🗊Презентация Relational Data Structure

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Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1

Lecture 5. Relational Data Structure
National Aviation University
Computer Science Faculty
Department of Software Engineering
Описание слайда:
Lecture 5. Relational Data Structure National Aviation University Computer Science Faculty Department of Software Engineering

Слайд 2

Relation in mathematics
Relation definition 
Domains, attributes, schemas and instances of relations in RDM
Relations and tables
Keys of relations
Описание слайда:
CONTENT Relation in mathematics Relation definition Domains, attributes, schemas and instances of relations in RDM Relations and tables Keys of relations

Слайд 3

Nonformal introduction to relations
Form of representation:
As a table
By using a condition
Описание слайда:
Nonformal introduction to relations Form of representation: As a table By using a condition

Слайд 4

Relation definition
Описание слайда:
Relation definition

Слайд 5

Additional terms
Описание слайда:
Additional terms

Слайд 6

Representation of binary relations
Описание слайда:
Representation of binary relations

Слайд 7

Basic operations
Описание слайда:
Basic operations

Слайд 8

Property of binary relations
Описание слайда:
Property of binary relations

Слайд 9

Examples of binary relations
Описание слайда:
Examples of binary relations

Слайд 10

Schema of a relation
Описание слайда:
Schema of a relation

Слайд 11

Property of attributes and schemas 
Properties of  the relation attributes:
Each attribute of a relation has a name.
The set of allowed values for each attribute is called the domain of the attribute. 
Different attributes may have the same domain.
Attribute values are  required to be atomic, that is, indivisible.
Описание слайда:
Property of attributes and schemas Properties of the relation attributes: Each attribute of a relation has a name. The set of allowed values for each attribute is called the domain of the attribute. Different attributes may have the same domain. Attribute values are required to be atomic, that is, indivisible.

Слайд 12

Relation instance
Properties of a relation instance:
Order of attributes is arbitrary, but it is defined by a relation schema.
Order of tuples is arbitrary 
(tuples may be located in an arbitrary order)
Tuples must be unique within the instance
Описание слайда:
Relation instance Properties of a relation instance: Order of attributes is arbitrary, but it is defined by a relation schema. Order of tuples is arbitrary (tuples may be located in an arbitrary order) Tuples must be unique within the instance

Слайд 13

Relational data structure
The relational schema and its instance have the following properties:
Name of the relations in relational schema must be unique
Описание слайда:
Relational data structure The relational schema and its instance have the following properties: Name of the relations in relational schema must be unique

Слайд 14

Relations and tables
Описание слайда:
Relations and tables

Слайд 15

Term correspondence
Описание слайда:
Term correspondence

Слайд 16

Описание слайда:

Слайд 17

Simple and compound keys
Описание слайда:
Simple and compound keys

Слайд 18

Redundant and minimal keys
Описание слайда:
Redundant and minimal keys

Слайд 19

 Primary key
Example. Relation:
STUDENT (ID-No, Name, Pasp-ser, Pasp-No, Course) 
has two minimal (that is why candidate) keys: 
 Pasp-ser, Pasp-No
Описание слайда:
Primary key Example. Relation: STUDENT (ID-No, Name, Pasp-ser, Pasp-No, Course) has two minimal (that is why candidate) keys: ID-No Pasp-ser, Pasp-No

Слайд 20

Properties of a primary key
Main properties (integrity constraints):
Primary key values must never be duplicated. That is they are unique within a relation. But there may be 
duplicates in parts of compound primary key. 
Primary key cannot have NULL values. 
Additional properties: 
Every relation must have one and only one primary key. 
Primary key do not influence attribute order.
Primary keys do not influence tuple order.
Описание слайда:
Properties of a primary key Main properties (integrity constraints): Primary key values must never be duplicated. That is they are unique within a relation. But there may be duplicates in parts of compound primary key. Primary key cannot have NULL values. Additional properties: Every relation must have one and only one primary key. Primary key do not influence attribute order. Primary keys do not influence tuple order.

Слайд 21

Example of a primary key
Описание слайда:
Example of a primary key

Слайд 22

Foreign key
Описание слайда:
Foreign key

Слайд 23

Example of a foreign key
Описание слайда:
Example of a foreign key

Слайд 24

Property of foreign key
Main property (integrity constraint):
Value of a foreign key cannot reference to absent values of the primary key of the parent relation. 
It is so called referential integrity constraint of the foreign key.
Additional properties: 
Foreign key  can contain duplicate values. 
Foreign key  can contain NULL values.
Описание слайда:
Property of foreign key Main property (integrity constraint): Value of a foreign key cannot reference to absent values of the primary key of the parent relation. It is so called referential integrity constraint of the foreign key. Additional properties: Foreign key can contain duplicate values. Foreign key can contain NULL values.

Слайд 25

Supporting referential constraint 
Manipulating by tuples of a child relation:
When a tuple is added or updated referential constraint is tested and if 
it is violated the corresponding action (adding/updating) is rejected. 
When a tuple is deleted referential constraint cannot be violated. 

Manipulating by tuples of a parent relation : 
When a tuple is added referential constraint cannot be violated. 
When deleting of updating: 
Tuple deleting/updating is not done if there are references from child 
relation, that violate referential integrity constraint. 
Deleting/updating tuple of parent relation causes deleting/updating tuples of a 
child relation that references the tuple of the parent relation.
Deleting/updating tuple of parent relation causes setting NULL values to 
corresponding tuples of a child relation .
Deleting/updating tuple of parent relation causes setting DEFAULT values to 
corresponding tuples of a child relation.
Описание слайда:
Supporting referential constraint Manipulating by tuples of a child relation: When a tuple is added or updated referential constraint is tested and if it is violated the corresponding action (adding/updating) is rejected. When a tuple is deleted referential constraint cannot be violated. Manipulating by tuples of a parent relation : When a tuple is added referential constraint cannot be violated. When deleting of updating: Tuple deleting/updating is not done if there are references from child relation, that violate referential integrity constraint. Deleting/updating tuple of parent relation causes deleting/updating tuples of a child relation that references the tuple of the parent relation. Deleting/updating tuple of parent relation causes setting NULL values to corresponding tuples of a child relation . Deleting/updating tuple of parent relation causes setting DEFAULT values to corresponding tuples of a child relation.

Слайд 26

Supporting referential integrity constraints in SQL
Описание слайда:
Supporting referential integrity constraints in SQL

Слайд 27

Supporting referential constraint – 
Описание слайда:
Supporting referential constraint – RESTRICT

Слайд 28

Supporting referential constraint – 
Описание слайда:
Supporting referential constraint – CASCADE

Слайд 29

Supporting referential constraint – 
Описание слайда:
Supporting referential constraint – SET NULL

Слайд 30

Supporting referential constraint – 
Описание слайда:
Supporting referential constraint – SET DEFAULT

Слайд 31

Recursive foreign key
Описание слайда:
Recursive foreign key

Слайд 32

Cross-reference foreign keys
Описание слайда:
Cross-reference foreign keys

Слайд 33

Foreign key as a part of primary key
Описание слайда:
Foreign key as a part of primary key

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