🗊Madame Tussauds

Категория: Английский язык
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Madame Tussauds, слайд №1Madame Tussauds, слайд №2Madame Tussauds, слайд №3Madame Tussauds, слайд №4Madame Tussauds, слайд №5Madame Tussauds, слайд №6Madame Tussauds, слайд №7Madame Tussauds, слайд №8Madame Tussauds, слайд №9Madame Tussauds, слайд №10Madame Tussauds, слайд №11

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Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1

Madame Tussauds
Описание слайда:
Madame Tussauds

Слайд 2

The museum in Amsterdam
Описание слайда:
The museum in Amsterdam

Слайд 3

    Marie Tussaud, was born Anna Maria Grosholtz (1761–1850) in Strasbourg, France. Her mother worked as a housekeeper for Dr. Philippe Curtius in Bern, Switzerland, who was a physician skilled in wax modelling. Curtius taught Tussaud the art of wax modelling.
Описание слайда:
Marie Tussaud, was born Anna Maria Grosholtz (1761–1850) in Strasbourg, France. Her mother worked as a housekeeper for Dr. Philippe Curtius in Bern, Switzerland, who was a physician skilled in wax modelling. Curtius taught Tussaud the art of wax modelling.

Слайд 4

   Maria Tussaud created her first wax figure, of VoltaiOther famous people she modelled at that time include Jean-Jacques Rousseau and Benjamin Franklin. During the French Revolution she modelled many prominent victims.re, in 1777.
Описание слайда:
Maria Tussaud created her first wax figure, of VoltaiOther famous people she modelled at that time include Jean-Jacques Rousseau and Benjamin Franklin. During the French Revolution she modelled many prominent victims.re, in 1777.

Слайд 5

     In 1802, she moved to 
   London .By 
  1835 Marie 
  had settled 
  down in Baker Street, London, and opened a museum.
Описание слайда:
In 1802, she moved to London .By 1835 Marie had settled down in Baker Street, London, and opened a museum.

Слайд 6

    One of the main attractions of her museum was the Chamber of Horrors. This part of the exhibition included victims of the French Revolution and newly created figures of murderers and other criminals.
Описание слайда:
One of the main attractions of her museum was the Chamber of Horrors. This part of the exhibition included victims of the French Revolution and newly created figures of murderers and other criminals.

Слайд 7

 Ayrton Senna
 Ayrton Senna
Описание слайда:
Ayrton Senna Ayrton Senna

Слайд 8

Madame Tussauds, слайд №8
Описание слайда:

Слайд 9

Madame Tussauds, слайд №9
Описание слайда:

Слайд 10

Madame Tussauds, слайд №10
Описание слайда:

Слайд 11

Madame Tussauds, слайд №11
Описание слайда:

Теги Madame Tussauds
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