🗊The Weather is…..

Категория: Английский язык
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The Weather is….., слайд №1The Weather is….., слайд №2The Weather is….., слайд №3The Weather is….., слайд №4The Weather is….., слайд №5The Weather is….., слайд №6The Weather is….., слайд №7The Weather is….., слайд №8The Weather is….., слайд №9The Weather is….., слайд №10The Weather is….., слайд №11The Weather is….., слайд №12The Weather is….., слайд №13The Weather is….., слайд №14The Weather is….., слайд №15The Weather is….., слайд №16The Weather is….., слайд №17The Weather is….., слайд №18The Weather is….., слайд №19The Weather is….., слайд №20The Weather is….., слайд №21The Weather is….., слайд №22The Weather is….., слайд №23The Weather is….., слайд №24The Weather is….., слайд №25The Weather is….., слайд №26The Weather is….., слайд №27

Вы можете ознакомиться и скачать The Weather is…... Презентация содержит 27 слайдов. Презентации для любого класса можно скачать бесплатно. Если материал и наш сайт презентаций Вам понравились – поделитесь им с друзьями с помощью социальных кнопок и добавьте в закладки в своем браузере.

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1

The Weather is…..
Описание слайда:
The Weather is…..

Слайд 2

The Weather is….., слайд №2
Описание слайда:

Слайд 3

The Weather is….., слайд №3
Описание слайда:

Слайд 4

What are these things made from?
Описание слайда:
What are these things made from?

Слайд 5

That black cat sat on a hat.
Та черная кошка сидела на шляпе

Описание слайда:
TONGUE-TWISTER That black cat sat on a hat. Та черная кошка сидела на шляпе [ᴂ]

Слайд 6

1) check your h/w
2)describe the pictures-kinds of shop
3)give directions
4)types of questions
Описание слайда:
Shopping 1) check your h/w 2)describe the pictures-kinds of shop 3)give directions 4)types of questions

Слайд 7

The Weather is….., слайд №7
Описание слайда:

Слайд 8

The Weather is….., слайд №8
Описание слайда:

Слайд 9

The Weather is….., слайд №9
Описание слайда:

Слайд 10

The Weather is….., слайд №10
Описание слайда:

Слайд 11

The Weather is….., слайд №11
Описание слайда:

Слайд 12

The Weather is….., слайд №12
Описание слайда:

Слайд 13

The Weather is….., слайд №13
Описание слайда:

Слайд 14

The Weather is….., слайд №14
Описание слайда:

Слайд 15

The Weather is….., слайд №15
Описание слайда:

Слайд 16

The Weather is….., слайд №16
Описание слайда:

Слайд 17

The Weather is….., слайд №17
Описание слайда:

Слайд 18

The Weather is….., слайд №18
Описание слайда:

Слайд 19

Ex. 3a
1- clothes shop
2-hair dresser’s
6-shoe shop
8-post office
Описание слайда:
Ex. 3a 1- clothes shop 2-hair dresser’s 3-butcher’s 4-bakery 5-chemist’s 6-shoe shop 7-optician’s 8-post office 9-florist’s 10-fishmonger’s 11-newsagent’s 12-jeweller’s

Слайд 20

Ex. 3b We can buy….at the….
some stamps – post office
a packet of aspirin – chemist’s
a kilo of sausages - butcher’s
a pair of glasses – optician’s

some prawns – fishmonger’s
a bunch of tulips – florist’s
a dress – clothes shop
a fruitcake - bakery
a necklace – jeweller’s
Описание слайда:
Ex. 3b We can buy….at the…. some stamps – post office a packet of aspirin – chemist’s a kilo of sausages - butcher’s a pair of glasses – optician’s some prawns – fishmonger’s a bunch of tulips – florist’s a dress – clothes shop a fruitcake - bakery a necklace – jeweller’s

Слайд 21

The Weather is….., слайд №21
Описание слайда:

Слайд 22

The Weather is….., слайд №22
Описание слайда:

Слайд 23

Ex 4 (WB p 15)
Описание слайда:
Ex 4 (WB p 15)

Слайд 24

5 types of questions
1) General (Yes/No)
Have you read this article?
2)Alternative (or)
Was he reading or writing a letter when you came in the room?
3)Tag-question (“хвостик” не так ли?)
He visited a new bakery yesterday, didn’t he?
4)Special (When, Where, Why, etc)
What did you do yesterday?
5) Who-question 
Who buys new clothes every week?
Описание слайда:
5 types of questions 1) General (Yes/No) Have you read this article? 2)Alternative (or) Was he reading or writing a letter when you came in the room? 3)Tag-question (“хвостик” не так ли?) He visited a new bakery yesterday, didn’t he? 4)Special (When, Where, Why, etc) What did you do yesterday? 5) Who-question Who buys new clothes every week?

Слайд 25

What have we learnt?
Описание слайда:
What have we learnt?

Слайд 26

Ask five questions to the sentences
I prefer shops near my house.
He bought a new pair of shoes.
People has been going out a lot recently.
Описание слайда:
Ask five questions to the sentences I prefer shops near my house. He bought a new pair of shoes. People has been going out a lot recently.

Слайд 27

Описание слайда:
HW 1)questions

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