🗊Презентация Physical abilities

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Physical abilities, слайд №1Physical abilities, слайд №2Physical abilities, слайд №3Physical abilities, слайд №4Physical abilities, слайд №5Physical abilities, слайд №6Physical abilities, слайд №7Physical abilities, слайд №8Physical abilities, слайд №9Physical abilities, слайд №10Physical abilities, слайд №11Physical abilities, слайд №12Physical abilities, слайд №13Physical abilities, слайд №14Physical abilities, слайд №15Physical abilities, слайд №16Physical abilities, слайд №17Physical abilities, слайд №18Physical abilities, слайд №19

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Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1

Physical abilities
Leading physical quality
Development and education of physical qualities
Pullovers with dumbbells
Sports nutrition
French Press
Balanced diet
Описание слайда:
Powerlifting Powerlifting Physical abilities Leading physical quality Development and education of physical qualities Force Pullovers with dumbbells Sports nutrition French Press Power Balanced diet Agility

Слайд 2

(Powerlifting ; power  - « strength, power " + lifting  - « uplift ") or power lifting
Описание слайда:
Powerlifting    (Powerlifting ; power  - « strength, power " + lifting  - « uplift ") or power lifting

Слайд 3

Physical abilities
Physical qualities should not be confused with physical abilities, which include, for example, jumping, accuracy, etc. and which in turn are derived from 5 physical qualities.
Описание слайда:
Physical abilities Physical qualities should not be confused with physical abilities, which include, for example, jumping, accuracy, etc. and which in turn are derived from 5 physical qualities.

Слайд 4

Leading physical quality
In each sport there is one or several leading physical qualities. Therefore, in sports training special attention is paid to the leading physical quality (or leading physical qualities).
Описание слайда:
Leading physical quality In each sport there is one or several leading physical qualities. Therefore, in sports training special attention is paid to the leading physical quality (or leading physical qualities).

Слайд 5

Development and education of physical qualities
Development - mainly during periods of body growth, i.e. an average of 18-20 years, more on a genetic level.
Education - through the use of a specially organized impact - in most cases, a set of physical exercises and training. Has unconditional importance in understanding the term (education of physical qualities) after the growth of the organism (after 18-20 years). However, it makes a significant contribution to the development of physical qualities in the sensitive periods of the development of the organism.
Описание слайда:
Development and education of physical qualities Development - mainly during periods of body growth, i.e. an average of 18-20 years, more on a genetic level. Education - through the use of a specially organized impact - in most cases, a set of physical exercises and training. Has unconditional importance in understanding the term (education of physical qualities) after the growth of the organism (after 18-20 years). However, it makes a significant contribution to the development of physical qualities in the sensitive periods of the development of the organism.

Слайд 6

Physical abilities, слайд №6
Описание слайда:

Слайд 7

For example, the maximum bench press bar from the chest of rowers with relatively the same anthropometric indicators
Описание слайда:
For example, the maximum bench press bar from the chest of rowers with relatively the same anthropometric indicators

Слайд 8

Physical abilities, слайд №8
Описание слайда:

Слайд 9


the physical quality, manifested in a person's ability to overcome external resistance or counteract him through muscular effort.
Описание слайда:
Force the physical quality, manifested in a person's ability to overcome external resistance or counteract him through muscular effort.

Слайд 10

Pullovers with dumbbells
Описание слайда:
Pullovers with dumbbells

Слайд 11

Sports nutrition -
food additives developed in scientific laboratories, used by both professional athletes and amateurs who are keen on power sports. Sports nutrition supplies the body with a necessary set of nutritional elements.
Описание слайда:
Sports nutrition - food additives developed in scientific laboratories, used by both professional athletes and amateurs who are keen on power sports. Sports nutrition supplies the body with a necessary set of nutritional elements.

Слайд 12

French Press
Описание слайда:
French Press

Слайд 13

Power - 
work performed per unit time
Описание слайда:
Power - work performed per unit time

Слайд 14

Balanced diet
Описание слайда:
Balanced diet

Слайд 15

— the ability of a person to learn new motor actions in a relatively short period of time, to perform complex in coordination of movement when the dynamics of their performance change and in changing environmental conditions.
Описание слайда:
Agility — the ability of a person to learn new motor actions in a relatively short period of time, to perform complex in coordination of movement when the dynamics of their performance change and in changing environmental conditions.

Слайд 16

Physical abilities, слайд №16
Описание слайда:

Слайд 17

Reassure traffic
Описание слайда:
Reassure traffic

Слайд 18

What is power?
What is power?
How many exercises in powerlifting?
What is it for?
for strength     
Описание слайда:
What is power? What is power? How many exercises in powerlifting? What is it for? Powerlifting for strength three

Слайд 19

Physical abilities, слайд №19
Описание слайда:

Теги Physical abilities
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