🗊Презентация Заповедники России

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Заповедники России, слайд №1Заповедники России, слайд №2Заповедники России, слайд №3Заповедники России, слайд №4Заповедники России, слайд №5Заповедники России, слайд №6Заповедники России, слайд №7

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Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1

Заповедники России
 Nature Reserves of Russia
Описание слайда:
Заповедники России Nature Reserves of Russia

Слайд 2

This national park is called State Natural Reserve "Azas" was created the 11 of January 1985 on the basis of the republican beaver reserve. The reserve territory is located in the central part Todzha basin in northeastern Tuva and pulled along in Azas River. The eastern boundary runs along the administrative border with the Republic of Buryatia. Around two-kilometer nature reserve established buffer zone with a total area of 90 thousand sq. M. km. Todzha Basin - an enormous intermountain trough within the Altai-Sayan mountain country. This is a unique catchment feeding sources of the largest rivers in Siberia - Yenisei. Her enormous cistern enclosed in a dense river network and numerous lakes. The total area of the reserve has 333884 hectares.
This national park is called State Natural Reserve "Azas" was created the 11 of January 1985 on the basis of the republican beaver reserve. The reserve territory is located in the central part Todzha basin in northeastern Tuva and pulled along in Azas River. The eastern boundary runs along the administrative border with the Republic of Buryatia. Around two-kilometer nature reserve established buffer zone with a total area of 90 thousand sq. M. km. Todzha Basin - an enormous intermountain trough within the Altai-Sayan mountain country. This is a unique catchment feeding sources of the largest rivers in Siberia - Yenisei. Her enormous cistern enclosed in a dense river network and numerous lakes. The total area of the reserve has 333884 hectares.
Описание слайда:
This national park is called State Natural Reserve "Azas" was created the 11 of January 1985 on the basis of the republican beaver reserve. The reserve territory is located in the central part Todzha basin in northeastern Tuva and pulled along in Azas River. The eastern boundary runs along the administrative border with the Republic of Buryatia. Around two-kilometer nature reserve established buffer zone with a total area of 90 thousand sq. M. km. Todzha Basin - an enormous intermountain trough within the Altai-Sayan mountain country. This is a unique catchment feeding sources of the largest rivers in Siberia - Yenisei. Her enormous cistern enclosed in a dense river network and numerous lakes. The total area of the reserve has 333884 hectares. This national park is called State Natural Reserve "Azas" was created the 11 of January 1985 on the basis of the republican beaver reserve. The reserve territory is located in the central part Todzha basin in northeastern Tuva and pulled along in Azas River. The eastern boundary runs along the administrative border with the Republic of Buryatia. Around two-kilometer nature reserve established buffer zone with a total area of 90 thousand sq. M. km. Todzha Basin - an enormous intermountain trough within the Altai-Sayan mountain country. This is a unique catchment feeding sources of the largest rivers in Siberia - Yenisei. Her enormous cistern enclosed in a dense river network and numerous lakes. The total area of the reserve has 333884 hectares.

Слайд 3

The reserve has the amazing beauty of the forest and alpine landscapes with volcanoes, cirques, canyons, mineral springs and numerous lakes. Lake Azans, in whose honor is named Reserve is a nature sanctuary. The reserve was established in the first place, for the protection of natural areas for the conservation of biological diversity and to maintain the natural state of protected natural complexes and objects; organizing and conducting scientific research, including the maintenance of the Annals of nature as an element of environmental monitoring; important function of it is environmental education and educational tourism.
The reserve has the amazing beauty of the forest and alpine landscapes with volcanoes, cirques, canyons, mineral springs and numerous lakes. Lake Azans, in whose honor is named Reserve is a nature sanctuary. The reserve was established in the first place, for the protection of natural areas for the conservation of biological diversity and to maintain the natural state of protected natural complexes and objects; organizing and conducting scientific research, including the maintenance of the Annals of nature as an element of environmental monitoring; important function of it is environmental education and educational tourism.
Описание слайда:
The reserve has the amazing beauty of the forest and alpine landscapes with volcanoes, cirques, canyons, mineral springs and numerous lakes. Lake Azans, in whose honor is named Reserve is a nature sanctuary. The reserve was established in the first place, for the protection of natural areas for the conservation of biological diversity and to maintain the natural state of protected natural complexes and objects; organizing and conducting scientific research, including the maintenance of the Annals of nature as an element of environmental monitoring; important function of it is environmental education and educational tourism. The reserve has the amazing beauty of the forest and alpine landscapes with volcanoes, cirques, canyons, mineral springs and numerous lakes. Lake Azans, in whose honor is named Reserve is a nature sanctuary. The reserve was established in the first place, for the protection of natural areas for the conservation of biological diversity and to maintain the natural state of protected natural complexes and objects; organizing and conducting scientific research, including the maintenance of the Annals of nature as an element of environmental monitoring; important function of it is environmental education and educational tourism.

Слайд 4

The climate of the reserve is sharply continental, moderately humid. Low rise mountainous rim of the basin to the west and north-west, sometimes decreasing up to 1300 m, does not preclude the north-west winds carrying moist Atlantic air. Additional moisturizing create local precipitation due to heavy fumes from lakes and swamps. Veliko influence on the climate of high-altitude zones.
The climate of the reserve is sharply continental, moderately humid. Low rise mountainous rim of the basin to the west and north-west, sometimes decreasing up to 1300 m, does not preclude the north-west winds carrying moist Atlantic air. Additional moisturizing create local precipitation due to heavy fumes from lakes and swamps. Veliko influence on the climate of high-altitude zones.
Описание слайда:
The climate of the reserve is sharply continental, moderately humid. Low rise mountainous rim of the basin to the west and north-west, sometimes decreasing up to 1300 m, does not preclude the north-west winds carrying moist Atlantic air. Additional moisturizing create local precipitation due to heavy fumes from lakes and swamps. Veliko influence on the climate of high-altitude zones. The climate of the reserve is sharply continental, moderately humid. Low rise mountainous rim of the basin to the west and north-west, sometimes decreasing up to 1300 m, does not preclude the north-west winds carrying moist Atlantic air. Additional moisturizing create local precipitation due to heavy fumes from lakes and swamps. Veliko influence on the climate of high-altitude zones.

Слайд 5

Todzha Basin by hypsometric position, climate and vegetation is midland character. The bottom of the basin increases from west to east from 850 to 2000 meters above sea level. The basin is framed by highlands with elevations of 2300-2900 m, belonging to the three mountain systems. In the south of the mountain ranges soar hr. Academician Obruchev, to the west and north-west - the Western Sayan, in the north-east and east - Eastern Sayan. One of the highest points of the Eastern Sayan - Topographers peak (3044 m) is located near the eastern border of the reserve, passing along the watershed ridge Big Sayan. To watershed timed the highest mountain peak of the reserve - 2912 m.
Todzha Basin by hypsometric position, climate and vegetation is midland character. The bottom of the basin increases from west to east from 850 to 2000 meters above sea level. The basin is framed by highlands with elevations of 2300-2900 m, belonging to the three mountain systems. In the south of the mountain ranges soar hr. Academician Obruchev, to the west and north-west - the Western Sayan, in the north-east and east - Eastern Sayan. One of the highest points of the Eastern Sayan - Topographers peak (3044 m) is located near the eastern border of the reserve, passing along the watershed ridge Big Sayan. To watershed timed the highest mountain peak of the reserve - 2912 m.
Описание слайда:
Todzha Basin by hypsometric position, climate and vegetation is midland character. The bottom of the basin increases from west to east from 850 to 2000 meters above sea level. The basin is framed by highlands with elevations of 2300-2900 m, belonging to the three mountain systems. In the south of the mountain ranges soar hr. Academician Obruchev, to the west and north-west - the Western Sayan, in the north-east and east - Eastern Sayan. One of the highest points of the Eastern Sayan - Topographers peak (3044 m) is located near the eastern border of the reserve, passing along the watershed ridge Big Sayan. To watershed timed the highest mountain peak of the reserve - 2912 m. Todzha Basin by hypsometric position, climate and vegetation is midland character. The bottom of the basin increases from west to east from 850 to 2000 meters above sea level. The basin is framed by highlands with elevations of 2300-2900 m, belonging to the three mountain systems. In the south of the mountain ranges soar hr. Academician Obruchev, to the west and north-west - the Western Sayan, in the north-east and east - Eastern Sayan. One of the highest points of the Eastern Sayan - Topographers peak (3044 m) is located near the eastern border of the reserve, passing along the watershed ridge Big Sayan. To watershed timed the highest mountain peak of the reserve - 2912 m.

Слайд 6

The entire hydrological network Todzha depression belongs to the basin of the river Bolshoi Yenisei (Bii-Khem). According to the reserve flow two major rivers in the central part - Azas, and on the north-eastern border - Sorug, is a left tributary. Khamsara. In the southern part of the reserve mountain rivers and streams drain into the river. Bash-Khem, the envelope of its buffer zone. On the spur of the ridge. Great Sayan in the reserve begins the main source of the Bii-Khem - p. Kok-Khem. The main water artery - p. Azas originates on a mountain plateau Sai-Taiga and flows into the flow-through lake Azas. The length of the river from the confluence of the sources to the mouth - 155 km, vertical drop - 800 m. In the upper reaches of the river below the mouth of the river. Haaktyg Khem located Azasskoy picturesque waterfall and rocky canyon. Within the reserve, there are 30 large and medium-sized and more than 100 small lakes. They are mostly of glacial origin and occupy ancient valleys flow, stretched from west to east on the movement of the glacier. The largest lakes: Mana-Hol (3070 ha) and Kadish (2580 ha). One of the biggest and most famous lakes Todzha basin - Azas or Todzha (5470 ha), partly included in the reserve.
The entire hydrological network Todzha depression belongs to the basin of the river Bolshoi Yenisei (Bii-Khem). According to the reserve flow two major rivers in the central part - Azas, and on the north-eastern border - Sorug, is a left tributary. Khamsara. In the southern part of the reserve mountain rivers and streams drain into the river. Bash-Khem, the envelope of its buffer zone. On the spur of the ridge. Great Sayan in the reserve begins the main source of the Bii-Khem - p. Kok-Khem. The main water artery - p. Azas originates on a mountain plateau Sai-Taiga and flows into the flow-through lake Azas. The length of the river from the confluence of the sources to the mouth - 155 km, vertical drop - 800 m. In the upper reaches of the river below the mouth of the river. Haaktyg Khem located Azasskoy picturesque waterfall and rocky canyon. Within the reserve, there are 30 large and medium-sized and more than 100 small lakes. They are mostly of glacial origin and occupy ancient valleys flow, stretched from west to east on the movement of the glacier. The largest lakes: Mana-Hol (3070 ha) and Kadish (2580 ha). One of the biggest and most famous lakes Todzha basin - Azas or Todzha (5470 ha), partly included in the reserve.
Описание слайда:
The entire hydrological network Todzha depression belongs to the basin of the river Bolshoi Yenisei (Bii-Khem). According to the reserve flow two major rivers in the central part - Azas, and on the north-eastern border - Sorug, is a left tributary. Khamsara. In the southern part of the reserve mountain rivers and streams drain into the river. Bash-Khem, the envelope of its buffer zone. On the spur of the ridge. Great Sayan in the reserve begins the main source of the Bii-Khem - p. Kok-Khem. The main water artery - p. Azas originates on a mountain plateau Sai-Taiga and flows into the flow-through lake Azas. The length of the river from the confluence of the sources to the mouth - 155 km, vertical drop - 800 m. In the upper reaches of the river below the mouth of the river. Haaktyg Khem located Azasskoy picturesque waterfall and rocky canyon. Within the reserve, there are 30 large and medium-sized and more than 100 small lakes. They are mostly of glacial origin and occupy ancient valleys flow, stretched from west to east on the movement of the glacier. The largest lakes: Mana-Hol (3070 ha) and Kadish (2580 ha). One of the biggest and most famous lakes Todzha basin - Azas or Todzha (5470 ha), partly included in the reserve. The entire hydrological network Todzha depression belongs to the basin of the river Bolshoi Yenisei (Bii-Khem). According to the reserve flow two major rivers in the central part - Azas, and on the north-eastern border - Sorug, is a left tributary. Khamsara. In the southern part of the reserve mountain rivers and streams drain into the river. Bash-Khem, the envelope of its buffer zone. On the spur of the ridge. Great Sayan in the reserve begins the main source of the Bii-Khem - p. Kok-Khem. The main water artery - p. Azas originates on a mountain plateau Sai-Taiga and flows into the flow-through lake Azas. The length of the river from the confluence of the sources to the mouth - 155 km, vertical drop - 800 m. In the upper reaches of the river below the mouth of the river. Haaktyg Khem located Azasskoy picturesque waterfall and rocky canyon. Within the reserve, there are 30 large and medium-sized and more than 100 small lakes. They are mostly of glacial origin and occupy ancient valleys flow, stretched from west to east on the movement of the glacier. The largest lakes: Mana-Hol (3070 ha) and Kadish (2580 ha). One of the biggest and most famous lakes Todzha basin - Azas or Todzha (5470 ha), partly included in the reserve.

Слайд 7

Thank you for attention
Описание слайда:
Thank you for attention

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