🗊Презентация Sport in our lives

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Sport in our lives, слайд №1Sport in our lives, слайд №2Sport in our lives, слайд №3Sport in our lives, слайд №4Sport in our lives, слайд №5Sport in our lives, слайд №6Sport in our lives, слайд №7Sport in our lives, слайд №8Sport in our lives, слайд №9Sport in our lives, слайд №10Sport in our lives, слайд №11Sport in our lives, слайд №12Sport in our lives, слайд №13Sport in our lives, слайд №14

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Слайд 1

Sport in our lives, слайд №1
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Слайд 2

There are   summer and   winter kinds of sports. The summer kinds of sports are,for example,swimming,athletics,football,volleyball,basketball and others. The winter kinds of sports are,for example,figure-skating,skiing,ice hockey
Описание слайда:
There are summer and winter kinds of sports. The summer kinds of sports are,for example,swimming,athletics,football,volleyball,basketball and others. The winter kinds of sports are,for example,figure-skating,skiing,ice hockey

Слайд 3

Sport in our lives, слайд №3
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Слайд 4

Sport in our lives, слайд №4
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Слайд 5

Sport in our lives, слайд №5
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Слайд 6

Sport in our lives, слайд №6
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Слайд 7

Sport in our lives, слайд №7
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Слайд 8

Sport in our lives, слайд №8
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Слайд 9

Sport in our lives, слайд №9
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Слайд 10

Some people go in for sports proffecionaly and some for they health.There are many stadia,swimming-pools and sport clubs in each town. Many people do their moning execises.
Описание слайда:
Some people go in for sports proffecionaly and some for they health.There are many stadia,swimming-pools and sport clubs in each town. Many people do their moning execises.

Слайд 11

There are many kinds of sport which are popular all over the world ,such as football,volleyball,basketball,skiing,figure-skating and others.
Описание слайда:
There are many kinds of sport which are popular all over the world ,such as football,volleyball,basketball,skiing,figure-skating and others.

Слайд 12

Dancing make people more mobile and gymnastik.Recently I and my frends paticepate in dance competicion in Kirowograd.We took third place.And I also want to visit this plase again.
Описание слайда:
Dancing make people more mobile and gymnastik.Recently I and my frends paticepate in dance competicion in Kirowograd.We took third place.And I also want to visit this plase again.

Слайд 13

Usualy,when talking about winter sports we have in mind all sports having to do with ice and snow.But some sports soch as hockey and figure-skating,should be concinered summer sports.they are play all over the world on artifical ice rinks
Описание слайда:
Usualy,when talking about winter sports we have in mind all sports having to do with ice and snow.But some sports soch as hockey and figure-skating,should be concinered summer sports.they are play all over the world on artifical ice rinks

Слайд 14

Sport in our lives, слайд №14
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