🗊Your Financial Health By Victoria Yurlova

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Your  Financial   Health   By Victoria Yurlova, слайд №1Your  Financial   Health   By Victoria Yurlova, слайд №2Your  Financial   Health   By Victoria Yurlova, слайд №3Your  Financial   Health   By Victoria Yurlova, слайд №4Your  Financial   Health   By Victoria Yurlova, слайд №5Your  Financial   Health   By Victoria Yurlova, слайд №6Your  Financial   Health   By Victoria Yurlova, слайд №7Your  Financial   Health   By Victoria Yurlova, слайд №8

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Слайд 1


By Victoria Yurlova
Описание слайда:
Your Financial Health By Victoria Yurlova

Слайд 2

All of your financial decisions and activities have an effect on your financial health now and in the future.
All of your financial decisions and activities have an effect on your financial health now and in the future.
Описание слайда:
All of your financial decisions and activities have an effect on your financial health now and in the future. All of your financial decisions and activities have an effect on your financial health now and in the future.

Слайд 3

Do the Math – Net Worth and Personal Budgets

Money comes in, money goes out.
As a starting point, it is important to 
calculate your net worth – the difference 
between what you own and what you owe. 
To calculate your net worth, start by 
making a list of your assets (what you 
own) and your liabilities (what you owe).
Tracking your net worth over time allows you to evaluate your progress, highlight your successes and identify areas requiring improvement.
Описание слайда:
Do the Math – Net Worth and Personal Budgets Money comes in, money goes out. As a starting point, it is important to calculate your net worth – the difference between what you own and what you owe. To calculate your net worth, start by making a list of your assets (what you own) and your liabilities (what you owe). Tracking your net worth over time allows you to evaluate your progress, highlight your successes and identify areas requiring improvement.

Слайд 4

A personal budget is an important financial tool, because it can help you:
Описание слайда:
A personal budget is an important financial tool, because it can help you:

Слайд 5

The income and expense categories you include in your budget will depend on your situation and can change over time.
Common income categories include:
 Child support
 Interest and dividends
 Rents and royalties
 Retirement income
 Social security
Описание слайда:
The income and expense categories you include in your budget will depend on your situation and can change over time. Common income categories include: Bonuses Child support Interest and dividends Rents and royalties Retirement income Salaries Social security Tips

Слайд 6

   Once you’ve made the appropriate projections, subtract your expenses from your income. 
   Once you’ve made the appropriate projections, subtract your expenses from your income. 
If you have money left over, you have a surplus and you can decide how to spend, save or invest the money. 
If your expenses exceed your income, however, you will have to adjust your budget by increasing your income or by reducing your expenses.
Описание слайда:
Once you’ve made the appropriate projections, subtract your expenses from your income. Once you’ve made the appropriate projections, subtract your expenses from your income. If you have money left over, you have a surplus and you can decide how to spend, save or invest the money. If your expenses exceed your income, however, you will have to adjust your budget by increasing your income or by reducing your expenses.

Слайд 7

Recognize Needs Vs. Wants
Описание слайда:
Recognize Needs Vs. Wants

Слайд 8

You need a car to get to work and take the kids to school. You want the luxury edition SUV that costs twice as much as a more practical car. You could try and call the SUV a “need” because you do, in fact, need a car, but it’s still a want. Any difference in price between a more economical car and the luxury SUV is money that you didn’t have to spend.
You need a car to get to work and take the kids to school. You want the luxury edition SUV that costs twice as much as a more practical car. You could try and call the SUV a “need” because you do, in fact, need a car, but it’s still a want. Any difference in price between a more economical car and the luxury SUV is money that you didn’t have to spend.
Описание слайда:
You need a car to get to work and take the kids to school. You want the luxury edition SUV that costs twice as much as a more practical car. You could try and call the SUV a “need” because you do, in fact, need a car, but it’s still a want. Any difference in price between a more economical car and the luxury SUV is money that you didn’t have to spend. You need a car to get to work and take the kids to school. You want the luxury edition SUV that costs twice as much as a more practical car. You could try and call the SUV a “need” because you do, in fact, need a car, but it’s still a want. Any difference in price between a more economical car and the luxury SUV is money that you didn’t have to spend.

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