🗊Презентация The History and mystery of British Castles

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The History and mystery of British Castles, слайд №1The History and mystery of British Castles, слайд №2The History and mystery of British Castles, слайд №3The History and mystery of British Castles, слайд №4The History and mystery of British Castles, слайд №5The History and mystery of British Castles, слайд №6The History and mystery of British Castles, слайд №7The History and mystery of British Castles, слайд №8The History and mystery of British Castles, слайд №9The History and mystery of British Castles, слайд №10The History and mystery of British Castles, слайд №11The History and mystery of British Castles, слайд №12The History and mystery of British Castles, слайд №13The History and mystery of British Castles, слайд №14The History and mystery of British Castles, слайд №15The History and mystery of British Castles, слайд №16The History and mystery of British Castles, слайд №17The History and mystery of British Castles, слайд №18The History and mystery of British Castles, слайд №19The History and mystery of British Castles, слайд №20The History and mystery of British Castles, слайд №21The History and mystery of British Castles, слайд №22The History and mystery of British Castles, слайд №23The History and mystery of British Castles, слайд №24The History and mystery of British Castles, слайд №25The History and mystery of British Castles, слайд №26The History and mystery of British Castles, слайд №27

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Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1

The History and mystery of British Castles
Описание слайда:
The History and mystery of British Castles

Слайд 2

Map of castles in Great Britain
Описание слайда:
Map of castles in Great Britain

Слайд 3

Aim: to find out the role of castles in English history and contemporary world. 
-to study the history of their appearance, 
- to investigate the purpose of their building
- to trace their further development
- to analyse their role in contemporary world 
- to find the most interesting information about castles
- to choose the most popular
- to find out some legends about mysterious events which are connected with castles
Описание слайда:
Aim: to find out the role of castles in English history and contemporary world. Problems: -to study the history of their appearance, - to investigate the purpose of their building - to trace their further development - to analyse their role in contemporary world - to find the most interesting information about castles - to choose the most popular - to find out some legends about mysterious events which are connected with castles

Слайд 4

Periods when castles appeared:
The Bronze Age ( 1800-600BC)
The Iron Age and the Romans (600BC-400AD)
The Dark Ages (400AD-1066AD)
The Middle Ages (1066-1500)
Описание слайда:
Periods when castles appeared: The Bronze Age ( 1800-600BC) The Iron Age and the Romans (600BC-400AD) The Dark Ages (400AD-1066AD) The Middle Ages (1066-1500)

Слайд 5

Purposes  of castles

for living
for trading
for defending of tribes
as shelter from cold and animals
a meeting place
a symbol of Power
Описание слайда:
Purposes of castles for living for trading for defending of tribes as shelter from cold and animals a meeting place a symbol of Power

Слайд 6

Warwick castle
Описание слайда:
Warwick castle

Слайд 7

History of Warwick castle,
its construction
Описание слайда:
History of Warwick castle, its construction

Слайд 8

Windsor castle
Описание слайда:
Windsor castle

Слайд 9

    William III
Описание слайда:
Reconstruction William III

Слайд 10

        George IV
Описание слайда:
Reconstruction George IV

Слайд 11

         Queen Elizabeth II
Описание слайда:
Queen Elizabeth II

Слайд 12

         Queen Mary’s dollhouse
Описание слайда:
Queen Mary’s dollhouse

Слайд 13

The Tower of London
Описание слайда:
The Tower of London

Слайд 14

Описание слайда:

Слайд 15

Purposes of the Tower of London
A palace
A prison 
A fortification
A zoo
A museum
Описание слайда:
Purposes of the Tower of London A palace A prison A fortification A zoo A museum

Слайд 16

 Exhibition in the White Tower
Описание слайда:
Exhibitions Exhibition in the White Tower

Слайд 17

Edinburgh Castle
Описание слайда:
Edinburgh Castle

Слайд 18

Ghosts of Edinburgh Castle
       The piper's ghost
Описание слайда:
Ghosts of Edinburgh Castle The piper's ghost

Слайд 19

            “Greyfriars Booby”
Описание слайда:
“Greyfriars Booby”

Слайд 20

Ghosts of the Tower of London
    Lady Jane Grey
Описание слайда:
Ghosts of the Tower of London Lady Jane Grey

Слайд 21

Ghosts of the Tower of London
        HENRY VI
Описание слайда:
Ghosts of the Tower of London HENRY VI

Слайд 22

            The most popular:
The Tower of London 165,000 
Windsor Castle 90,500 
Warwick Castle 90,500 
Scotland Edinburgh Castle 74,000 
 Wales Cardiff Castle 15,000
Описание слайда:
The most popular: The Tower of London 165,000 Windsor Castle 90,500 Warwick Castle 90,500 Scotland Edinburgh Castle 74,000 Wales Cardiff Castle 15,000

Слайд 23

  Before    Christ
   Middle Ages
Описание слайда:
Appearance: Before Christ Middle Ages

Слайд 24

                 Our survey
  We asked some pupils what associations they had when we said “BRITAIN” and 11% of pupils named “CASTLE” as a main part of the country.
Описание слайда:
Our survey We asked some pupils what associations they had when we said “BRITAIN” and 11% of pupils named “CASTLE” as a main part of the country.

Слайд 25

The History and mystery of British Castles, слайд №25
Описание слайда:

Слайд 26

        John Mostin theory:
   We found an answer in article of English psychologist. It was said that British people are very superstitious. They believe in ghosts and see them.
Описание слайда:
John Mostin theory: We found an answer in article of English psychologist. It was said that British people are very superstitious. They believe in ghosts and see them.

Слайд 27

Thank you
For your attention
Описание слайда:
Thank you For your attention

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