🗊The English Painters.

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The English Painters., слайд №1The English Painters., слайд №2The English Painters., слайд №3The English Painters., слайд №4The English Painters., слайд №5The English Painters., слайд №6The English Painters., слайд №7The English Painters., слайд №8The English Painters., слайд №9The English Painters., слайд №10The English Painters., слайд №11The English Painters., слайд №12The English Painters., слайд №13

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Слайд 1

The English Painters.
Описание слайда:
The English Painters.

Слайд 2

Painting developed later in England than in the other European countries, partly because both Henry VIII and Thomas Cromwell destroyed the works of art in English churches and cathedrals. After the restoration of the Stuart rulers in the 17th and early 18th centuries, people of wealth preferred to employ foreign artists.
Описание слайда:
Painting developed later in England than in the other European countries, partly because both Henry VIII and Thomas Cromwell destroyed the works of art in English churches and cathedrals. After the restoration of the Stuart rulers in the 17th and early 18th centuries, people of wealth preferred to employ foreign artists.

Слайд 3

Match the painters’ names with their portraits
John Constable
Joseph Mallord William Turner
Joshua Reynolds
Описание слайда:
Match the painters’ names with their portraits John Constable Joseph Mallord William Turner Joshua Reynolds

Слайд 4

John Singer Sargent
John Singer Sargent
Sir John Everett Millais
William Hogarth
Описание слайда:
John Singer Sargent John Singer Sargent Sir John Everett Millais William Hogarth

Слайд 5

Match the painters and their masterpieces.
Sir John Everett Millais
William Hogarth
Описание слайда:
Match the painters and their masterpieces. Sir John Everett Millais William Hogarth

Слайд 6

John Constable
John Constable
Joseph Mallord William Turner
Joshua Reynolds
Описание слайда:
John Constable John Constable Joseph Mallord William Turner Joshua Reynolds

Слайд 7

Can you say where … was born?
John Constable
Joseph Mallord William Turner
Joshua Reynolds
Sir Stanley Spencer
Sir John Everett Millais
William Hogarth
Описание слайда:
Can you say where … was born? John Constable Joseph Mallord William Turner Joshua Reynolds Sir Stanley Spencer Sir John Everett Millais William Hogarth

Слайд 8

Choose the right answers.
He has been called a master of caricature.
a. J. Reynolds      b. W. Hogarth 
c. J. Constable  
2. This painter’s father was a miller.
a. J. Reynolds      b. W. Hogarth 
c. J. Constable
3. How many children did Constable have?
a. 5            b. 6           c. 7
Описание слайда:
Choose the right answers. He has been called a master of caricature. a. J. Reynolds b. W. Hogarth c. J. Constable 2. This painter’s father was a miller. a. J. Reynolds b. W. Hogarth c. J. Constable 3. How many children did Constable have? a. 5 b. 6 c. 7

Слайд 9

4. Joseph Mallord William Turner  is one of the finest … artists.
a. portrait       b. landscape       c. seascape
5. This painter was a prodigy child. He began studying at the Royal Academy at the age of 11.
a. Sir Stanley Spencer          b. Sir John Everett Millais
c. Joshua Reynolds
6. He was an engraver in London.
a. W. Hogarth     b. John Constable
c.  J. Reynolds
Описание слайда:
4. Joseph Mallord William Turner is one of the finest … artists. a. portrait b. landscape c. seascape 5. This painter was a prodigy child. He began studying at the Royal Academy at the age of 11. a. Sir Stanley Spencer b. Sir John Everett Millais c. Joshua Reynolds 6. He was an engraver in London. a. W. Hogarth b. John Constable c. J. Reynolds

Слайд 10

7. He was the most successful portrait painter.
 a. W. Hogarth     b. John Constable
c.  J. Reynolds 
8. What gallery is dedicated to Sir Stanley Spencer’s art?
a. National Gallery, London
b. the Stanley Spencer Gallery, London
c. Tate Gallery, London
9. He was the president of newly founded Royal Academy, and the next year was knighted by King George III.
a.  J. Reynolds   
b. J. Constable
c. John Singer Sargent
Описание слайда:
7. He was the most successful portrait painter. a. W. Hogarth b. John Constable c. J. Reynolds 8. What gallery is dedicated to Sir Stanley Spencer’s art? a. National Gallery, London b. the Stanley Spencer Gallery, London c. Tate Gallery, London 9. He was the president of newly founded Royal Academy, and the next year was knighted by King George III. a. J. Reynolds b. J. Constable c. John Singer Sargent

Слайд 11

10. His nickname was “Cookham”
a. Sir Stanley Spencer          b. Sir John Everett Millais
c. Joshua Reynolds
11. How old was J. M. W. Turner when he began to work in his own gallery?
a. 18       b. 19       c. 20 
12. Where was Joseph Mallord William Turner
a. in Chiswich churchyard      
b. in St. Paul’s Cathedral
c.  at St. John's church, London.
Описание слайда:
10. His nickname was “Cookham” a. Sir Stanley Spencer b. Sir John Everett Millais c. Joshua Reynolds 11. How old was J. M. W. Turner when he began to work in his own gallery? a. 18 b. 19 c. 20 12. Where was Joseph Mallord William Turner buried? a. in Chiswich churchyard b. in St. Paul’s Cathedral c. at St. John's church, London.

Слайд 12

Translate from Russian into English.
Рейнолдс – портретист многим обязан великим мастерам прошлого. (to be in debt to – быть обязанным)
Констебль, первым из английских художников отказался следовать урокам голландцев и французов. (to refuse – отказываться)
Творчество Констебля – это шаг вперёд в современной пейзажной технике. (artistic career – творчество)
Описание слайда:
Translate from Russian into English. Рейнолдс – портретист многим обязан великим мастерам прошлого. (to be in debt to – быть обязанным) Констебль, первым из английских художников отказался следовать урокам голландцев и французов. (to refuse – отказываться) Творчество Констебля – это шаг вперёд в современной пейзажной технике. (artistic career – творчество)

Слайд 13

Тёрнер не разрешал никому наблюдать за тем, как он рисует. (to allow – разрешать)
Тёрнер не разрешал никому наблюдать за тем, как он рисует. (to allow – разрешать)
В сентябре 2005 года, Тейт Геллери приобрела «Лучников» Рейнолдса по цене более чем 2.5 миллионов фунтов. (to acquire – приобретать, покупать)
Последние работы Сэра Джона Миллейса были представлены в основном портретами.
(mostly – в основном)
Описание слайда:
Тёрнер не разрешал никому наблюдать за тем, как он рисует. (to allow – разрешать) Тёрнер не разрешал никому наблюдать за тем, как он рисует. (to allow – разрешать) В сентябре 2005 года, Тейт Геллери приобрела «Лучников» Рейнолдса по цене более чем 2.5 миллионов фунтов. (to acquire – приобретать, покупать) Последние работы Сэра Джона Миллейса были представлены в основном портретами. (mostly – в основном)

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