational risk management ORM, слайд №90Operational risk management ORM, слайд №91Operational risk management ORM, слайд №92Operational risk management ORM, слайд №93Operational risk management ORM, слайд №94Operational risk management ORM, слайд №95Operational risk management ORM, слайд №96Operational risk management ORM, слайд №97Operational risk management ORM, слайд №98Operational risk management ORM, слайд №99Operational risk management ORM, слайд №100Operational risk management ORM, слайд №101Operational risk management ORM, слайд №102Operational risk management ORM, слайд №103Operational risk management ORM, слайд №104Operational risk management ORM, слайд №105Operational risk management ORM, слайд №106Operational risk management ORM, слайд №107Operational risk management ORM, слайд №108Operational risk management ORM, слайд №109Operational risk management ORM, слайд №110Operational risk management ORM, слайд №111


Вы можете ознакомиться и скачать презентацию на тему Operational risk management ORM. Доклад-сообщение содержит 111 слайдов. Презентации для любого класса можно скачать бесплатно. Если материал и наш сайт презентаций Mypresentation Вам понравились – поделитесь им с друзьями с помощью социальных кнопок и добавьте в закладки в своем браузере.

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1

Operational risk management ORM, слайд №1
Описание слайда:

Слайд 2

Enterprise risk management
Significant increase in risks faced by people and organizations
Corporate governance and disclosure rules, along with the independent board of directors rapidly gaining importance among companies
Increasing pressure from rating agencies to establish a strong risk management focus in the company
ERM vital element in most corporations.
ORM important part of ERM
Описание слайда:
Enterprise risk management Significant increase in risks faced by people and organizations Corporate governance and disclosure rules, along with the independent board of directors rapidly gaining importance among companies Increasing pressure from rating agencies to establish a strong risk management focus in the company ERM vital element in most corporations. ORM important part of ERM

Слайд 3

Operational Risk Management
Operational risk:
Expected and unexpected economic impact of inadequate or failed internal processes, people, system or external events
Should be minimized
Affects other risks
Описание слайда:
Operational Risk Management Operational risk: Expected and unexpected economic impact of inadequate or failed internal processes, people, system or external events Should be minimized Affects other risks

Слайд 4

Operational risk management
ORM role:
Ensure operational risks identified and effectively and efficiently managed
Reduce risk to predefined limits in cost-effective manner
Ensure legal requirements and internally set limits are followed
Описание слайда:
Operational risk management ORM role: Ensure operational risks identified and effectively and efficiently managed Reduce risk to predefined limits in cost-effective manner Ensure legal requirements and internally set limits are followed

Слайд 5

Operational risk management
The ORM structure:
Clearly defined
Clearly identifies roles and responsibilities  
Risk owners
Risk takers
Risk controllers
Описание слайда:
Operational risk management The ORM structure: Clearly defined Clearly identifies roles and responsibilities Risk owners Risk takers Risk controllers

Слайд 6

Operational risk management
Five key steps of ORM process:
Identification and classification
Assessment, measurement and mitigation
Monitoring and assurance 
Steering decisions
Описание слайда:
Operational risk management Five key steps of ORM process: Identification and classification Assessment, measurement and mitigation Monitoring and assurance Reporting Steering decisions

Слайд 7

Operational risk management
Elements supporting  ORM
Risk and control self assessment
Key risk indicators
Loss-event database
ORM awareness
Описание слайда:
Operational risk management Elements supporting ORM Risk and control self assessment Key risk indicators Loss-event database Audits SOX ORM awareness

Слайд 8

ORM: Risk and control self assessment
Risk and control self assessment (RCSA) as management tool to
Organization’s needs determine level of detail 
Several RCSA systems currently available
Описание слайда:
ORM: Risk and control self assessment Risk and control self assessment (RCSA) as management tool to Identify Assess Measure Mitigate Organization’s needs determine level of detail Several RCSA systems currently available

Слайд 9

ORM: Risk and control self assessment
Identification and classification of operational risks
Identify events that could have a significant negative financial or reputational impact on the company
Basel II four risk categories:
External events
Usefulness of common definitions and descriptions of risks and risk categories
Описание слайда:
ORM: Risk and control self assessment Identification and classification of operational risks Identify events that could have a significant negative financial or reputational impact on the company Basel II four risk categories: Process People System External events Usefulness of common definitions and descriptions of risks and risk categories

Слайд 10

ORM: Risk and control self assessment
Identification of controls
Key objective: reduce operational risk exposure to acceptable level
Preventive and detective controls
Recommend no more than six to eight controls per risk
Possible mitigation of more than one risk by the same control
Описание слайда:
ORM: Risk and control self assessment Identification of controls Key objective: reduce operational risk exposure to acceptable level Preventive and detective controls Recommend no more than six to eight controls per risk Possible mitigation of more than one risk by the same control

Слайд 11

ORM: Risk and control self assessment
Operational risk exposure
Severity: most likely monetary loss in the absence of any internal controls
Frequency: how often an event of at least the size of severity is expected to occur in the absence of any internal controls 
Inherent risk: risk measure in the absence of internal controls
Residual risk: remaining level of risk after controls in place.
Описание слайда:
ORM: Risk and control self assessment Assessment Operational risk exposure Severity: most likely monetary loss in the absence of any internal controls Frequency: how often an event of at least the size of severity is expected to occur in the absence of any internal controls Inherent risk: risk measure in the absence of internal controls Residual risk: remaining level of risk after controls in place.

Слайд 12

ORM: Risk and control self assessment
Inherent risk value
Identify significant potential loss exposure
Identify areas requiring mitigation activities
Residual risk value
Identify inadequate control
Focus of remediation activities
Areas with residual risk value outside acceptable limits.
Описание слайда:
ORM: Risk and control self assessment Inherent risk value Identify significant potential loss exposure Identify areas requiring mitigation activities Residual risk value Identify inadequate control Focus of remediation activities Areas with residual risk value outside acceptable limits.

Слайд 13

ORM: Risk and control self assessment
Control assessment
Control design effectiveness
Level of risk mitigation
Rated: very high, high, medium and low
Control operating effectiveness
Operational control quality in practice
Rated: fully effective (“green”), partially effective (“amber”), or not effective (“red”)
Effective, well-designed controls
Reduce the expected loss
Reduce the standard deviation of that loss
Описание слайда:
ORM: Risk and control self assessment Control assessment Control design effectiveness Level of risk mitigation Rated: very high, high, medium and low Control operating effectiveness Operational control quality in practice Rated: fully effective (“green”), partially effective (“amber”), or not effective (“red”) Effective, well-designed controls Reduce the expected loss Reduce the standard deviation of that loss

Слайд 14

ORM: Risk and control self assessment
Failure rates of control design and control operating effectiveness together with severity and frequency of inherent risk
Allow to calculate expected annual loss amounts for every residual risk
Basis for calculating required capital for operational risk
Описание слайда:
ORM: Risk and control self assessment Measurement Failure rates of control design and control operating effectiveness together with severity and frequency of inherent risk Allow to calculate expected annual loss amounts for every residual risk Basis for calculating required capital for operational risk

Слайд 15

ORM: Risk and control self assessment
Compare expected losses with a predefined risk acceptance limit
Raise an issue and/or an action plan
Take an appropriate mitigation steps
Описание слайда:
ORM: Risk and control self assessment Mitigation Compare expected losses with a predefined risk acceptance limit Raise an issue and/or an action plan Take an appropriate mitigation steps

Слайд 16

ORM: Key risk indicators
Key risk indicators (KRI)
Measures that provide information about organization or levels of activity indicating potential or actual changes in risk exposure 
One of the basic elements of an effective ORM
Identify areas requiring management attention and/or action
Monitor changes in risk profile and controls performance
Require meaningful benchmark and margins
Описание слайда:
ORM: Key risk indicators Key risk indicators (KRI) Measures that provide information about organization or levels of activity indicating potential or actual changes in risk exposure One of the basic elements of an effective ORM Identify areas requiring management attention and/or action Monitor changes in risk profile and controls performance Require meaningful benchmark and margins

Слайд 17

ORM: Loss-event database
Loss event database
Loss event: occurrence that leads to a financial cost, lost benefit or both.
A loss event database
Captures losses and incidents
Serves as
Learning tool
Input to risk quantification
Описание слайда:
ORM: Loss-event database Loss event database Loss event: occurrence that leads to a financial cost, lost benefit or both. A loss event database Captures losses and incidents Serves as Learning tool Input to risk quantification

Слайд 18

ORM: Audits
Crucial function of ORM
Through audits, operational processes can be checked, issues raised and corrective action determined.
Internal or external audits
Good control of company operations by thoughtful audit coverage planning and execution
Significant help in managing risks through reporting audits’ activities, substandard results, and follow up on an audits’ open issues
Описание слайда:
ORM: Audits Audits Crucial function of ORM Through audits, operational processes can be checked, issues raised and corrective action determined. Internal or external audits Good control of company operations by thoughtful audit coverage planning and execution Significant help in managing risks through reporting audits’ activities, substandard results, and follow up on an audits’ open issues

Слайд 19

ORM: Sarbanes-Oxley Act
Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX)
Introduced by US Congress in 2002 after major US corporate scandals.
Compliance with Act by all publicly-traded companies in US 
One of primary goals to help restore investor confidence.
SOX important part of operational risk management process. 
Compliance with SOX enhances management of operational risks.
Описание слайда:
ORM: Sarbanes-Oxley Act Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX) Introduced by US Congress in 2002 after major US corporate scandals. Compliance with Act by all publicly-traded companies in US One of primary goals to help restore investor confidence. SOX important part of operational risk management process. Compliance with SOX enhances management of operational risks.

Слайд 20

ORM: Sarbanes-Oxley Act
SOX compliance requirement:
All applicable companies must establish financial accounting framework that can generate financial reports readily verifiable with traceable source data.
Source data must remain intact and cannot undergo undocumented revisions.
Revisions to financial or accounting software must be fully documented
Описание слайда:
ORM: Sarbanes-Oxley Act SOX compliance requirement: All applicable companies must establish financial accounting framework that can generate financial reports readily verifiable with traceable source data. Source data must remain intact and cannot undergo undocumented revisions. Revisions to financial or accounting software must be fully documented

Слайд 21

ORM awareness
ORM awareness
Essential part of effective risk management.
Raised throughout company by implementing open operational risk culture:
Employees openly report operational risks and losses 
Active learning from mistakes encouraged 
Active promotion with full support, engagement of senior management, board of directors
Описание слайда:
ORM awareness ORM awareness Essential part of effective risk management. Raised throughout company by implementing open operational risk culture: Employees openly report operational risks and losses Active learning from mistakes encouraged Active promotion with full support, engagement of senior management, board of directors

Слайд 22

Increased awareness of operational risks triggered by corporate failures made operational risk management integral part of every company
Increased awareness of operational risks triggered by corporate failures made operational risk management integral part of every company
Shareholders, regulators, and rating agencies dictate tight control to minimize related losses
Implementing assurance framework helps utilize best practices and provides proactive response to avoid future scandals
Описание слайда:
Increased awareness of operational risks triggered by corporate failures made operational risk management integral part of every company Increased awareness of operational risks triggered by corporate failures made operational risk management integral part of every company Shareholders, regulators, and rating agencies dictate tight control to minimize related losses Implementing assurance framework helps utilize best practices and provides proactive response to avoid future scandals

Слайд 23

Why ORM?
To Ensure Necessary Risks are Taken
Is an important tool for training realism
Provides potential to expand capabilities
Assures necessary risk taking to enhance superiority
Описание слайда:
Why ORM? To Ensure Necessary Risks are Taken ORM: Is an important tool for training realism Provides potential to expand capabilities Assures necessary risk taking to enhance superiority

Слайд 24

What is Operational Risk Management?
Natural evolution from traditional risk management
Описание слайда:
What is Operational Risk Management? Natural evolution from traditional risk management

Слайд 25

Описание слайда:

Слайд 26

1.  Accept no unnecessary risks.
Описание слайда:
4 KEY ORM PRINCIPLES 1. Accept no unnecessary risks.

Слайд 27

If all the hazards that could have been detected have not been detected then unnecessary risks are being accepted.
Описание слайда:
BUT.... NOBODY TAKES “UNNECESSARY” RISKS? If all the hazards that could have been detected have not been detected then unnecessary risks are being accepted.

Слайд 28

2.  Make Risk Decisions at the Appropriate  Level
Factors below become basis of a decision- making system to guide leaders
Who will answer in the event of a mishap?
Who is the senior person at the scene?
Who possesses best insight into the full benefits and costs of a risk?
Who has the resources to mitigate the risk?
What level makes the most operational sense?
What level makes these types of decisions in other  activities?
Who will have to make this decision in combat operations?
Описание слайда:
2. Make Risk Decisions at the Appropriate Level Factors below become basis of a decision- making system to guide leaders Who will answer in the event of a mishap? Who is the senior person at the scene? Who possesses best insight into the full benefits and costs of a risk? Who has the resources to mitigate the risk? What level makes the most operational sense? What level makes these types of decisions in other activities? Who will have to make this decision in combat operations?

Слайд 29

Описание слайда:

Слайд 30

4.  Integrate ORM Into Doctrine and Planning At All Levels.
Описание слайда:
4. Integrate ORM Into Doctrine and Planning At All Levels.

Слайд 31

Описание слайда:

Слайд 32

Описание слайда:

Слайд 33

Описание слайда:

Слайд 34

Step 1 - Identify the Hazard
Process: Emphasize hazard ID tools. Adds rigor and early detection.
Описание слайда:
Step 1 - Identify the Hazard Process: Emphasize hazard ID tools. Adds rigor and early detection.

Слайд 35

7 Primary Hazard ID Tools
Operations Analysis/Flow Diagram
Preliminary Hazard Analysis
What If
Logic Diagrams
Change Analysis
Cause and Effect
Описание слайда:
7 Primary Hazard ID Tools Operations Analysis/Flow Diagram Preliminary Hazard Analysis What If Scenario Logic Diagrams Change Analysis Cause and Effect

Слайд 36

Specialized and Advanced Hazard ID Tools
Specialized tools accomplish specific ORM objectives.
	Map analysis, interface analysis, mission protection tools, training realism, opportunity assessment
Описание слайда:
Specialized and Advanced Hazard ID Tools Specialized tools accomplish specific ORM objectives. Map analysis, interface analysis, mission protection tools, training realism, opportunity assessment

Слайд 37

Operational risk management ORM, слайд №37
Описание слайда:

Слайд 38

Step 2 - Assess the Risk
Описание слайда:
Step 2 - Assess the Risk

Слайд 39

Risk assessment matrix:  Requires specific evaluations of severity, probability, and when necessary, exposure
Описание слайда:
THE ASSESSMENT TOOLS ADD OBJECTIVITY TO THE EVALUATION OF RISK Risk assessment matrix: Requires specific evaluations of severity, probability, and when necessary, exposure

Слайд 40

Operational risk management ORM, слайд №40
Описание слайда:

Слайд 41

Operational risk management ORM, слайд №41
Описание слайда:

Слайд 42

Step 3 - Analyze Risk Control Measures
Process: Comprehensive risk control options are developed for risks based on a worst-first basis.
Описание слайда:
Step 3 - Analyze Risk Control Measures Process: Comprehensive risk control options are developed for risks based on a worst-first basis.

Слайд 43

The Risk Control Option Tools Add Scope & Depth
Basic or “macro” risk control options: Reject, Avoid, Delay, Transfer, Spread, Accept, Compensate, Reduce
Описание слайда:
The Risk Control Option Tools Add Scope & Depth Basic or “macro” risk control options: Reject, Avoid, Delay, Transfer, Spread, Accept, Compensate, Reduce

Слайд 44

Operational risk management ORM, слайд №44
Описание слайда:

Слайд 45

Step 4 - Make Control Decisions
Process: A decision-making system gets risk decisions to the right person, at the right time, with the right support.
Описание слайда:
Step 4 - Make Control Decisions Process: A decision-making system gets risk decisions to the right person, at the right time, with the right support.

Слайд 46

ORM Uses Proven Decision-making Tools
Decision-making systems get the decision to the right person, at the right time, with the right support
Описание слайда:
ORM Uses Proven Decision-making Tools Decision-making systems get the decision to the right person, at the right time, with the right support

Слайд 47

Operational risk management ORM, слайд №47
Описание слайда:

Слайд 48

Operational risk management ORM, слайд №48
Описание слайда:

Слайд 49

Step 5 - Risk Control Implementation
Process: Leaders lead, operators are involved, all are accountable.
Описание слайда:
Step 5 - Risk Control Implementation Process: Leaders lead, operators are involved, all are accountable.

Слайд 50

ORM Implementation Tools & Guidelines Help Controls Click with Operators 
The involvement continuum guides the high degree of operator input to ORM actions
Описание слайда:
ORM Implementation Tools & Guidelines Help Controls Click with Operators The involvement continuum guides the high degree of operator input to ORM actions

Слайд 51

Operational risk management ORM, слайд №51
Описание слайда:

Слайд 52

Step 6 - Supervise and Review
Process: Progress measured through increased mission effectiveness, mishap results and direct indicators of risk.
Описание слайда:
Step 6 - Supervise and Review Process: Progress measured through increased mission effectiveness, mishap results and direct indicators of risk.

Слайд 53

Review and Feedback Procedures Measure & Leverage ORM Results
 Eliminate invalid statistical uses of mishap             rates and numbers
Описание слайда:
Review and Feedback Procedures Measure & Leverage ORM Results Eliminate invalid statistical uses of mishap rates and numbers

Слайд 54

Описание слайда:

Слайд 55

Описание слайда:

Слайд 56

Integrating the ORM Process

Why integration is critical?
12 Strategies for ORM integration.
The importance of pace.
Описание слайда:
Integrating the ORM Process Why integration is critical? 12 Strategies for ORM integration. The importance of pace.

Слайд 57

Forces balancing of loss control and other mission needs
Описание слайда:
WHY INTEGRATION IS CRITICAL? Integration: Forces balancing of loss control and other mission needs

Слайд 58

Integrate in Training
Risk Decision Points
Organization & Policy Structure
Описание слайда:
THE TWELVE STRATEGIES FOR PROGRAM INTEGRATION Accountability Teaming Partnership Integrate in Training Risk Decision Points Organization & Policy Structure

Слайд 59

Don’t use the shotgun
Don’t get out in front of the organization - too far
Don’t “inspect-in” ORM
Описание слайда:
THE IMPORTANCE OF PACE Don’t use the shotgun Don’t get out in front of the organization - too far Don’t “inspect-in” ORM

Слайд 60

Описание слайда:

Слайд 61

Macro:  Every Leader, Member, & Employee Manages Risk in All They Do... On- & Off-Duty
Описание слайда:
VISION Macro: Every Leader, Member, & Employee Manages Risk in All They Do... On- & Off-Duty

Слайд 62

Top-Down Approach
Описание слайда:
CAP APPROACH Top-Down Approach

Слайд 63

Miscellaneous Initiatives
Automated “Tools”
Doctrine Integration
NEWS Release(s)
Описание слайда:
ORM STRATEGY Miscellaneous Initiatives Automated “Tools” Doctrine Integration Crosstell NEWS Release(s) Video(s)

Слайд 64

The leader’s role will be a decisive factor in the success or failure of ORM
The leader’s role will be a decisive factor in the success or failure of ORM
Описание слайда:
The leader’s role will be a decisive factor in the success or failure of ORM The leader’s role will be a decisive factor in the success or failure of ORM

Слайд 65

ORM Leadership Opportunities
1. Commit to Breakthrough Improvement
	Objectives: Put improvement of risk performance (control-opportunity) 	on a competitive level with other important mission concerns.
Описание слайда:
ORM Leadership Opportunities 1. Commit to Breakthrough Improvement Objectives: Put improvement of risk performance (control-opportunity) on a competitive level with other important mission concerns.

Слайд 66

ORM Leadership Opportunities Continued
3. Set a Personal Example
	Objectives: To assure credibility of the ORM process through personal behavior.
Описание слайда:
ORM Leadership Opportunities Continued 3. Set a Personal Example Objectives: To assure credibility of the ORM process through personal behavior.

Слайд 67

ORM Leadership Opportunities Continued
5. Induce Loss Control Community Functional Integration
	Objectives: Build increasing cooperation and integration of the loss control community
Описание слайда:
ORM Leadership Opportunities Continued 5. Induce Loss Control Community Functional Integration Objectives: Build increasing cooperation and integration of the loss control community

Слайд 68

ORM Leadership Opportunities Continued
7. Resource ORM Activities
	Objectives: Allocate resources to ORM (control-opportunity) at a level it can competitively justify
Описание слайда:
ORM Leadership Opportunities Continued 7. Resource ORM Activities Objectives: Allocate resources to ORM (control-opportunity) at a level it can competitively justify

Слайд 69

ORM Leadership Opportunities Continued
9. Detect & Correct Gambling
	Objectives: Develop an organization in which risk “gambling” is deterred even when the gambler “wins”.
Описание слайда:
ORM Leadership Opportunities Continued 9. Detect & Correct Gambling Objectives: Develop an organization in which risk “gambling” is deterred even when the gambler “wins”.

Слайд 70

ORM Leadership Opportunities Continued
11. Regularly Monitor ORM Progress
	Objectives: Periodically assess a set of data that effectively monitors organization ORM status
Описание слайда:
ORM Leadership Opportunities Continued 11. Regularly Monitor ORM Progress Objectives: Periodically assess a set of data that effectively monitors organization ORM status

Слайд 71

Operational risk management ORM, слайд №71
Описание слайда:

Слайд 72

Operational risk management ORM, слайд №72
Описание слайда:

Слайд 73

Operational risk management ORM, слайд №73
Описание слайда:

Слайд 74

Operational risk management ORM, слайд №74
Описание слайда:

Слайд 75

Operational risk management ORM, слайд №75
Описание слайда:

Слайд 76

Operational risk management ORM, слайд №76
Описание слайда:

Слайд 77

Operational risk management ORM, слайд №77
Описание слайда:

Слайд 78

Operational risk management ORM, слайд №78
Описание слайда:

Слайд 79

Operational risk management ORM, слайд №79
Описание слайда:

Слайд 80

Operational risk management ORM, слайд №80
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Слайд 81

Operational risk management ORM, слайд №81
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Слайд 82

Operational risk management ORM, слайд №82
Описание слайда:

Слайд 83

Operational risk management ORM, слайд №83
Описание слайда:

Слайд 84

Operational risk management ORM, слайд №84
Описание слайда:

Слайд 85

Operational risk management ORM, слайд №85
Описание слайда:

Слайд 86

Operational risk management ORM, слайд №86
Описание слайда:

Слайд 87

Operational risk management ORM, слайд №87
Описание слайда:

Слайд 88

Operational risk management ORM, слайд №88
Описание слайда:

Слайд 89

Operational risk management ORM, слайд №89
Описание слайда:

Слайд 90

Operational risk management ORM, слайд №90
Описание слайда:

Слайд 91

Operational risk management ORM, слайд №91
Описание слайда:

Слайд 92

Operational risk management ORM, слайд №92
Описание слайда:

Слайд 93

Operational risk management ORM, слайд №93
Описание слайда:

Слайд 94

Operational risk management ORM, слайд №94
Описание слайда:

Слайд 95

Operational risk management ORM, слайд №95
Описание слайда:

Слайд 96

Operational risk management ORM, слайд №96
Описание слайда:

Слайд 97

Operational risk management ORM, слайд №97
Описание слайда:

Слайд 98

Operational risk management ORM, слайд №98
Описание слайда:

Слайд 99

Operational risk management ORM, слайд №99
Описание слайда:

Слайд 100

Operational risk management ORM, слайд №100
Описание слайда:

Слайд 101

Operational risk management ORM, слайд №101
Описание слайда:

Слайд 102

Operational risk management ORM, слайд №102
Описание слайда:

Слайд 103

Operational risk management ORM, слайд №103
Описание слайда:

Слайд 104

Operational risk management ORM, слайд №104
Описание слайда:

Слайд 105

Operational risk management ORM, слайд №105
Описание слайда:

Слайд 106

Operational risk management ORM, слайд №106
Описание слайда:

Слайд 107

Operational risk management ORM, слайд №107
Описание слайда:

Слайд 108

Operational risk management ORM, слайд №108
Описание слайда:

Слайд 109

Operational risk management ORM, слайд №109
Описание слайда:

Слайд 110

Operational risk management ORM, слайд №110
Описание слайда:

Слайд 111

Operational risk management ORM, слайд №111
Описание слайда:

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