🗊Презентация Systems-Architecture-Von Neuman alu

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Systems-Architecture-Von Neuman alu, слайд №1Systems-Architecture-Von Neuman alu, слайд №2Systems-Architecture-Von Neuman alu, слайд №3Systems-Architecture-Von Neuman alu, слайд №4Systems-Architecture-Von Neuman alu, слайд №5Systems-Architecture-Von Neuman alu, слайд №6Systems-Architecture-Von Neuman alu, слайд №7Systems-Architecture-Von Neuman alu, слайд №8Systems-Architecture-Von Neuman alu, слайд №9Systems-Architecture-Von Neuman alu, слайд №10Systems-Architecture-Von Neuman alu, слайд №11Systems-Architecture-Von Neuman alu, слайд №12

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Слайд 1

Systems-Architecture-Von Neuman alu, слайд №1
Описание слайда:

Слайд 2

Learning Objectives  describe the interaction of CPU with peripheral devices describe the purpose of CPU components, system bus and main memory
Assessment criteria
Knows the main components of CPU and their purpose.
Can indicate the main elements of the CPU.
Knows about the address bus, data bus, control bus and their functions.
Описание слайда:
Learning Objectives describe the interaction of CPU with peripheral devices describe the purpose of CPU components, system bus and main memory Assessment criteria Knows the main components of CPU and their purpose. Can indicate the main elements of the CPU. Knows about the address bus, data bus, control bus and their functions.

Слайд 3

Starter: Early Computers
Did you know that the history of computers dates back to the 1800s?
Place the following key events in the correct order on the timeline;
Описание слайда:
Starter: Early Computers Did you know that the history of computers dates back to the 1800s? Place the following key events in the correct order on the timeline;

Слайд 4

How Von Neumann Architecture changed the world of computers
The very first computers could not store programs; they were input by setting switches. 
Jon Von Neumann developed the concept of the stored program computer in the 1940s.
A Von Neumann based computer is one that; 
Uses a single processor.
Uses one memory for both instructions and data. A von Neumann computer cannot distinguish between data and instructions. It ‘knows’ only because of the location of a particular bit pattern in RAM.
Executes programs by doing one instruction after the next in a sequential manner using a fetch-decode-execute cycle.
Описание слайда:
How Von Neumann Architecture changed the world of computers The very first computers could not store programs; they were input by setting switches. Jon Von Neumann developed the concept of the stored program computer in the 1940s. A Von Neumann based computer is one that; Uses a single processor. Uses one memory for both instructions and data. A von Neumann computer cannot distinguish between data and instructions. It ‘knows’ only because of the location of a particular bit pattern in RAM. Executes programs by doing one instruction after the next in a sequential manner using a fetch-decode-execute cycle.

Слайд 5

How does Von Neumann Architecture work?
Watch the video located on this webpage: http://www.bbc.co.uk/education/guides/zmb9mp3/revision/1
Answer the following questions: (Handout 1)
Описание слайда:
How does Von Neumann Architecture work? Watch the video located on this webpage: http://www.bbc.co.uk/education/guides/zmb9mp3/revision/1 Answer the following questions: (Handout 1)

Слайд 6

Von Neumann in detail: Components of the Processor
Описание слайда:
Von Neumann in detail: Components of the Processor

Слайд 7

The CPU: Arithmetic & Logic Unit (ALU)
The ALU carries out the following functions:
Logical operations: Boolean operations, e.g. AND, OR and NOT
Shift operations: The bits in a computer word can be shifted left or right by a certain number of places.
Arithmetic operations: These include addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.
Описание слайда:
The CPU: Arithmetic & Logic Unit (ALU) The ALU carries out the following functions: Logical operations: Boolean operations, e.g. AND, OR and NOT Shift operations: The bits in a computer word can be shifted left or right by a certain number of places. Arithmetic operations: These include addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.

Слайд 8

Task: ALU Operations
Which of the ALU operations would be best suited for the following tasks: Logical, Shift or Arithmetic? (handout 2)
Описание слайда:
Task: ALU Operations Which of the ALU operations would be best suited for the following tasks: Logical, Shift or Arithmetic? (handout 2)

Слайд 9

Task: ALU or Control Unit? (handout 3)
Place the following statements into the correct category - ALU or Control unit:
Описание слайда:
Task: ALU or Control Unit? (handout 3) Place the following statements into the correct category - ALU or Control unit:

Слайд 10

Task: Von Neumann puzzle (handout 4) 
Learners to stick the pieces to create the Von Neumann Architectural block diagram.
Learners who finish this activity before time should describe the Von Neumann architecture.
Описание слайда:
Task: Von Neumann puzzle (handout 4) Learners to stick the pieces to create the Von Neumann Architectural block diagram. Learners who finish this activity before time should describe the Von Neumann architecture.

Слайд 11

Fetch-execute cycle (handout 5)
Learners to read about fetch-execute cycle followed by peer discussion
Learners to attempt task in handout 6
Описание слайда:
Fetch-execute cycle (handout 5) Learners to read about fetch-execute cycle followed by peer discussion Learners to attempt task in handout 6

Слайд 12

Question and Answer

Divide the learners in groups of 3-4. Groups to take turn in asking each other questions, related to the operations of the processor. You may adopt an awarding method to encourage competition.
Описание слайда:
Question and Answer Divide the learners in groups of 3-4. Groups to take turn in asking each other questions, related to the operations of the processor. You may adopt an awarding method to encourage competition.

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