🗊Презентация We are the world. We are the children

Категория: Образование
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We are the world. We are the children, слайд №1We are the world. We are the children, слайд №2We are the world. We are the children, слайд №3We are the world. We are the children, слайд №4We are the world. We are the children, слайд №5We are the world. We are the children, слайд №6We are the world. We are the children, слайд №7We are the world. We are the children, слайд №8We are the world. We are the children, слайд №9We are the world. We are the children, слайд №10

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Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1

to the essay

        «We are the world. We are the children…»
                                                   Student:Anna Sergeyevna Zolotova
                                                                                               class 6a
                                                                                             school 14 
                                                                  27 Komsomolskaya street
                                                                   Nizhny Novgorod Region
                                          Teacher: Galina Viktorovna Kondrashova
Описание слайда:
Presentation to the essay «We are the world. We are the children…» Student:Anna Sergeyevna Zolotova class 6a school 14 27 Komsomolskaya street Shakhunya Nizhny Novgorod Region Teacher: Galina Viktorovna Kondrashova

Слайд 2

Father Christmas, Father Frost and Snowmaiden
Описание слайда:
Father Christmas, Father Frost and Snowmaiden

Слайд 3

Russian and British children
 like Christmas
Описание слайда:
Russian and British children like Christmas

Слайд 4

Russian and British food for Christmas
Описание слайда:
Russian and British food for Christmas

Слайд 5

                   Christmas decorations for Russian and British houses
Описание слайда:
Christmas decorations for Russian and British houses

Слайд 6

British and Russian 
Christmas trees are alike
Описание слайда:
British and Russian Christmas trees are alike

Слайд 7

Christmas Gifts
Описание слайда:
Christmas Gifts

Слайд 8

This is my family
Описание слайда:
This is my family

Слайд 9

My classmates like celebrating Christmas together
Описание слайда:
My classmates like celebrating Christmas together

Слайд 10

Many happy returns of the day!
Описание слайда:
Many happy returns of the day!

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