🗊Презентация You are going to give a talk about sports

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You are going to give a talk about sports, слайд №1You are going to give a talk about sports, слайд №2You are going to give a talk about sports, слайд №3You are going to give a talk about sports, слайд №4You are going to give a talk about sports, слайд №5You are going to give a talk about sports, слайд №6

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Слайд 1

You are going to give a talk about sports, слайд №1
Описание слайда:

Слайд 2

You are going to give a talk about sports.

why a lot of young people do sports nowadays
what sports clubs and teams there are in your school
what you do to keep fit  
I am going to give a talk about sports. I believe doing sports has become more popular nowadays. First, sport helps young people to stay in a good shape, keep them fit and healthy. Besides, people have more opportunities to do sports now. We have more gyms and sports grounds.
As for sports clubs and teams in my school, there are football, basketball and volleyball teams. Sports competitions usually take place in my school.
As for me, I don't do much to keep fit. I just do morning exercises for 15 minutes every day and do boxing three times a week. Also, I try to eat regularly and to avoid eating sweet things.
All in all, keeping fit and going in for sport are very important and everyone should do something to stay healthy and feel happy.
That’s all I can say about sports, thank you for listening.
Описание слайда:
You are going to give a talk about sports. why a lot of young people do sports nowadays what sports clubs and teams there are in your school what you do to keep fit   I am going to give a talk about sports. I believe doing sports has become more popular nowadays. First, sport helps young people to stay in a good shape, keep them fit and healthy. Besides, people have more opportunities to do sports now. We have more gyms and sports grounds. As for sports clubs and teams in my school, there are football, basketball and volleyball teams. Sports competitions usually take place in my school. As for me, I don't do much to keep fit. I just do morning exercises for 15 minutes every day and do boxing three times a week. Also, I try to eat regularly and to avoid eating sweet things. All in all, keeping fit and going in for sport are very important and everyone should do something to stay healthy and feel happy. That’s all I can say about sports, thank you for listening.

Слайд 3

You are going to give a talk about healthy lifestyle.

why doing sport is very important for modern teenagers
what else besides sport  young people do to keep fit and healthy
what you  enjoy doing in your free time

I am going to give a talk about healthy lifestyle. I think the polluted and unhealthy world of today makes modern teenagers realize the importance of going in for sport. To my mind, sport is a good way to keep fit too.
Besides sport young people need all types of vitamins to keep their body healthy. It also deals with the right way of eating. Keeping to a diet has become very popular today. To keep fit and healthy it is important to relax and to do things that they enjoy.
As for me, I enjoy walking, riding a bike, swimming in summer. In winter I am eager for skating and skiing. Sometimes I prefer to stay at home and relax. Reading, listening to music and playing computer games are my hobbies.
All in all, keeping fit and going in for sport are very important and everyone should do something to stay healthy and feel happy.
That’s all I can say about healthy lifestyle, thank you for listening.
Описание слайда:
You are going to give a talk about healthy lifestyle. why doing sport is very important for modern teenagers what else besides sport young people do to keep fit and healthy what you enjoy doing in your free time I am going to give a talk about healthy lifestyle. I think the polluted and unhealthy world of today makes modern teenagers realize the importance of going in for sport. To my mind, sport is a good way to keep fit too. Besides sport young people need all types of vitamins to keep their body healthy. It also deals with the right way of eating. Keeping to a diet has become very popular today. To keep fit and healthy it is important to relax and to do things that they enjoy. As for me, I enjoy walking, riding a bike, swimming in summer. In winter I am eager for skating and skiing. Sometimes I prefer to stay at home and relax. Reading, listening to music and playing computer games are my hobbies. All in all, keeping fit and going in for sport are very important and everyone should do something to stay healthy and feel happy. That’s all I can say about healthy lifestyle, thank you for listening.

Слайд 4

You are going to give a talk about books.

whether reading is still popular with teenagers, and why, or why not
what kind of books you like reading
why many people prefer e-books to paper books
I am going to give a talk about books. To my mind, reading is not so popular nowadays as it was a couple of decades before. There are several reasons for this. First, teenagers now have far more ways to entertain themselves. We have an opportunity to play computer games, listen to countless number of songs and watch any films we like on the Internet.
As for me, I like reading very much. My favourite kind of books is adventure stories. I like adventure stories because they make my monotonous life more exciting and interesting, give me an opportunity to travel around the world.
Most people nowadays prefer e-books to paper ones, as paper books cost more and occupy a lot of place in your home. Some really huge paper books are too heavy to be taken with you. As for the e-book, you can take it with you wherever you go.
All in all, despite the fact that reading is not so popular nowadays, it continues to remain one of my favourite pastimes.
That’s all I can say about books, thank you for listening.
Описание слайда:
You are going to give a talk about books. whether reading is still popular with teenagers, and why, or why not what kind of books you like reading why many people prefer e-books to paper books I am going to give a talk about books. To my mind, reading is not so popular nowadays as it was a couple of decades before. There are several reasons for this. First, teenagers now have far more ways to entertain themselves. We have an opportunity to play computer games, listen to countless number of songs and watch any films we like on the Internet. As for me, I like reading very much. My favourite kind of books is adventure stories. I like adventure stories because they make my monotonous life more exciting and interesting, give me an opportunity to travel around the world. Most people nowadays prefer e-books to paper ones, as paper books cost more and occupy a lot of place in your home. Some really huge paper books are too heavy to be taken with you. As for the e-book, you can take it with you wherever you go. All in all, despite the fact that reading is not so popular nowadays, it continues to remain one of my favourite pastimes. That’s all I can say about books, thank you for listening.

Слайд 5

You are going to give a talk about films.

what kinds of films modern teenagers enjoy
where you prefer watching films: on TV, on the Internet or in the cinema, and why
what film you have seen recently, what  it was about
I am going to give a talk about films. To tell the truth, modern teenagers enjoy different kinds of films. Thrillers, comedies, adventures, science fiction films and even horrors are among teenagers’ favourite films. Besides, some of teens prefer watching action films and, unfortunately, crime films.
In my opinion, watching films on the Internet is more convenient because I can always pause the film when I really need it. For example, if I have to answer the phone call. More than that, watching films on the Internet is free, that’s why I can do it every day if I want to.
Personally, I watch films online very often. I have seen “The Match” recently. The film is a patriotic action movie about love between the Dinamo team captain and a German language schoolteacher during World War II. Although, the Soviet team wins, the ending of the film is tragic.
That’s all I can say about films, thank you for listening.
Описание слайда:
You are going to give a talk about films. what kinds of films modern teenagers enjoy where you prefer watching films: on TV, on the Internet or in the cinema, and why what film you have seen recently, what  it was about I am going to give a talk about films. To tell the truth, modern teenagers enjoy different kinds of films. Thrillers, comedies, adventures, science fiction films and even horrors are among teenagers’ favourite films. Besides, some of teens prefer watching action films and, unfortunately, crime films. In my opinion, watching films on the Internet is more convenient because I can always pause the film when I really need it. For example, if I have to answer the phone call. More than that, watching films on the Internet is free, that’s why I can do it every day if I want to. Personally, I watch films online very often. I have seen “The Match” recently. The film is a patriotic action movie about love between the Dinamo team captain and a German language schoolteacher during World War II. Although, the Soviet team wins, the ending of the film is tragic. That’s all I can say about films, thank you for listening.

Слайд 6

You will give a talk about foreign languages.

why a lot of young people learn foreign languages
how people can improve their language skills
what foreign languages you would like to learn and why 
I am going to give a talk about foreign languages. I think lots of people learn foreign languages nowadays because international relations in all spheres of economy are becoming stronger and stronger. So, companies need specialists of all kinds with the knowledge of foreign languages. That's why people who want to be successful in their career study languages.
To my mind, people can improve their language skills, if they practice every day or 3–4 times a week. Also, they can watch their favourite TV shows or the news, listen to the radio, read books, magazines or browse news on the internet in the language they want to improve!
As for me, I would like to learn English, because it is one of the most useful and important language in modern world. All in all, the knowledge of English will help me to get good education and be successful in my career. Besides, I can communicate with my English pen friends (writing messages and chatting via Skype).
That’s all I can say about foreign languages, thank you for listening.
Описание слайда:
You will give a talk about foreign languages. why a lot of young people learn foreign languages how people can improve their language skills what foreign languages you would like to learn and why  I am going to give a talk about foreign languages. I think lots of people learn foreign languages nowadays because international relations in all spheres of economy are becoming stronger and stronger. So, companies need specialists of all kinds with the knowledge of foreign languages. That's why people who want to be successful in their career study languages. To my mind, people can improve their language skills, if they practice every day or 3–4 times a week. Also, they can watch their favourite TV shows or the news, listen to the radio, read books, magazines or browse news on the internet in the language they want to improve! As for me, I would like to learn English, because it is one of the most useful and important language in modern world. All in all, the knowledge of English will help me to get good education and be successful in my career. Besides, I can communicate with my English pen friends (writing messages and chatting via Skype). That’s all I can say about foreign languages, thank you for listening.

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