🗊Презентация Rare animals

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Rare animals, слайд №1Rare animals, слайд №2Rare animals, слайд №3Rare animals, слайд №4Rare animals, слайд №5Rare animals, слайд №6Rare animals, слайд №7Rare animals, слайд №8Rare animals, слайд №9Rare animals, слайд №10Rare animals, слайд №11Rare animals, слайд №12Rare animals, слайд №13Rare animals, слайд №14

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Слайд 1

Rare animals, слайд №1
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Слайд 2

Rare animals, слайд №2
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Слайд 3

Siberian Tiger
Siberian tiger, the largest in the world, the only representative of the species living in the snow. Now in Russia there are more than 450 species.
Описание слайда:
Siberian Tiger Siberian tiger, the largest in the world, the only representative of the species living in the snow. Now in Russia there are more than 450 species.

Слайд 4

           White Crane
White Crane is listed in the Red Book of Russia and the International list of rare and endangered species. In the late 90's cranes in the country had no more than three pairs. In the photo: white cranes raised in Oka State Nature Biosphere Reserve.
Описание слайда:
White Crane White Crane is listed in the Red Book of Russia and the International list of rare and endangered species. In the late 90's cranes in the country had no more than three pairs. In the photo: white cranes raised in Oka State Nature Biosphere Reserve.

Слайд 5

Snow leopard
Snow leopard - the embodiment of the spirit of the mountains - the only resident highland areas. He lives in the 13th state, some of whom are Russia. Because of the inaccessibility of habitat and the small number of animals are poorly studied.
Описание слайда:
Snow leopard Snow leopard - the embodiment of the spirit of the mountains - the only resident highland areas. He lives in the 13th state, some of whom are Russia. Because of the inaccessibility of habitat and the small number of animals are poorly studied.

Слайд 6

In prehistoric times, muskrat lived throughout Europe. Now animal habitat was reduced to a few countries. Animals inhabit  the underwater holes in the flood waters. They often fall into the network, and easily killed.
Описание слайда:
Desman In prehistoric times, muskrat lived throughout Europe. Now animal habitat was reduced to a few countries. Animals inhabit the underwater holes in the flood waters. They often fall into the network, and easily killed.

Слайд 7

Polar bear
Описание слайда:
Polar bear

Слайд 8

Rare animals, слайд №8
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Слайд 9

Rare animals, слайд №9
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Слайд 10

Passenger pigeon
The most striking and systematic extermination of a good example is the story of passenger pigeon. Once upon millions flock of birds flying in the skies of North America. Pigeons were very good in taste. Therefore, destruction of pigeons turned into fun. In one of the novels of James Fenimore Cooper's very well described as approaching flocks of pigeons all urban residents poured into the streets, armed with slingshots, guns, sometimes with guns. Killed as many pigeons as they could kill. Pigeons laid in the cellar refrigerated, ready to fight, feed the dog, or just thrown away. Efforts have even shooting competition pigeon. The last passenger pigeon, named Martha, died at the zoo in 1914.
Описание слайда:
Passenger pigeon The most striking and systematic extermination of a good example is the story of passenger pigeon. Once upon millions flock of birds flying in the skies of North America. Pigeons were very good in taste. Therefore, destruction of pigeons turned into fun. In one of the novels of James Fenimore Cooper's very well described as approaching flocks of pigeons all urban residents poured into the streets, armed with slingshots, guns, sometimes with guns. Killed as many pigeons as they could kill. Pigeons laid in the cellar refrigerated, ready to fight, feed the dog, or just thrown away. Efforts have even shooting competition pigeon. The last passenger pigeon, named Martha, died at the zoo in 1914.

Слайд 11

Дронт Drond

Drond - has lost the ability to fly a bird, formerly belong to the family of pigeons. Lived on the island of Mauritius. He nest on the ground, where he was in complete safety. However, he not only lost the ability to fly, but completely forgot how to recognize the enemy and fear him. European colonists slaughtered because of its tasty meat, and brought sailors cleaned goat ate bush served dodo shelter, dogs and cats chased and caught the old birds, pigs devour the eggs and chicks, and after picking them sneaking rat remains of the feast. One of the skeletons is isolated in the Darwin Museum in Moscow. In the second half of the XX century, the dodo became a symbol of the struggle for the protection and conservation of rare species.
Описание слайда:
Дронт Drond Drond - has lost the ability to fly a bird, formerly belong to the family of pigeons. Lived on the island of Mauritius. He nest on the ground, where he was in complete safety. However, he not only lost the ability to fly, but completely forgot how to recognize the enemy and fear him. European colonists slaughtered because of its tasty meat, and brought sailors cleaned goat ate bush served dodo shelter, dogs and cats chased and caught the old birds, pigs devour the eggs and chicks, and after picking them sneaking rat remains of the feast. One of the skeletons is isolated in the Darwin Museum in Moscow. In the second half of the XX century, the dodo became a symbol of the struggle for the protection and conservation of rare species.

Слайд 12

Sea cow
Sea cow - mammals of the sirens, much like the manatee and dugong, but it was much bigger than them. Large herds of these animals were swimming at the surface of the water, feeding on seaweed (kelp), because of the animal and was called the sea cow. Its meat, which was very tasty and did not smell of fish, was used extensively in the food, so Steller's cow was completely wiped out in 30 years, despite the impressive size of the population.
Описание слайда:
Sea cow Sea cow - mammals of the sirens, much like the manatee and dugong, but it was much bigger than them. Large herds of these animals were swimming at the surface of the water, feeding on seaweed (kelp), because of the animal and was called the sea cow. Its meat, which was very tasty and did not smell of fish, was used extensively in the food, so Steller's cow was completely wiped out in 30 years, despite the impressive size of the population.

Слайд 13

Caroline parrot 

Extinct due to ruthless extermination by hunters. Such a strong prosecution explained the harm caused by these parrots fields and fruit trees. Last parrot died in a zoo in 1918.
Описание слайда:
Caroline parrot Extinct due to ruthless extermination by hunters. Such a strong prosecution explained the harm caused by these parrots fields and fruit trees. Last parrot died in a zoo in 1918.

Слайд 14

Measures to protect endangered species
Описание слайда:
Measures to protect endangered species

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