🗊Alexander Mackenzie (1764-1820)

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Alexander Mackenzie (1764-1820), слайд №1Alexander Mackenzie (1764-1820), слайд №2Alexander Mackenzie (1764-1820), слайд №3Alexander Mackenzie (1764-1820), слайд №4Alexander Mackenzie (1764-1820), слайд №5Alexander Mackenzie (1764-1820), слайд №6Alexander Mackenzie (1764-1820), слайд №7

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Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1

Alexander Mackenzie
Описание слайда:
Alexander Mackenzie (1764-1820)

Слайд 2

On June 3, 1789 Mackenzie began his great journey
They set off from a village on Lake Athabasca
Описание слайда:
On June 3, 1789 Mackenzie began his great journey They set off from a village on Lake Athabasca

Слайд 3

In the morning  on June 25, they left the lake and came to the unexplored river – the river now is known as the Mackenzie
Описание слайда:
In the morning on June 25, they left the lake and came to the unexplored river – the river now is known as the Mackenzie

Слайд 4

He returned to England in the fall of 1791 for further schooling in astronomy and cartography 
He had discovered and explored more than 2.500 miles long
Описание слайда:
He returned to England in the fall of 1791 for further schooling in astronomy and cartography He had discovered and explored more than 2.500 miles long

Слайд 5

A. Mackenzie decided to start his second expedition from the same point on the Peace River where he had ended his first one
He started his exploration on May 9, 1793.
Описание слайда:
A. Mackenzie decided to start his second expedition from the same point on the Peace River where he had ended his first one He started his exploration on May 9, 1793.

Слайд 6

In his FIRST expedition he had explored a river and found a route to the Arctic; in his SECOND expedition he had broken through the Rockies and opened a way to the Pacific as well!
Описание слайда:
In his FIRST expedition he had explored a river and found a route to the Arctic; in his SECOND expedition he had broken through the Rockies and opened a way to the Pacific as well!

Слайд 7

Alexander Mackenzie (1764-1820), слайд №7
Описание слайда:

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