🗊Пояснительная записка к проекту-презентации «Принцесса Диана». Проект выполнен Пишкиной Анастасией, ученицей 9 класса МОУ СОШ

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Пояснительная записка к проекту-презентации «Принцесса Диана».  Проект выполнен   Пишкиной Анастасией,   ученицей 9 класса   МОУ СОШ , слайд №1Пояснительная записка к проекту-презентации «Принцесса Диана».  Проект выполнен   Пишкиной Анастасией,   ученицей 9 класса   МОУ СОШ , слайд №2Пояснительная записка к проекту-презентации «Принцесса Диана».  Проект выполнен   Пишкиной Анастасией,   ученицей 9 класса   МОУ СОШ , слайд №3Пояснительная записка к проекту-презентации «Принцесса Диана».  Проект выполнен   Пишкиной Анастасией,   ученицей 9 класса   МОУ СОШ , слайд №4Пояснительная записка к проекту-презентации «Принцесса Диана».  Проект выполнен   Пишкиной Анастасией,   ученицей 9 класса   МОУ СОШ , слайд №5Пояснительная записка к проекту-презентации «Принцесса Диана».  Проект выполнен   Пишкиной Анастасией,   ученицей 9 класса   МОУ СОШ , слайд №6Пояснительная записка к проекту-презентации «Принцесса Диана».  Проект выполнен   Пишкиной Анастасией,   ученицей 9 класса   МОУ СОШ , слайд №7Пояснительная записка к проекту-презентации «Принцесса Диана».  Проект выполнен   Пишкиной Анастасией,   ученицей 9 класса   МОУ СОШ , слайд №8Пояснительная записка к проекту-презентации «Принцесса Диана».  Проект выполнен   Пишкиной Анастасией,   ученицей 9 класса   МОУ СОШ , слайд №9Пояснительная записка к проекту-презентации «Принцесса Диана».  Проект выполнен   Пишкиной Анастасией,   ученицей 9 класса   МОУ СОШ , слайд №10Пояснительная записка к проекту-презентации «Принцесса Диана».  Проект выполнен   Пишкиной Анастасией,   ученицей 9 класса   МОУ СОШ , слайд №11Пояснительная записка к проекту-презентации «Принцесса Диана».  Проект выполнен   Пишкиной Анастасией,   ученицей 9 класса   МОУ СОШ , слайд №12Пояснительная записка к проекту-презентации «Принцесса Диана».  Проект выполнен   Пишкиной Анастасией,   ученицей 9 класса   МОУ СОШ , слайд №13Пояснительная записка к проекту-презентации «Принцесса Диана».  Проект выполнен   Пишкиной Анастасией,   ученицей 9 класса   МОУ СОШ , слайд №14Пояснительная записка к проекту-презентации «Принцесса Диана».  Проект выполнен   Пишкиной Анастасией,   ученицей 9 класса   МОУ СОШ , слайд №15Пояснительная записка к проекту-презентации «Принцесса Диана».  Проект выполнен   Пишкиной Анастасией,   ученицей 9 класса   МОУ СОШ , слайд №16Пояснительная записка к проекту-презентации «Принцесса Диана».  Проект выполнен   Пишкиной Анастасией,   ученицей 9 класса   МОУ СОШ , слайд №17Пояснительная записка к проекту-презентации «Принцесса Диана».  Проект выполнен   Пишкиной Анастасией,   ученицей 9 класса   МОУ СОШ , слайд №18Пояснительная записка к проекту-презентации «Принцесса Диана».  Проект выполнен   Пишкиной Анастасией,   ученицей 9 класса   МОУ СОШ , слайд №19Пояснительная записка к проекту-презентации «Принцесса Диана».  Проект выполнен   Пишкиной Анастасией,   ученицей 9 класса   МОУ СОШ , слайд №20Пояснительная записка к проекту-презентации «Принцесса Диана».  Проект выполнен   Пишкиной Анастасией,   ученицей 9 класса   МОУ СОШ , слайд №21Пояснительная записка к проекту-презентации «Принцесса Диана».  Проект выполнен   Пишкиной Анастасией,   ученицей 9 класса   МОУ СОШ , слайд №22Пояснительная записка к проекту-презентации «Принцесса Диана».  Проект выполнен   Пишкиной Анастасией,   ученицей 9 класса   МОУ СОШ , слайд №23

Вы можете ознакомиться и скачать Пояснительная записка к проекту-презентации «Принцесса Диана». Проект выполнен Пишкиной Анастасией, ученицей 9 класса МОУ СОШ . Презентация содержит 23 слайдов. Презентации для любого класса можно скачать бесплатно. Если материал и наш сайт презентаций Вам понравились – поделитесь им с друзьями с помощью социальных кнопок и добавьте в закладки в своем браузере.

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1

 Пояснительная записка к проекту-презентации «Принцесса Диана».
Проект выполнен
 Пишкиной Анастасией,
 ученицей 9 класса
 МОУ СОШ №28 
ст. Тамань,
 Краснодарского края.
Романенко Е.Ф.
Описание слайда:
Пояснительная записка к проекту-презентации «Принцесса Диана». Проект выполнен Пишкиной Анастасией, ученицей 9 класса МОУ СОШ №28 ст. Тамань, Краснодарского края. Преподаватель Романенко Е.Ф.

Слайд 2


Главная цель данной работы  – найти ответ на вопрос «Почему жизнь и смерть леди Дианы  волнует людей до сих пор?»
Проект способствует  развитию навыков и умений искать, анализировать и систематизировать информацию; обучает чтению,  переводу; расширяет кругозор, страноведческие знания; повышает мотивацию к изучению английского языка; воспитывает интерес к стране изучаемого языка.
Описание слайда:
Цели. Главная цель данной работы – найти ответ на вопрос «Почему жизнь и смерть леди Дианы волнует людей до сих пор?» Проект способствует развитию навыков и умений искать, анализировать и систематизировать информацию; обучает чтению, переводу; расширяет кругозор, страноведческие знания; повышает мотивацию к изучению английского языка; воспитывает интерес к стране изучаемого языка.

Слайд 3

	Проект-презентация может быть использован  на уроках как дополнительный материал, на факультативных и элективных занятиях. Проект иллюстрирован множеством фотографий и  подробно рассказывает о жизни леди Дианы с момента ее рождения до гибели. Презентация сопровождается композицией “The candle in the wind”(Элтон Джон), которая посвящена леди Ди.
	Проект-презентация может быть использован  на уроках как дополнительный материал, на факультативных и элективных занятиях. Проект иллюстрирован множеством фотографий и  подробно рассказывает о жизни леди Дианы с момента ее рождения до гибели. Презентация сопровождается композицией “The candle in the wind”(Элтон Джон), которая посвящена леди Ди.
	Прослеживая жизнь этой замечательной женщины, которая посвятила себя семье, мужу, детям и которую предали, автор проекта отмечает, что она не сломалась, не замкнулась в своей обиде. До конца своей жизни она занималась благотворительностью, помогала простым людям, всем, кто обращался к ней за помощью.  Она снискала любовь не деньгами и властью, а своим добрым сердцем, искренностью, обаянием.  Диана была лишена титула «Ее высочество», но заслужила титул «Народная Принцесса».  С момента ее гибели прошло 13 лет, а люди помнят и чтят  свою Принцессу.
Описание слайда:
Проект-презентация может быть использован на уроках как дополнительный материал, на факультативных и элективных занятиях. Проект иллюстрирован множеством фотографий и подробно рассказывает о жизни леди Дианы с момента ее рождения до гибели. Презентация сопровождается композицией “The candle in the wind”(Элтон Джон), которая посвящена леди Ди. Проект-презентация может быть использован на уроках как дополнительный материал, на факультативных и элективных занятиях. Проект иллюстрирован множеством фотографий и подробно рассказывает о жизни леди Дианы с момента ее рождения до гибели. Презентация сопровождается композицией “The candle in the wind”(Элтон Джон), которая посвящена леди Ди. Прослеживая жизнь этой замечательной женщины, которая посвятила себя семье, мужу, детям и которую предали, автор проекта отмечает, что она не сломалась, не замкнулась в своей обиде. До конца своей жизни она занималась благотворительностью, помогала простым людям, всем, кто обращался к ней за помощью. Она снискала любовь не деньгами и властью, а своим добрым сердцем, искренностью, обаянием. Диана была лишена титула «Ее высочество», но заслужила титул «Народная Принцесса». С момента ее гибели прошло 13 лет, а люди помнят и чтят свою Принцессу.

Слайд 4

Используемые сайты и литература:
Используемые сайты и литература:
Описание слайда:
Используемые сайты и литература: Используемые сайты и литература: http://yandex.ru/yandsearch htpp://www.google.ru/images htpp://sevdamsin.com htpp://englishforyou.com/ htpp://nova.rambler.ru/search

Слайд 5

Princess Diana
Описание слайда:
Princess Diana

Слайд 6

Childhood & teenage years
Diana Spencer was born on the first of  July, 1961 in Sandringham in England. She had two elder sisters and a younger brother. She was the youngest daughter of the  Viscount and Viscountess Althorp, now the late (8th) Earl Spencer and the Hon.
Описание слайда:
Childhood & teenage years Diana Spencer was born on the first of July, 1961 in Sandringham in England. She had two elder sisters and a younger brother. She was the youngest daughter of the Viscount and Viscountess Althorp, now the late (8th) Earl Spencer and the Hon.

Слайд 7

In childhood she liked games, swimming, running and dancing. She wanted to become a dancer. Besides she loved children very much and at the age of sixteen she worked in schools for very young children. 
In childhood she liked games, swimming, running and dancing. She wanted to become a dancer. Besides she loved children very much and at the age of sixteen she worked in schools for very young children.
Описание слайда:
In childhood she liked games, swimming, running and dancing. She wanted to become a dancer. Besides she loved children very much and at the age of sixteen she worked in schools for very young children. In childhood she liked games, swimming, running and dancing. She wanted to become a dancer. Besides she loved children very much and at the age of sixteen she worked in schools for very young children.

Слайд 8

For a while she looked after the child of an American couple, and she worked as a kindergarten teacher at the Young England School in Pimlico. 
For a while she looked after the child of an American couple, and she worked as a kindergarten teacher at the Young England School in Pimlico.
Описание слайда:
For a while she looked after the child of an American couple, and she worked as a kindergarten teacher at the Young England School in Pimlico. For a while she looked after the child of an American couple, and she worked as a kindergarten teacher at the Young England School in Pimlico.

Слайд 9

On the 24th of February, 1981 it was officially announced that Lady Diana would marry The Prince of Wales. Their families had known each other for many years, and Lady Diana and  The Prince met when he had been invited to a weekend at Althorp in November 1977.
Описание слайда:
Marriage On the 24th of February, 1981 it was officially announced that Lady Diana would marry The Prince of Wales. Their families had known each other for many years, and Lady Diana and The Prince met when he had been invited to a weekend at Althorp in November 1977.

Слайд 10

They were married at St Paul's Cathedral in London on the 29th of July, 1981. The ceremony drew a global television and radio audience estimated at around 1,000 million people, and hundreds of thousands of people lining the route from Buckingham Palace to the Cathedral. 
They were married at St Paul's Cathedral in London on the 29th of July, 1981. The ceremony drew a global television and radio audience estimated at around 1,000 million people, and hundreds of thousands of people lining the route from Buckingham Palace to the Cathedral.
Описание слайда:
They were married at St Paul's Cathedral in London on the 29th of July, 1981. The ceremony drew a global television and radio audience estimated at around 1,000 million people, and hundreds of thousands of people lining the route from Buckingham Palace to the Cathedral. They were married at St Paul's Cathedral in London on the 29th of July, 1981. The ceremony drew a global television and radio audience estimated at around 1,000 million people, and hundreds of thousands of people lining the route from Buckingham Palace to the Cathedral.

Слайд 11

Children & family 
The Princess of Wales had two sons. Prince William Arthur Philip Louis was born on the 21st of June, 1982 and Prince Henry Charles Albert David on the 15th of September, 1984 both at St Mary's Hospital, Paddington, in London. The Princess had seventeen godchildren.
Описание слайда:
Children & family The Princess of Wales had two sons. Prince William Arthur Philip Louis was born on the 21st of June, 1982 and Prince Henry Charles Albert David on the 15th of September, 1984 both at St Mary's Hospital, Paddington, in London. The Princess had seventeen godchildren.

Слайд 12

They travelled a lot, they worked a lot, they visited many countries together. But Diana was not quite happy because they did different things and Charles didn’t unterstand her.   
They travelled a lot, they worked a lot, they visited many countries together. But Diana was not quite happy because they did different things and Charles didn’t unterstand her.
Описание слайда:
They travelled a lot, they worked a lot, they visited many countries together. But Diana was not quite happy because they did different things and Charles didn’t unterstand her. They travelled a lot, they worked a lot, they visited many countries together. But Diana was not quite happy because they did different things and Charles didn’t unterstand her.

Слайд 13

In December 1992 it was announced that The Prince and Princess of Wales had agreed to part. 
In December 1992 it was announced that The Prince and Princess of Wales had agreed to part. 
In November 1995 the Princess gave a television interview and told of her unhappiness in her personal life and the pressure of her public role. The Prince and Princess were divorced on the 28th of August, 1996.
Описание слайда:
In December 1992 it was announced that The Prince and Princess of Wales had agreed to part. In December 1992 it was announced that The Prince and Princess of Wales had agreed to part. In November 1995 the Princess gave a television interview and told of her unhappiness in her personal life and the pressure of her public role. The Prince and Princess were divorced on the 28th of August, 1996.

Слайд 14

The Prince and Princess continued to share equal responsibility for the upbringing of their children. She was to be known after the divorce as Diana, Princess of Wales, without the title of 'Her Royal Highness’.
The Prince and Princess continued to share equal responsibility for the upbringing of their children. She was to be known after the divorce as Diana, Princess of Wales, without the title of 'Her Royal Highness’.
Описание слайда:
The Prince and Princess continued to share equal responsibility for the upbringing of their children. She was to be known after the divorce as Diana, Princess of Wales, without the title of 'Her Royal Highness’. The Prince and Princess continued to share equal responsibility for the upbringing of their children. She was to be known after the divorce as Diana, Princess of Wales, without the title of 'Her Royal Highness’.

Слайд 15

  Although the Princess, she was best known for her charitable work. During her marriage, the Princess was president or patron of over 100 charities. The Princess did much to publicise work on behalf of homeless and also disabled people, children and people with HIV/Aids.
Описание слайда:
Diana’s charity Although the Princess, she was best known for her charitable work. During her marriage, the Princess was president or patron of over 100 charities. The Princess did much to publicise work on behalf of homeless and also disabled people, children and people with HIV/Aids.

Слайд 16

She was a kind woman. Hundreds of people talked about Diana’s kindnesses. She liked ordinary people, though she was rich and had many rich friends. Wherever she was, she was always ready to lend a hand. She devoted much time to the sick and the poor. She visited hospitals for people with AIDS and for lepers and wasn’t afraid to touch them, talk to them, listen to them. 
She was a kind woman. Hundreds of people talked about Diana’s kindnesses. She liked ordinary people, though she was rich and had many rich friends. Wherever she was, she was always ready to lend a hand. She devoted much time to the sick and the poor. She visited hospitals for people with AIDS and for lepers and wasn’t afraid to touch them, talk to them, listen to them.
Описание слайда:
She was a kind woman. Hundreds of people talked about Diana’s kindnesses. She liked ordinary people, though she was rich and had many rich friends. Wherever she was, she was always ready to lend a hand. She devoted much time to the sick and the poor. She visited hospitals for people with AIDS and for lepers and wasn’t afraid to touch them, talk to them, listen to them. She was a kind woman. Hundreds of people talked about Diana’s kindnesses. She liked ordinary people, though she was rich and had many rich friends. Wherever she was, she was always ready to lend a hand. She devoted much time to the sick and the poor. She visited hospitals for people with AIDS and for lepers and wasn’t afraid to touch them, talk to them, listen to them.

Слайд 17

The Princess's last public engagements were during her visit to Bosnia from 7 to 10 August, when she visited landmine projects in Travnic, Sarajevo and Zenezica.
The Princess's last public engagements were during her visit to Bosnia from 7 to 10 August, when she visited landmine projects in Travnic, Sarajevo and Zenezica.
Описание слайда:
The Princess's last public engagements were during her visit to Bosnia from 7 to 10 August, when she visited landmine projects in Travnic, Sarajevo and Zenezica. The Princess's last public engagements were during her visit to Bosnia from 7 to 10 August, when she visited landmine projects in Travnic, Sarajevo and Zenezica.

Слайд 18

Famous Diana 
Diana was not only a beautiful woman, but she was also an outstanding personality. There were pictures of Diana in every country in the world. Everybody wanted to see them.
Описание слайда:
Famous Diana Diana was not only a beautiful woman, but she was also an outstanding personality. There were pictures of Diana in every country in the world. Everybody wanted to see them.

Слайд 19

The tragic death of Diana, Princess of Wales occurred on Sunday, August 31, 1997 following a car accident in Paris, France. 
The tragic death of Diana, Princess of Wales occurred on Sunday, August 31, 1997 following a car accident in Paris, France. 
The vehicle in which the Princess was travelling was involved in a high-speed accident in the Place de l'Alma underpass in central Paris shortly before midnight on Saturday, 30 August. 
The Princess was taken to the La Pitie Salpetriere Hospital, where she underwent two hours of emergency surgery before being declared dead at 03.00 BST. 
The Princess's companion, Mr Dodi Fayed, and the driver of the vehicle died in the accident, while a bodyguard was seriously injured.
Описание слайда:
The tragic death of Diana, Princess of Wales occurred on Sunday, August 31, 1997 following a car accident in Paris, France. The tragic death of Diana, Princess of Wales occurred on Sunday, August 31, 1997 following a car accident in Paris, France. The vehicle in which the Princess was travelling was involved in a high-speed accident in the Place de l'Alma underpass in central Paris shortly before midnight on Saturday, 30 August. The Princess was taken to the La Pitie Salpetriere Hospital, where she underwent two hours of emergency surgery before being declared dead at 03.00 BST. The Princess's companion, Mr Dodi Fayed, and the driver of the vehicle died in the accident, while a bodyguard was seriously injured.

Слайд 20

The Goodbye to the people’s princess
Diana’s brother and her two sons, William and Harry, followed the coffin along the streets of London. Prince Charles and the Queen's husband, Prince Philip, walked with them.
Описание слайда:
The Goodbye to the people’s princess Diana’s brother and her two sons, William and Harry, followed the coffin along the streets of London. Prince Charles and the Queen's husband, Prince Philip, walked with them.

Слайд 21

More than a million people came to London to remember her. Nearly all of them carried flowers. They put thousands of flowers in front of Diana’s home, Kensington Palace.
More than a million people came to London to remember her. Nearly all of them carried flowers. They put thousands of flowers in front of Diana’s home, Kensington Palace.
Описание слайда:
More than a million people came to London to remember her. Nearly all of them carried flowers. They put thousands of flowers in front of Diana’s home, Kensington Palace. More than a million people came to London to remember her. Nearly all of them carried flowers. They put thousands of flowers in front of Diana’s home, Kensington Palace.

Слайд 22

People watched and cried. They listened to Elton John’s song “Goodbye, England’s Rose”.
People watched and cried. They listened to Elton John’s song “Goodbye, England’s Rose”.
Описание слайда:
People watched and cried. They listened to Elton John’s song “Goodbye, England’s Rose”. People watched and cried. They listened to Elton John’s song “Goodbye, England’s Rose”.

Слайд 23

Diana won our hearts because she wasn’t afraid to wear hers on her sleeve. She laughed heartily and cried when her tumultuous life overwhelmed her. She loved pop music. Her favourite singer was Chris de Burgh. He said sadly after her death, “A light has gone out on earth – and a new star shines brightly in heaven”.
Diana won our hearts because she wasn’t afraid to wear hers on her sleeve. She laughed heartily and cried when her tumultuous life overwhelmed her. She loved pop music. Her favourite singer was Chris de Burgh. He said sadly after her death, “A light has gone out on earth – and a new star shines brightly in heaven”.
Описание слайда:
Diana won our hearts because she wasn’t afraid to wear hers on her sleeve. She laughed heartily and cried when her tumultuous life overwhelmed her. She loved pop music. Her favourite singer was Chris de Burgh. He said sadly after her death, “A light has gone out on earth – and a new star shines brightly in heaven”. Diana won our hearts because she wasn’t afraid to wear hers on her sleeve. She laughed heartily and cried when her tumultuous life overwhelmed her. She loved pop music. Her favourite singer was Chris de Burgh. He said sadly after her death, “A light has gone out on earth – and a new star shines brightly in heaven”.

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