🗊Презентация Открытие холодильника

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Открытие холодильника, слайд №1Открытие холодильника, слайд №2Открытие холодильника, слайд №3

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Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1

Refrigerator — a device that maintains a low temperature in a thermally insulated chamber. Is usually used for food storage or items requiring storage in a cool place. In developed countries household refrigerator can be found in almost every family.
Описание слайда:
Refrigerator Refrigerator — a device that maintains a low temperature in a thermally insulated chamber. Is usually used for food storage or items requiring storage in a cool place. In developed countries household refrigerator can be found in almost every family.

Слайд 2

The history of creation.
Storage space for ingredients, fill with ice, several thousand years ago. For Nero the servants harvested on frozen ponds in the mountains of snow and ice. Southern Europe for a long time did not even know that snow and ice can be useful in the economy. The famous traveler and merchant Marco Polo after a long stay in China wrote a book in which he described all the advantages of ice and snow.
Описание слайда:
The history of creation. Storage space for ingredients, fill with ice, several thousand years ago. For Nero the servants harvested on frozen ponds in the mountains of snow and ice. Southern Europe for a long time did not even know that snow and ice can be useful in the economy. The famous traveler and merchant Marco Polo after a long stay in China wrote a book in which he described all the advantages of ice and snow.

Слайд 3

By 1962 the refrigerators had: in the USA — 98,3 % of the families in Italy — 20 %, and in the USSR — about 5.3 % of families
Описание слайда:
By 1962 the refrigerators had: in the USA — 98,3 % of the families in Italy — 20 %, and in the USSR — about 5.3 % of families

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