🗊Презентация The Treasures of the World Architecture

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The Treasures of the World Architecture, слайд №1The Treasures of the World Architecture, слайд №2The Treasures of the World Architecture, слайд №3The Treasures of the World Architecture, слайд №4The Treasures of the World Architecture, слайд №5The Treasures of the World Architecture, слайд №6The Treasures of the World Architecture, слайд №7The Treasures of the World Architecture, слайд №8The Treasures of the World Architecture, слайд №9The Treasures of the World Architecture, слайд №10The Treasures of the World Architecture, слайд №11The Treasures of the World Architecture, слайд №12The Treasures of the World Architecture, слайд №13The Treasures of the World Architecture, слайд №14The Treasures of the World Architecture, слайд №15The Treasures of the World Architecture, слайд №16The Treasures of the World Architecture, слайд №17The Treasures of the World Architecture, слайд №18The Treasures of the World Architecture, слайд №19The Treasures of the World Architecture, слайд №20The Treasures of the World Architecture, слайд №21The Treasures of the World Architecture, слайд №22

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Слайд 1

Работу выполнили: ученицы 
8М класса МОУ СОШ № 21
Маточкина А. С., Маточкина Е. С.
Описание слайда:
Работу выполнили: ученицы 8М класса МОУ СОШ № 21 Маточкина А. С., Маточкина Е. С.

Слайд 2

		Chapter I
		The Architecture of the ancient world
The Pyramid of Heops in Giza
2. The Alexandria beacon
3. The Athenian Acropolis
4. The Roman Collosseo
		Chapter II
		The Architectural constructions of the present
1. 	The Architecture of England
2. The French architectural heritage
3. Pisa tower in Italy
4. Tadg-Machal - an informal symbol of India
		The conclusion
Описание слайда:
Introduction Introduction Chapter I The Architecture of the ancient world The Pyramid of Heops in Giza 2. The Alexandria beacon 3. The Athenian Acropolis 4. The Roman Collosseo Chapter II The Architectural constructions of the present 1. The Architecture of England 2. The French architectural heritage 3. Pisa tower in Italy 4. Tadg-Machal - an informal symbol of India The conclusion

Слайд 3

The Treasures of the World Architecture, слайд №3
Описание слайда:

Слайд 4

The Treasures of the World Architecture, слайд №4
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Слайд 5

 The Beacon has been constructed on small island Faros in Mediterranean sea, about coast of Alexandria. This brisk port was founded by Alexander the Great during visiting Egypt. A construction was named like an island. On its construction, should be, 20 years has left, and it has been completed nearby 280 B. C., in days of board PtolemeyII, tsar of Egypt.
Описание слайда:
The Beacon has been constructed on small island Faros in Mediterranean sea, about coast of Alexandria. This brisk port was founded by Alexander the Great during visiting Egypt. A construction was named like an island. On its construction, should be, 20 years has left, and it has been completed nearby 280 B. C., in days of board PtolemeyII, tsar of Egypt.

Слайд 6

The Treasures of the World Architecture, слайд №6
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Слайд 7

 	The Amphitheater by Flavij (Latin: Amphitheatrum Flavium) or the Collosseo (Latin: Colosseum) is the biggest of ancient roman amphitheaters and one of the most remarkable constructions in the world. It is in Rome, in a hollow between Ekvilinski, Palatinski and Tselievski hills, on that place where the pond belonged “the Gold House” of Neuron was situated.
 	The Amphitheater by Flavij (Latin: Amphitheatrum Flavium) or the Collosseo (Latin: Colosseum) is the biggest of ancient roman amphitheaters and one of the most remarkable constructions in the world. It is in Rome, in a hollow between Ekvilinski, Palatinski and Tselievski hills, on that place where the pond belonged “the Gold House” of Neuron was situated.
Описание слайда:
The Amphitheater by Flavij (Latin: Amphitheatrum Flavium) or the Collosseo (Latin: Colosseum) is the biggest of ancient roman amphitheaters and one of the most remarkable constructions in the world. It is in Rome, in a hollow between Ekvilinski, Palatinski and Tselievski hills, on that place where the pond belonged “the Gold House” of Neuron was situated. The Amphitheater by Flavij (Latin: Amphitheatrum Flavium) or the Collosseo (Latin: Colosseum) is the biggest of ancient roman amphitheaters and one of the most remarkable constructions in the world. It is in Rome, in a hollow between Ekvilinski, Palatinski and Tselievski hills, on that place where the pond belonged “the Gold House” of Neuron was situated.

Слайд 8

The Treasures of the World Architecture, слайд №8
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Слайд 9

The Treasures of the World Architecture, слайд №9
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Слайд 10

The Treasures of the World Architecture, слайд №10
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Слайд 11

The Treasures of the World Architecture, слайд №11
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Слайд 12

		 Ludovic XIV nicknamed by King-sun and Magnificent, dissatisfied capital apartments - the Louvre and Tuilry, decided to reconstruct a fatherly hunting lodge in village Versailles and to create there a true miracle of light.
		 Ludovic XIV nicknamed by King-sun and Magnificent, dissatisfied capital apartments - the Louvre and Tuilry, decided to reconstruct a fatherly hunting lodge in village Versailles and to create there a true miracle of light.

	 	Soon on a place of wild woods there was a huge park with uncountable avenues, sculptures, channels, arbours and fountains, and around of a hunting lodge the magnificent palace - Big Trianon was constructed.
Описание слайда:
Ludovic XIV nicknamed by King-sun and Magnificent, dissatisfied capital apartments - the Louvre and Tuilry, decided to reconstruct a fatherly hunting lodge in village Versailles and to create there a true miracle of light. Ludovic XIV nicknamed by King-sun and Magnificent, dissatisfied capital apartments - the Louvre and Tuilry, decided to reconstruct a fatherly hunting lodge in village Versailles and to create there a true miracle of light. Soon on a place of wild woods there was a huge park with uncountable avenues, sculptures, channels, arbours and fountains, and around of a hunting lodge the magnificent palace - Big Trianon was constructed.

Слайд 13

	The mirror gallery which has stretched on 73 meters became the center of this palace. On the one hand seventeen greater high windows have been arranged by this front door, and with another there were huge mirrors in which the sky, ponds, fountains and sculptures of park were reflected. Everything created the illusion of boundless of space, filled the fusions of light. Even the furniture in mirror gallery was unique: tables were cast from silver, orange trees grew in tubs from gold, and in crystal lusters burned set of candles - the world had never seen such beautiful fairy-tale even in dreams. Everything shone, reflected and poured.
	The mirror gallery which has stretched on 73 meters became the center of this palace. On the one hand seventeen greater high windows have been arranged by this front door, and with another there were huge mirrors in which the sky, ponds, fountains and sculptures of park were reflected. Everything created the illusion of boundless of space, filled the fusions of light. Even the furniture in mirror gallery was unique: tables were cast from silver, orange trees grew in tubs from gold, and in crystal lusters burned set of candles - the world had never seen such beautiful fairy-tale even in dreams. Everything shone, reflected and poured.
Описание слайда:
The mirror gallery which has stretched on 73 meters became the center of this palace. On the one hand seventeen greater high windows have been arranged by this front door, and with another there were huge mirrors in which the sky, ponds, fountains and sculptures of park were reflected. Everything created the illusion of boundless of space, filled the fusions of light. Even the furniture in mirror gallery was unique: tables were cast from silver, orange trees grew in tubs from gold, and in crystal lusters burned set of candles - the world had never seen such beautiful fairy-tale even in dreams. Everything shone, reflected and poured. The mirror gallery which has stretched on 73 meters became the center of this palace. On the one hand seventeen greater high windows have been arranged by this front door, and with another there were huge mirrors in which the sky, ponds, fountains and sculptures of park were reflected. Everything created the illusion of boundless of space, filled the fusions of light. Even the furniture in mirror gallery was unique: tables were cast from silver, orange trees grew in tubs from gold, and in crystal lusters burned set of candles - the world had never seen such beautiful fairy-tale even in dreams. Everything shone, reflected and poured.

Слайд 14

The Treasures of the World Architecture, слайд №14
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Слайд 15

	Tour d'Eiffel 
	Tour d'Eiffel 
	 Tour d'Eiffel (French: La Tour Eiffel) - the most recognized architectural sight of Paris, which famous in the world as a symbol of France, named in honour of the designer Gustav Eiffel and being a place of pilgrimage of tourists.
Описание слайда:
Tour d'Eiffel Tour d'Eiffel Tour d'Eiffel (French: La Tour Eiffel) - the most recognized architectural sight of Paris, which famous in the world as a symbol of France, named in honour of the designer Gustav Eiffel and being a place of pilgrimage of tourists.

Слайд 16

	The Site and height of the tower
	The Site and height of the tower
	 The Tower was built on the Battlefield opposite Iensky bridge. Its height together with the aerial makes 320,75 meters.
	 Over 40 years Tour d'Eiffel was the highest construction in the world (almost in 2 times above the highest buildings in the world of that time the Pyramid of Heops of 137 meters, the Cologne cathedral of 156 meters and Williams cathedral 161 meters) while in 1930 it was surpassed with Chrysler Building in New York.
Описание слайда:
The Site and height of the tower The Site and height of the tower The Tower was built on the Battlefield opposite Iensky bridge. Its height together with the aerial makes 320,75 meters. Over 40 years Tour d'Eiffel was the highest construction in the world (almost in 2 times above the highest buildings in the world of that time the Pyramid of Heops of 137 meters, the Cologne cathedral of 156 meters and Williams cathedral 161 meters) while in 1930 it was surpassed with Chrysler Building in New York.

Слайд 17

The Treasures of the World Architecture, слайд №17
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Слайд 18

 From many areas of Paris the most beautiful kind on this church of the last century suddenly opens. From first days of existence Basil Sacre-Coeur involved set of the pilgrims, gone to bow to Sacred Heart of Christ as a symbol all-saving love.
Описание слайда:
From many areas of Paris the most beautiful kind on this church of the last century suddenly opens. From first days of existence Basil Sacre-Coeur involved set of the pilgrims, gone to bow to Sacred Heart of Christ as a symbol all-saving love.

Слайд 19

	 Construction of a tower was conducted in three stages (since the August, 9th 1173 to 1360). The tower is a bell tower of Catholic cathedral Campo dei Miracoli (a field of miracles). The author of the project is unknown. Undoubtedly, the tower is one of the most remarkable bell towers of the Europe. It was considered that the inclination of a tower was a part of the project, but now this version is denied. The tower was projected “vertical”, but “inclination” has started to be felt already during construction.
	 Construction of a tower was conducted in three stages (since the August, 9th 1173 to 1360). The tower is a bell tower of Catholic cathedral Campo dei Miracoli (a field of miracles). The author of the project is unknown. Undoubtedly, the tower is one of the most remarkable bell towers of the Europe. It was considered that the inclination of a tower was a part of the project, but now this version is denied. The tower was projected “vertical”, but “inclination” has started to be felt already during construction.
Описание слайда:
Construction of a tower was conducted in three stages (since the August, 9th 1173 to 1360). The tower is a bell tower of Catholic cathedral Campo dei Miracoli (a field of miracles). The author of the project is unknown. Undoubtedly, the tower is one of the most remarkable bell towers of the Europe. It was considered that the inclination of a tower was a part of the project, but now this version is denied. The tower was projected “vertical”, but “inclination” has started to be felt already during construction. Construction of a tower was conducted in three stages (since the August, 9th 1173 to 1360). The tower is a bell tower of Catholic cathedral Campo dei Miracoli (a field of miracles). The author of the project is unknown. Undoubtedly, the tower is one of the most remarkable bell towers of the Europe. It was considered that the inclination of a tower was a part of the project, but now this version is denied. The tower was projected “vertical”, but “inclination” has started to be felt already during construction.

Слайд 20

Tadg-Makhal - an informal symbol of India
Tadg-Makhal - an informal symbol of India
    Flickering white marble of Tadg-Makhal keeps the memory of a big love of the man and the woman. Its symmetry and refinement are similar to the perfect pearl on a background of the azure sky. It is not only the most known mausoleum but also one of the finest constructions on the ground.
Описание слайда:
Tadg-Makhal - an informal symbol of India Tadg-Makhal - an informal symbol of India Flickering white marble of Tadg-Makhal keeps the memory of a big love of the man and the woman. Its symmetry and refinement are similar to the perfect pearl on a background of the azure sky. It is not only the most known mausoleum but also one of the finest constructions on the ground.

Слайд 21

The conclusion

	 But the most important thing to keep these monuments of architecture for descendants that they also could estimate the greatness, magnificence of constructions, to feel spirit of an epoch and to like spirit of this or that country.
Описание слайда:
The conclusion But the most important thing to keep these monuments of architecture for descendants that they also could estimate the greatness, magnificence of constructions, to feel spirit of an epoch and to like spirit of this or that country.

Слайд 22

The Treasures of the World Architecture, слайд №22
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