🗊Презентация Modal Verbs

Категория: Английский язык
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Modal Verbs, слайд №1Modal Verbs, слайд №2Modal Verbs, слайд №3Modal Verbs, слайд №4Modal Verbs, слайд №5Modal Verbs, слайд №6Modal Verbs, слайд №7Modal Verbs, слайд №8Modal Verbs, слайд №9Modal Verbs, слайд №10Modal Verbs, слайд №11Modal Verbs, слайд №12Modal Verbs, слайд №13

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Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1

Modal Verbs
Описание слайда:
Modal Verbs

Слайд 2

The aim of my presentation is to show how modal verbs can be used, in what case we need one or other verb and why.
Описание слайда:
The aim of my presentation is to show how modal verbs can be used, in what case we need one or other verb and why.

Слайд 3

Modal verbs
Modal verb can
Modal verb may
Modal verb must
Modal verb should and ought to
Modal verb have to
Modal verb need
Описание слайда:
Items: Introduction Modal verbs Modal verb can Modal verb may Modal verb must Modal verb should and ought to Modal verb have to Modal verb need

Слайд 4

Modal verbs are integral part of English language.That  is a huge problem for foreign learners of English, who make a great deal of mistakes in this field.
Описание слайда:
Introduction: Modal verbs are integral part of English language.That is a huge problem for foreign learners of English, who make a great deal of mistakes in this field.

Слайд 5

Peculiarities of modal verbs:
Besides they do not take -s in the third person singular. 
All of them (except dare and need) form the negative and the interrogative form without the auxiliary do.
All the modal verbs have two negative forms-a full one and a contracted one.
Описание слайда:
Peculiarities of modal verbs: Besides they do not take -s in the third person singular. All of them (except dare and need) form the negative and the interrogative form without the auxiliary do. All the modal verbs have two negative forms-a full one and a contracted one.

Слайд 6

should not — shouldn't 
may not     —mayn't 	
must not   — mustn't 
need not    —needn't
Описание слайда:
Examples: should not — shouldn't may not —mayn't must not — mustn't need not —needn't

Слайд 7

Modal verb “can”
Can expresses physical or mental ability. 
I  can speak three different languages, English, French and Spanish.
 He can't open the door, it's stuck.
Описание слайда:
Modal verb “can” Can expresses physical or mental ability. I can speak three different languages, English, French and Spanish. He can't open the door, it's stuck.

Слайд 8

Modal verb may
 May expresses a polite formal way of asking for or giving permission.
May I introduce Mr. Hunt?
You may eat this cake if you wish.
Описание слайда:
Modal verb may May expresses a polite formal way of asking for or giving permission. May I introduce Mr. Hunt? You may eat this cake if you wish.

Слайд 9

Modal verb must
Must expresses necessity.
 You must attend English lessons to know more about modal verbs. 
We must say good-bye now.
Описание слайда:
Modal verb must Must expresses necessity. You must attend English lessons to know more about modal verbs. We must say good-bye now.

Слайд 10

Modal verbs should and ought to 
 Should is used to express advice, recommendation.
  You should be more careful.
 Ought to is used to express obligation.
  You ought not to be late.
Описание слайда:
Modal verbs should and ought to Should is used to express advice, recommendation. You should be more careful. Ought to is used to express obligation. You ought not to be late.

Слайд 11

Modal verb have to
The modal verb have to expresses necessity. 
You have to do it.
Описание слайда:
Modal verb have to The modal verb have to expresses necessity. You have to do it.

Слайд 12

Modal verb need
 Need expresses necessity. 
You needn’t learn this poem by heart.
If she wants a new dress for the party she need only to ask.
Описание слайда:
Modal verb need Need expresses necessity. You needn’t learn this poem by heart. If she wants a new dress for the party she need only to ask.

Слайд 13

Thank you for your attention!!!
Описание слайда:
Thank you for your attention!!!

Теги Modal Verbs
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