🗊Leisure in travelling

Категория: Английский язык
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Leisure in travelling, слайд №1Leisure in travelling, слайд №2Leisure in travelling, слайд №3Leisure in travelling, слайд №4Leisure in travelling, слайд №5Leisure in travelling, слайд №6Leisure in travelling, слайд №7Leisure in travelling, слайд №8Leisure in travelling, слайд №9Leisure in travelling, слайд №10Leisure in travelling, слайд №11Leisure in travelling, слайд №12

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Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1

Leisure in travelling
Описание слайда:
Leisure in travelling

Слайд 2

There are a lot of means of leisure
Описание слайда:
There are a lot of means of leisure

Слайд 3

But I’d like to tell you about travelling
Описание слайда:
But I’d like to tell you about travelling

Слайд 4

Описание слайда:

Слайд 5

We can admire the wild nature only on foot …
Описание слайда:
We can admire the wild nature only on foot …

Слайд 6

By train…
                                                        It has comfortable
                                                        carriages. We can
                                                        just go home – 
or go travelling for a long 
distance, for example,
to Moscow
Описание слайда:
By train… It has comfortable carriages. We can just go home – or go travelling for a long distance, for example, to Moscow

Слайд 7

By car…
It would be also a good idea. We can go along the big city or across the flower field.
Описание слайда:
By car… It would be also a good idea. We can go along the big city or across the flower field.

Слайд 8

By air…
It is really breathtaking travelling: watching the earth from height and being near clouds
Описание слайда:
By air… It is really breathtaking travelling: watching the earth from height and being near clouds

Слайд 9

I could visit even Australia by plain: it’s the most beautiful country with those landscapes of its. Also I like France…
I could visit even Australia by plain: it’s the most beautiful country with those landscapes of its. Also I like France…
Описание слайда:
I could visit even Australia by plain: it’s the most beautiful country with those landscapes of its. Also I like France… I could visit even Australia by plain: it’s the most beautiful country with those landscapes of its. Also I like France…

Слайд 10

By ship or boat…
Описание слайда:
By ship or boat…

Слайд 11

But I’d rather not rise to the sky, and visit my favourite countries by ship; or just enjoy sea views, rivers, ports 
But I’d rather not rise to the sky, and visit my favourite countries by ship; or just enjoy sea views, rivers, ports
Описание слайда:
But I’d rather not rise to the sky, and visit my favourite countries by ship; or just enjoy sea views, rivers, ports But I’d rather not rise to the sky, and visit my favourite countries by ship; or just enjoy sea views, rivers, ports

Слайд 12

Leisure in travelling, слайд №12
Описание слайда:

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