🗊Презентация Natural disasters

Категория: Английский язык
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Natural disasters, слайд №1Natural disasters, слайд №2Natural disasters, слайд №3Natural disasters, слайд №4Natural disasters, слайд №5Natural disasters, слайд №6Natural disasters, слайд №7

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Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1

Natural disasters
Описание слайда:
Natural disasters

Слайд 2

Natural disasters
Natural disasters
To wash away
To repair
Описание слайда:
Natural disasters Natural disasters Flood Hurricane Blizzard Earthquake Tornado Lava Volcano Eruption Landslide To wash away To repair

Слайд 3

Answer the questions:

What is the article about?
 How much of Greece is covered by forests?
What were the main reasons of vegetation destroying?
Can people build on forested land?
Do people burn forested 
     land deliberately?
Описание слайда:
Answer the questions: What is the article about? How much of Greece is covered by forests? What were the main reasons of vegetation destroying? Can people build on forested land? Do people burn forested land deliberately?

Слайд 4

Passive voice
Thousands of people  are  killed every year.
People aren’t allowed to build on land with forests.
Was the land covered by forest in the past?
Have people been killed or injured in fires?
I hope a solution to this problem  will be found.
Описание слайда:
Passive voice Thousands of people are killed every year. People aren’t allowed to build on land with forests. Was the land covered by forest in the past? Have people been killed or injured in fires? I hope a solution to this problem will be found.

Слайд 5

Natural disasters, слайд №5
Описание слайда:

Слайд 6

You are journalists. You want to find out about a tsunami in Japan. Ask some questions

What kind of disasters/you have/ in Japan?
You/ often / have / tsunami?
When/ the last disaster/ in Japan?
What / you can/ tell us / about it?
What/ damaged?
Were / many people / killed?
How many / people / injured?
Was / the tsunami / predicted/ by scientists?
How many / houses / destroyed?
Who / rescued/ people?
Описание слайда:
You are journalists. You want to find out about a tsunami in Japan. Ask some questions What kind of disasters/you have/ in Japan? You/ often / have / tsunami? When/ the last disaster/ in Japan? What / you can/ tell us / about it? What/ damaged? Were / many people / killed? How many / people / injured? Was / the tsunami / predicted/ by scientists? How many / houses / destroyed? Who / rescued/ people?

Слайд 7

Write a composition about a natural disaster in your country. Ex. 6b, p. 69
Описание слайда:
Homework Write a composition about a natural disaster in your country. Ex. 6b, p. 69

Теги Natural disasters
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