🗊Презентация Томас Эдисон

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Томас Эдисон , слайд №1Томас Эдисон , слайд №2Томас Эдисон , слайд №3Томас Эдисон , слайд №4

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Слайд 1

Thomas Alva Edison
Описание слайда:
Thomas Alva Edison

Слайд 2

You need a way to know how much energy is consumed in order to set up an appropriate account.
Edison solved this problem by patenting his device a webermeter in 1881. It contained two or four electrolytic cells with a zinc coating of electrodes. Zinc electrodes transmitted information to each other at a certain rate when electricity was used. However, zinc electrodes after each reading of the amount of energy consumed should be replaced by new ones.
Описание слайда:
Meter You need a way to know how much energy is consumed in order to set up an appropriate account. Edison solved this problem by patenting his device a webermeter in 1881. It contained two or four electrolytic cells with a zinc coating of electrodes. Zinc electrodes transmitted information to each other at a certain rate when electricity was used. However, zinc electrodes after each reading of the amount of energy consumed should be replaced by new ones.

Слайд 3

Electric car
Edison believed that cars would be powered by electricity and in 1899 he began developing an alkaline battery, which, in his opinion, would feed them. As a result, by 1900, about 28 percent of the more than 4,000 cars manufactured in America worked on electricity. His goal was to create a battery, on which the car can recharge 100 miles without recharging. Edison abandoned his idea 10 years later, since gasoline appeared, which was much more profitable in use
Описание слайда:
Electric car Edison believed that cars would be powered by electricity and in 1899 he began developing an alkaline battery, which, in his opinion, would feed them. As a result, by 1900, about 28 percent of the more than 4,000 cars manufactured in America worked on electricity. His goal was to create a battery, on which the car can recharge 100 miles without recharging. Edison abandoned his idea 10 years later, since gasoline appeared, which was much more profitable in use

Слайд 4

Magnetic iron ore separator
Probably, one of the biggest financial failures of Edison was a magnetic iron ore separator. The idea, experiments with which Edison spent in his laboratory in the 1880s and 1890s, was to use iron to extract iron ore from unsuitable low-grade ores. This meant that abandoned mines could be a very lucrative affair, because they could still extract ore, because at that time, iron ore prices rose very much.
Описание слайда:
Magnetic iron ore separator Probably, one of the biggest financial failures of Edison was a magnetic iron ore separator. The idea, experiments with which Edison spent in his laboratory in the 1880s and 1890s, was to use iron to extract iron ore from unsuitable low-grade ores. This meant that abandoned mines could be a very lucrative affair, because they could still extract ore, because at that time, iron ore prices rose very much.

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