🗊Презентация Phase structure of competitive activity of the athlete

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Phase structure of competitive activity of the athlete, слайд №1Phase structure of competitive activity of the athlete, слайд №2Phase structure of competitive activity of the athlete, слайд №3Phase structure of competitive activity of the athlete, слайд №4Phase structure of competitive activity of the athlete, слайд №5Phase structure of competitive activity of the athlete, слайд №6Phase structure of competitive activity of the athlete, слайд №7Phase structure of competitive activity of the athlete, слайд №8Phase structure of competitive activity of the athlete, слайд №9Phase structure of competitive activity of the athlete, слайд №10Phase structure of competitive activity of the athlete, слайд №11Phase structure of competitive activity of the athlete, слайд №12

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Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1

Discipline: «Organization of competitive activity»
Course: 2
Semester: 3

Topic: «Phase structure of competitive   
            activity of the athlete »
Описание слайда:
Discipline: «Organization of competitive activity» Course: 2 Semester: 3 LECTURE 3 Topic: «Phase structure of competitive activity of the athlete »

Слайд 2

Topic: Phase structure of competitive activity of the athlete 

           Specialists from many countries agree that sport preparation is a holistic and multiannual process, during which the athlete aims to achieve his or her top performance in order to contend in most prestigious competitions. The achievement of this goal is impossible when attempted without the consideration of the fundamental principles of periodization, which is understood as structuring of the training process and competition participation into various phases, periods and cycles.
             The concept of periodization in sports and academic research is associated with the name of a prominent specialist, Matwiejew, who, in 1964, published his work “The problem of sport training periodization”. The author proved that proper and periodic alteration of the structure and content of the training process in its successive cycles was the basis of rational periodization for elite athletes, as it aimed at achieving top performance before participating in the main competitions (World Championships, European Championships, Olympic Games, etc.).
Описание слайда:
Topic: Phase structure of competitive activity of the athlete Specialists from many countries agree that sport preparation is a holistic and multiannual process, during which the athlete aims to achieve his or her top performance in order to contend in most prestigious competitions. The achievement of this goal is impossible when attempted without the consideration of the fundamental principles of periodization, which is understood as structuring of the training process and competition participation into various phases, periods and cycles. The concept of periodization in sports and academic research is associated with the name of a prominent specialist, Matwiejew, who, in 1964, published his work “The problem of sport training periodization”. The author proved that proper and periodic alteration of the structure and content of the training process in its successive cycles was the basis of rational periodization for elite athletes, as it aimed at achieving top performance before participating in the main competitions (World Championships, European Championships, Olympic Games, etc.).

Слайд 3

           Fundamental works on periodization of sports training have been published by Matwiejew (1977, 1987, 1991, 1997, 1999) and other Russian (Liszczenko, 1997, 2014; Ozolin, 1970; Suslow, 1995, 2002; Suslov and Fillin, 1998) and Ukrainian specialists (Keller, 1995; Platonov, 1986, 1997, 1998, 2004, 2008, 2013). Although scientists from countries of the former Soviet Union (Bondarczuk, 2000, 2005, 2010; Issurin, 2010, 2010a, 2008; Verhoshansky, 1985, 1998, 1998a, 2005) as well as other countries: Australia (Haff, 2004; Haff and Haff, 2012), Germany (Harre, 1982; Pfeifer and Harre, 1982), Canada (Bompa, 1994, 1999, 2002, 2006; Bompa et al., 2009), USA (Kraemer, 2004; Maglischo, 2003; O’Bryand, 2004; Stone, 2004; Stone et al., 2007), Hungary (Nadori and Granek, 1989; Malacko, 2004), also significantly enriched this topic.
           Fundamental works on periodization of sports training have been published by Matwiejew (1977, 1987, 1991, 1997, 1999) and other Russian (Liszczenko, 1997, 2014; Ozolin, 1970; Suslow, 1995, 2002; Suslov and Fillin, 1998) and Ukrainian specialists (Keller, 1995; Platonov, 1986, 1997, 1998, 2004, 2008, 2013). Although scientists from countries of the former Soviet Union (Bondarczuk, 2000, 2005, 2010; Issurin, 2010, 2010a, 2008; Verhoshansky, 1985, 1998, 1998a, 2005) as well as other countries: Australia (Haff, 2004; Haff and Haff, 2012), Germany (Harre, 1982; Pfeifer and Harre, 1982), Canada (Bompa, 1994, 1999, 2002, 2006; Bompa et al., 2009), USA (Kraemer, 2004; Maglischo, 2003; O’Bryand, 2004; Stone, 2004; Stone et al., 2007), Hungary (Nadori and Granek, 1989; Malacko, 2004), also significantly enriched this topic.
Описание слайда:
Fundamental works on periodization of sports training have been published by Matwiejew (1977, 1987, 1991, 1997, 1999) and other Russian (Liszczenko, 1997, 2014; Ozolin, 1970; Suslow, 1995, 2002; Suslov and Fillin, 1998) and Ukrainian specialists (Keller, 1995; Platonov, 1986, 1997, 1998, 2004, 2008, 2013). Although scientists from countries of the former Soviet Union (Bondarczuk, 2000, 2005, 2010; Issurin, 2010, 2010a, 2008; Verhoshansky, 1985, 1998, 1998a, 2005) as well as other countries: Australia (Haff, 2004; Haff and Haff, 2012), Germany (Harre, 1982; Pfeifer and Harre, 1982), Canada (Bompa, 1994, 1999, 2002, 2006; Bompa et al., 2009), USA (Kraemer, 2004; Maglischo, 2003; O’Bryand, 2004; Stone, 2004; Stone et al., 2007), Hungary (Nadori and Granek, 1989; Malacko, 2004), also significantly enriched this topic. Fundamental works on periodization of sports training have been published by Matwiejew (1977, 1987, 1991, 1997, 1999) and other Russian (Liszczenko, 1997, 2014; Ozolin, 1970; Suslow, 1995, 2002; Suslov and Fillin, 1998) and Ukrainian specialists (Keller, 1995; Platonov, 1986, 1997, 1998, 2004, 2008, 2013). Although scientists from countries of the former Soviet Union (Bondarczuk, 2000, 2005, 2010; Issurin, 2010, 2010a, 2008; Verhoshansky, 1985, 1998, 1998a, 2005) as well as other countries: Australia (Haff, 2004; Haff and Haff, 2012), Germany (Harre, 1982; Pfeifer and Harre, 1982), Canada (Bompa, 1994, 1999, 2002, 2006; Bompa et al., 2009), USA (Kraemer, 2004; Maglischo, 2003; O’Bryand, 2004; Stone, 2004; Stone et al., 2007), Hungary (Nadori and Granek, 1989; Malacko, 2004), also significantly enriched this topic.

Слайд 4

He not only presented the topic of periodization using an enormous amount of theoretical and empirical material supported by numerous examples, but also conducted most complex analysis of all other known concepts (models) of annual and multiannual periodization of training for athletes practicing various sport disciplines.

An especially valuable contribution to the development of the theory and practice of sport training periodization was made by a Ukrainian specialist – Platonov V.N. (2013).
Описание слайда:
He not only presented the topic of periodization using an enormous amount of theoretical and empirical material supported by numerous examples, but also conducted most complex analysis of all other known concepts (models) of annual and multiannual periodization of training for athletes practicing various sport disciplines. An especially valuable contribution to the development of the theory and practice of sport training periodization was made by a Ukrainian specialist – Platonov V.N. (2013).

Слайд 5

Topic: Phase structure of competitive activity of the athlete 

    Certain researchers are guided by phase structure of competitive activity of the athlete.
The first phase - prestarting - includes time between the last training and the beginning of competitions. It consists of psychological control and precompetitive warm-up which often considerably differs from training.
The second phase - actually a competition - all days during which athletes compete. It includes the constructed model of technical and tactical actions, process of sports rivalry and correction of separate elements of competitive activity in the course of the competition.
The third phase - an after-effect - includes a phase of near restoration (final physical activity of low intensity, often is called "hitch"), the analysis of the held competition and distant restoration with a possible exit in supercompensation phase (states higher, than before start).
Описание слайда:
Topic: Phase structure of competitive activity of the athlete Certain researchers are guided by phase structure of competitive activity of the athlete. The first phase - prestarting - includes time between the last training and the beginning of competitions. It consists of psychological control and precompetitive warm-up which often considerably differs from training. The second phase - actually a competition - all days during which athletes compete. It includes the constructed model of technical and tactical actions, process of sports rivalry and correction of separate elements of competitive activity in the course of the competition. The third phase - an after-effect - includes a phase of near restoration (final physical activity of low intensity, often is called "hitch"), the analysis of the held competition and distant restoration with a possible exit in supercompensation phase (states higher, than before start).

Слайд 6

prestarting phase
prestarting phase
Spirit - настрой
warm-up - разминка
actually a competition phase
model of technical and tactical actions – модель технико- тактических действий
process of sports rivalry – СОСТЯЗАНИЕ, СОПЕРНИЧЕСТВО
correction of separate elements of competitive activity – КОРРЕКЦИЯ ЭЛЕМЕНТОВ СОРЕВНОВАТЕЛЬНОЙ ДЕЯТЕЛЬНОСТИ
an after-effect phase
a phase of near restoration – ВОСТТАНОВЛЕНИЕ БЛИЖНЕЕ «заминка»
the analysis of the held competition – анализ соревнования
distant restoration – дальнее восстановление
Описание слайда:
prestarting phase prestarting phase Spirit - настрой warm-up - разминка actually a competition phase model of technical and tactical actions – модель технико- тактических действий process of sports rivalry – СОСТЯЗАНИЕ, СОПЕРНИЧЕСТВО correction of separate elements of competitive activity – КОРРЕКЦИЯ ЭЛЕМЕНТОВ СОРЕВНОВАТЕЛЬНОЙ ДЕЯТЕЛЬНОСТИ an after-effect phase a phase of near restoration – ВОСТТАНОВЛЕНИЕ БЛИЖНЕЕ «заминка» the analysis of the held competition – анализ соревнования distant restoration – дальнее восстановление

Слайд 7

Prestarting activity (предстартовая деятельность) . Her purpose – to reach a ready state to a performance which in general has been created in the course of precompetitive preparation and is defined by optimum performance of the main internal mechanisms (components) of fighting activity. In prestarting activity of the martial artist the main target competitive installation, as well as the leading motivation of achievement is shown. Can be the motivating factors of prestarting activity: information obtained from outside (or pseudo-information) about weak points of opponents, their insufficient readiness (physical, mental, etc.), and vice versa, about merits and advantages of the athlete, opinion of experts on his skill and prospects, successful draw.
Prestarting activity (предстартовая деятельность) . Her purpose – to reach a ready state to a performance which in general has been created in the course of precompetitive preparation and is defined by optimum performance of the main internal mechanisms (components) of fighting activity. In prestarting activity of the martial artist the main target competitive installation, as well as the leading motivation of achievement is shown. Can be the motivating factors of prestarting activity: information obtained from outside (or pseudo-information) about weak points of opponents, their insufficient readiness (physical, mental, etc.), and vice versa, about merits and advantages of the athlete, opinion of experts on his skill and prospects, successful draw.
Fighting (direct and competitive) activity (боевая, непосредственно-соревновательная деятельность). Competitive fight in single combats is the main, most specific and acutely conflict kind of activity of the athlete in the course of which those components of a condition of sports readiness which are necessary for her effective implementation are shown. In a course of action earlier created motives of competitive activity and motivation of achievements and also the purposes developed prior to fight are shown and influence athletes. The purpose of a performance created prior to competitions and the corresponding installation of the athlete usually remain throughout a tournament. By the beginning of fight athletes have the indicative action program in different degree detailed at various athletes which substantially defines a complex of fighting installations of the athlete.
Описание слайда:
Prestarting activity (предстартовая деятельность) . Her purpose – to reach a ready state to a performance which in general has been created in the course of precompetitive preparation and is defined by optimum performance of the main internal mechanisms (components) of fighting activity. In prestarting activity of the martial artist the main target competitive installation, as well as the leading motivation of achievement is shown. Can be the motivating factors of prestarting activity: information obtained from outside (or pseudo-information) about weak points of opponents, their insufficient readiness (physical, mental, etc.), and vice versa, about merits and advantages of the athlete, opinion of experts on his skill and prospects, successful draw. Prestarting activity (предстартовая деятельность) . Her purpose – to reach a ready state to a performance which in general has been created in the course of precompetitive preparation and is defined by optimum performance of the main internal mechanisms (components) of fighting activity. In prestarting activity of the martial artist the main target competitive installation, as well as the leading motivation of achievement is shown. Can be the motivating factors of prestarting activity: information obtained from outside (or pseudo-information) about weak points of opponents, their insufficient readiness (physical, mental, etc.), and vice versa, about merits and advantages of the athlete, opinion of experts on his skill and prospects, successful draw. Fighting (direct and competitive) activity (боевая, непосредственно-соревновательная деятельность). Competitive fight in single combats is the main, most specific and acutely conflict kind of activity of the athlete in the course of which those components of a condition of sports readiness which are necessary for her effective implementation are shown. In a course of action earlier created motives of competitive activity and motivation of achievements and also the purposes developed prior to fight are shown and influence athletes. The purpose of a performance created prior to competitions and the corresponding installation of the athlete usually remain throughout a tournament. By the beginning of fight athletes have the indicative action program in different degree detailed at various athletes which substantially defines a complex of fighting installations of the athlete.

Слайд 8

        Interround activity (межраундовая деятельность) – the type of competitive activity supercompressed in time which is directly adjoining to fighting activity and subordinated to the same main goal. This activity is carried out in close contact with the second (the trainer or the person who replaces him), and her purposes are maintenance of the athlete and increase or maintaining efficiency of shock and protective counteraction to the rival in a next round, a duel.
        Interround activity (межраундовая деятельность) – the type of competitive activity supercompressed in time which is directly adjoining to fighting activity and subordinated to the same main goal. This activity is carried out in close contact with the second (the trainer or the person who replaces him), and her purposes are maintenance of the athlete and increase or maintaining efficiency of shock and protective counteraction to the rival in a next round, a duel.
        Interfighting activity (межбоевая деятельность) – is carried out during the period after the end of the won fight and prior to prestarting activity before the following duel. In the course of interfighting activity the created motivation of this competitive activity including and significant collateral motives and also the set earlier specific goal usually dominates. The purposes of interfighting activity are: maintenance, preparation for a meeting with the opponent and "leading" to an optimum condition of sports readiness. The purposes of interfighting activity include removal of the mental tension which has arisen in competitions, the analysis and assessment of last duel, drawing up the indicative plan of the forthcoming fight and creation of the corresponding fighting installations, maintenance and if it is required, regulation of the weight mode.
Описание слайда:
Interround activity (межраундовая деятельность) – the type of competitive activity supercompressed in time which is directly adjoining to fighting activity and subordinated to the same main goal. This activity is carried out in close contact with the second (the trainer or the person who replaces him), and her purposes are maintenance of the athlete and increase or maintaining efficiency of shock and protective counteraction to the rival in a next round, a duel. Interround activity (межраундовая деятельность) – the type of competitive activity supercompressed in time which is directly adjoining to fighting activity and subordinated to the same main goal. This activity is carried out in close contact with the second (the trainer or the person who replaces him), and her purposes are maintenance of the athlete and increase or maintaining efficiency of shock and protective counteraction to the rival in a next round, a duel. Interfighting activity (межбоевая деятельность) – is carried out during the period after the end of the won fight and prior to prestarting activity before the following duel. In the course of interfighting activity the created motivation of this competitive activity including and significant collateral motives and also the set earlier specific goal usually dominates. The purposes of interfighting activity are: maintenance, preparation for a meeting with the opponent and "leading" to an optimum condition of sports readiness. The purposes of interfighting activity include removal of the mental tension which has arisen in competitions, the analysis and assessment of last duel, drawing up the indicative plan of the forthcoming fight and creation of the corresponding fighting installations, maintenance and if it is required, regulation of the weight mode.

Слайд 9

Phase structure of competitive activity of the athlete, слайд №9
Описание слайда:

Слайд 10

Описание слайда:

Слайд 11

Phase structure of competitive activity of the athlete, слайд №11
Описание слайда:

Слайд 12

Phase structure of competitive activity of the athlete, слайд №12
Описание слайда:

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