🗊Презентация The Lewis and Clark expedition

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The Lewis and Clark expedition, слайд №1The Lewis and Clark expedition, слайд №2The Lewis and Clark expedition, слайд №3The Lewis and Clark expedition, слайд №4The Lewis and Clark expedition, слайд №5The Lewis and Clark expedition, слайд №6The Lewis and Clark expedition, слайд №7The Lewis and Clark expedition, слайд №8

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Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1

The Lewis & Clark Expedition
(1804 – 1806)
Описание слайда:
The Lewis & Clark Expedition (1804 – 1806)

Слайд 2

The Aims
Описание слайда:
The Aims

Слайд 3

Описание слайда:

Слайд 4

There were 33 people, including 29 participants in training at the 1803–1804 Camp Dubois winter staging area in Illinois Territory.
They left on May 14, 1804.
The ships followed the Missouri River westward.
Описание слайда:
Journey There were 33 people, including 29 participants in training at the 1803–1804 Camp Dubois winter staging area in Illinois Territory. They left on May 14, 1804. The ships followed the Missouri River westward.

Слайд 5

Soon they passed La Charrette, the last Euro-American settlement on the Missouri River.
Soon they passed La Charrette, the last Euro-American settlement on the Missouri River.
During the final week of August, Lewis and Clark reached the edge of the Great Plains.
Описание слайда:
Soon they passed La Charrette, the last Euro-American settlement on the Missouri River. Soon they passed La Charrette, the last Euro-American settlement on the Missouri River. During the final week of August, Lewis and Clark reached the edge of the Great Plains.

Слайд 6

The Lewis and Clark Expedition established relations with two dozen indigenous nations.
The Lewis and Clark Expedition established relations with two dozen indigenous nations.
Without their help, the expedition would have starved to death or become hopelessly lost in the Rocky Mountains.
Описание слайда:
The Lewis and Clark Expedition established relations with two dozen indigenous nations. The Lewis and Clark Expedition established relations with two dozen indigenous nations. Without their help, the expedition would have starved to death or become hopelessly lost in the Rocky Mountains.

Слайд 7

During the journey, Lewis and Clark drew about 140 maps. 
The expedition recorded more than 200 plants and animals that were new to science and noted at least 72 native tribes.
In 1807 Patrick Gass published a book of the journey.
Описание слайда:
Results During the journey, Lewis and Clark drew about 140 maps. The expedition recorded more than 200 plants and animals that were new to science and noted at least 72 native tribes. In 1807 Patrick Gass published a book of the journey.

Слайд 8

Lewis & Clark Expedition meant a lot for discovering new-owned American land, for science and for establishing relations with different tribes.
Lewis & Clark Expedition meant a lot for discovering new-owned American land, for science and for establishing relations with different tribes.
Описание слайда:
Lewis & Clark Expedition meant a lot for discovering new-owned American land, for science and for establishing relations with different tribes. Lewis & Clark Expedition meant a lot for discovering new-owned American land, for science and for establishing relations with different tribes.

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