🗊Презентация Урок-викторина «Doing Sport is Great!» для учащихся 7-х классов

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Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1

    Урок-викторина “Who Wants to Be the Champion?”(Doing Sport is Great!), для 7 класса  Презентация учителя английского языка ГБОУ Школа №1239 Маккавеевой Е.Е
Описание слайда:
Урок-викторина “Who Wants to Be the Champion?”(Doing Sport is Great!), для 7 класса Презентация учителя английского языка ГБОУ Школа №1239 Маккавеевой Е.Е

Слайд 2

  Preliminaries. «Go, Do or Play» Task. Different kinds of sport	  Sector 1
Описание слайда:
Preliminaries. «Go, Do or Play» Task. Different kinds of sport Sector 1

Слайд 3

1-1 Preliminaries. «Go, Do or Play» Task . Задание «Different kinds of sport»   See the names of different kinds of sport. Your task is to write them down into three columns. Write down the kinds of sport you play in the first column, in the second those you go. And in the third you do.
Описание слайда:
1-1 Preliminaries. «Go, Do or Play» Task . Задание «Different kinds of sport» See the names of different kinds of sport. Your task is to write them down into three columns. Write down the kinds of sport you play in the first column, in the second those you go. And in the third you do.

Слайд 4

1-1 Preliminaries. «Go, Do or Play» Task .  Задание «Different kinds of sport».    football, cycling, cricket, swimming, badminton, basketball, rugby, aerobics,   diving, ice-hockey, skating, tennis, table tennis, skiing, billiards, horse-riding, athletics, archery, yoga, weightlifting, wrestling, golf.
Описание слайда:
1-1 Preliminaries. «Go, Do or Play» Task . Задание «Different kinds of sport». football, cycling, cricket, swimming, badminton, basketball, rugby, aerobics, diving, ice-hockey, skating, tennis, table tennis, skiing, billiards, horse-riding, athletics, archery, yoga, weightlifting, wrestling, golf.

Слайд 5

Answers:    Play: football, rugby, basketball, ice-hockey, tennis, badminton, table tennis, cricket, billiards, golf.  Go:  swimming, diving, skating, skiing, cycling, horse-riding.  Do: athletics, archery, yoga, aerobics, wrestling, weightlifting.
Описание слайда:
Answers: Play: football, rugby, basketball, ice-hockey, tennis, badminton, table tennis, cricket, billiards, golf. Go: swimming, diving, skating, skiing, cycling, horse-riding. Do: athletics, archery, yoga, aerobics, wrestling, weightlifting.

Слайд 6

  Sector 2. Guess game.
Описание слайда:
Sector 2. Guess game.

Слайд 7

 Guess game.    You read several sentences about the British popular sports and games but the names of them are given in the right-hand column. You read the sentences very attentively and try to guess the right name.
Описание слайда:
Guess game. You read several sentences about the British popular sports and games but the names of them are given in the right-hand column. You read the sentences very attentively and try to guess the right name.

Слайд 8

Read the sentences about the British sports attentively and try to guess the right name.                                                          1)              People in England began to play ….  as early as 1550.              golf                        2)              ….  is one of the oldest British sports that existed in Saxon times.              cricket                      3)              ….  is the sport that began to develop in Scotland.              football                      4)              ….  was first played in England in 1872, whose first championship was at Wimbledon.              boxing                      5)              …. is a game invented and developed in England which is nowadays played all over the world.                 tennis
Описание слайда:
Read the sentences about the British sports attentively and try to guess the right name. 1) People in England began to play …. as early as 1550. golf 2) …. is one of the oldest British sports that existed in Saxon times. cricket 3) …. is the sport that began to develop in Scotland. football 4) …. was first played in England in 1872, whose first championship was at Wimbledon. boxing 5) …. is a game invented and developed in England which is nowadays played all over the world.   tennis

Слайд 9

2-1 People in England began to play ….  as early as 1550.  Cricket
Описание слайда:
2-1 People in England began to play …. as early as 1550. Cricket

Слайд 10

2-2. …  is one of the oldest British sports that existed in Saxon times.  Boxing
Описание слайда:
2-2. … is one of the oldest British sports that existed in Saxon times. Boxing

Слайд 11

2-3 ….is the sport that began to develop in Scotland.  Golf
Описание слайда:
2-3 ….is the sport that began to develop in Scotland. Golf

Слайд 12

2-4…. was first played in England in 1872, whose first championship was at Wimbledon.  Tennis
Описание слайда:
2-4…. was first played in England in 1872, whose first championship was at Wimbledon. Tennis

Слайд 13

2-5… is a game invented and developed in England which is nowadays played all over the world.   Football
Описание слайда:
2-5… is a game invented and developed in England which is nowadays played all over the world. Football

Слайд 14

QUIZ Tasks.
Описание слайда:
QUIZ Tasks.

Слайд 15

SPORT  Sector 3
Описание слайда:
SPORT Sector 3

Слайд 16

3-1  It  is a game of two players. Each of them starts with 16 different playing pieces to move on a board. The aim is to move your pieces so that your opponent’s king will be taken.   (Chess)
Описание слайда:
3-1 It is a game of two players. Each of them starts with 16 different playing pieces to move on a board. The aim is to move your pieces so that your opponent’s king will be taken. (Chess)

Слайд 17

3-2 It is a game between two teams and is played on a field with a bat and a small white ball. Each team consists of 9 players. The team takes turns playing in the field and batting the ball.  (Baseball)
Описание слайда:
3-2 It is a game between two teams and is played on a field with a bat and a small white ball. Each team consists of 9 players. The team takes turns playing in the field and batting the ball. (Baseball)

Слайд 18

3-3 It is an outdoor game played by two teams with an oval (egg-shaped) ball that you kick or carry.  (Rugby)
Описание слайда:
3-3 It is an outdoor game played by two teams with an oval (egg-shaped) ball that you kick or carry. (Rugby)

Слайд 19

3-4 It is a game in which the players hit a small white ball into holes in the ground.    (Golf)
Описание слайда:
3-4 It is a game in which the players hit a small white ball into holes in the ground. (Golf)

Слайд 20

3-5 It is a game played by two teams of eleven players who try to kick a ball into the other team’s gate. The team with the most points wins.   (Football)
Описание слайда:
3-5 It is a game played by two teams of eleven players who try to kick a ball into the other team’s gate. The team with the most points wins. (Football)

Слайд 21

PERSON  Sector 4
Описание слайда:
PERSON Sector 4

Слайд 22

4-1 How is called a person who plays football?    a football player
Описание слайда:
4-1 How is called a person who plays football? a football player

Слайд 23

4-2 How is called a person who plays basketball?   a basketball player
Описание слайда:
4-2 How is called a person who plays basketball? a basketball player

Слайд 24

4-3 How is called a person who plays tennis?   a tennis player
Описание слайда:
4-3 How is called a person who plays tennis? a tennis player

Слайд 25

4-4 How is called a person who plays hockey?  a hockey player
Описание слайда:
4-4 How is called a person who plays hockey? a hockey player

Слайд 26

4-5 How is called a person who does swimming?   a swimmer
Описание слайда:
4-5 How is called a person who does swimming? a swimmer

Слайд 27

PLACE  Sector 5
Описание слайда:
PLACE Sector 5

Слайд 28

5-1 Where is football played?          on a football ground/ at the stadium
Описание слайда:
5-1 Where is football played?   on a football ground/ at the stadium

Слайд 29

5-2 Where is basketball played?   in outdoor surfaces  or on a basketball court
Описание слайда:
5-2 Where is basketball played? in outdoor surfaces  or on a basketball court

Слайд 30

5-3 Where can you do swimming?    in a swimming-pool
Описание слайда:
5-3 Where can you do swimming? in a swimming-pool

Слайд 31

5-4 Where can you play tennis?  on a tennis court
Описание слайда:
5-4 Where can you play tennis? on a tennis court

Слайд 32

5-5 Where can you play golf?  on a golf course
Описание слайда:
5-5 Where can you play golf? on a golf course

Слайд 33

Описание слайда:

Слайд 34

6-1 What do you need to play tennis?  a racket, a tennis ball
Описание слайда:
6-1 What do you need to play tennis? a racket, a tennis ball

Слайд 35

6-2 What equipment do you need for diving?  an aqualung  personal diving equipment
Описание слайда:
6-2 What equipment do you need for diving? an aqualung personal diving equipment

Слайд 36

6-3 What do you need to play basketball?  the first basket  the second basket  a ball
Описание слайда:
6-3 What do you need to play basketball? the first basket the second basket a ball

Слайд 37

6-4 What do you need to play football?  a football ball, two gates
Описание слайда:
6-4 What do you need to play football? a football ball, two gates

Слайд 38

6-5 What do you need to play rugby?  an oval ball, two gates  а
Описание слайда:
6-5 What do you need to play rugby? an oval ball, two gates а

Слайд 39

  Sector 7  Now, please, listen to the Interview and fill in the table with suitable answers.
Описание слайда:
Sector 7 Now, please, listen to the Interview and fill in the table with suitable answers.

Слайд 40

7-1 Kinds of Sport Mentioned in the Interview
Описание слайда:
7-1 Kinds of Sport Mentioned in the Interview

Слайд 41

7-2 Kinds of Sport Harry Does  Sometimes he just has a good walk
Описание слайда:
7-2 Kinds of Sport Harry Does Sometimes he just has a good walk

Слайд 42

7-3 True or False Statements    Sport becomes more popular today. (True)  Harry is a professional sportsman. (False)  He goes to the gym once a week. (False)  On Saturday Harry plays tennis or goes for a run. (True)  Harry considers running, swimming and cycling as more effective kinds of sport. (True)  Harry thinks walking is also good for keeping fit. (True)
Описание слайда:
7-3 True or False Statements Sport becomes more popular today. (True) Harry is a professional sportsman. (False) He goes to the gym once a week. (False) On Saturday Harry plays tennis or goes for a run. (True) Harry considers running, swimming and cycling as more effective kinds of sport. (True) Harry thinks walking is also good for keeping fit. (True)

Слайд 43

  Sector  8
Описание слайда:
Sector 8

Слайд 44

    There are 12 cards on the table. In each card is written a word denoting a kind of sport ( e.g. football, cycling, running, swimming, basketball, gymnastics, diving, ice-hockey, skating, tennis, skiing, horse-riding). The task for the person is to describe or show the chosen kind of sport to your team without words. You may use gestures and mime. If the team doesn’t know the answer the second team has the right to answer.
Описание слайда:
There are 12 cards on the table. In each card is written a word denoting a kind of sport ( e.g. football, cycling, running, swimming, basketball, gymnastics, diving, ice-hockey, skating, tennis, skiing, horse-riding). The task for the person is to describe or show the chosen kind of sport to your team without words. You may use gestures and mime. If the team doesn’t know the answer the second team has the right to answer.

Слайд 45

  There are some sportsmen who helped to make history in sport. They are world famous. Do you know them?  Sector 9
Описание слайда:
There are some sportsmen who helped to make history in sport. They are world famous. Do you know them? Sector 9

Слайд 46

9-1 He is an American actor and retired professional wrestler.  Dwayne Johnson
Описание слайда:
9-1 He is an American actor and retired professional wrestler. Dwayne Johnson

Слайд 47

9-2 He is a famous Russian professional ice hockey player.   Alexander Ovechkin
Описание слайда:
9-2 He is a famous Russian professional ice hockey player.  Alexander Ovechkin

Слайд 48

9-3 This sportsman is a Russian mixed martial artist.   Khabib Nurmagomedov
Описание слайда:
9-3 This sportsman is a Russian mixed martial artist. Khabib Nurmagomedov

Слайд 49

9-4 An actor, action choreographer, comedian, director, producer, martial artist, screenwriter, entrepreneur, singer and stunt performer, is a truly multi-faceted personality.   Jackie Chan, Hong Konger
Описание слайда:
9-4 An actor, action choreographer, comedian, director, producer, martial artist, screenwriter, entrepreneur, singer and stunt performer, is a truly multi-faceted personality.  Jackie Chan, Hong Konger

Слайд 50

  Alina Kabaeva  9-5 This woman is one of the most decorated gymnasts in rhythmic gymnastic history. She is twice Olympic, many times World and European medalist. She was a State Duma Deputy.
Описание слайда:
Alina Kabaeva 9-5 This woman is one of the most decorated gymnasts in rhythmic gymnastic history. She is twice Olympic, many times World and European medalist. She was a State Duma Deputy.

Слайд 51

Sector 10.  «Mixed up Letters»
Описание слайда:
Sector 10. «Mixed up Letters»

Слайд 52

10-1 Put the letters in the words on the topic “Sport” in a logical order.     еrccso  (soccer);   bongxi  (boxing);  rfiusng (surfing);  tmpoitinoc (competition); rocsaebi  (aerobics); sinent  (tennis); ykeoch  (hockey).
Описание слайда:
10-1 Put the letters in the words on the topic “Sport” in a logical order. еrccso (soccer); bongxi (boxing); rfiusng (surfing); tmpoitinoc (competition); rocsaebi (aerobics); sinent (tennis); ykeoch (hockey).

Слайд 53

  	Sector 11. The 	Final.  If necessary…
Описание слайда:
Sector 11. The Final. If necessary…

Слайд 54

11–1 The Final     Make as many words as you can out of the word unpredictable.  Write them down.
Описание слайда:
11–1 The Final Make as many words as you can out of the word unpredictable. Write them down.

Слайд 55

Answers: The best result is 61 words.         red, rabbit, pen, pencil, tent, ride, act, credit, cable, price, rice, nice, recite, bread, pet, tube, bat, deal, learn, dare, tap, pedal, dual, rap, liar, bun, can, nap, bear, rude, debt, bed, dune, run, tip, tap, tape, dead, deep, pub, tune, tin, beat, peel, tree, picture, in, it, blue, table, label, run, pale, nerd, read, lecture, bacteria, terra, cat, net, real.          .
Описание слайда:
Answers: The best result is 61 words.   red, rabbit, pen, pencil, tent, ride, act, credit, cable, price, rice, nice, recite, bread, pet, tube, bat, deal, learn, dare, tap, pedal, dual, rap, liar, bun, can, nap, bear, rude, debt, bed, dune, run, tip, tap, tape, dead, deep, pub, tune, tin, beat, peel, tree, picture, in, it, blue, table, label, run, pale, nerd, read, lecture, bacteria, terra, cat, net, real. .

Слайд 56

Урок-викторина «Doing Sport is Great!» для учащихся 7-х классов, слайд №56
Описание слайда:

Слайд 57

The End.  Good Luck!
Описание слайда:
The End. Good Luck!

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