🗊Central banking system and its functions

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Central banking system and its functions, слайд №1Central banking system and its functions, слайд №2Central banking system and its functions, слайд №3Central banking system and its functions, слайд №4Central banking system and its functions, слайд №5Central banking system and its functions, слайд №6Central banking system and its functions, слайд №7Central banking system and its functions, слайд №8Central banking system and its functions, слайд №9Central banking system and its functions, слайд №10Central banking system and its functions, слайд №11Central banking system and its functions, слайд №12

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Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1

Central banking system
and its functions
Описание слайда:
Central banking system and its functions

Слайд 2

Main functions
Currency issuance
Naming of central banks
Main policy instruments
Описание слайда:
Contents Definition Main functions Currency issuance Naming of central banks Main policy instruments Conclusion

Слайд 3

Central bank
Monetary authority of a country granted the
   exclusive privilege to lend a government its 
Описание слайда:
Central bank Monetary authority of a country granted the exclusive privilege to lend a government its currency.

Слайд 4

Main functions
controlling money supply
money issuance
setting the official interest rate
implementing monetary policy
Описание слайда:
Main functions controlling money supply money issuance setting the official interest rate implementing monetary policy

Слайд 5

Currency issuance
Exclusive privilege of a central bank
Описание слайда:
Currency issuance Exclusive privilege of a central bank

Слайд 6

Examples of naming
Описание слайда:
Examples of naming

Слайд 7

Main policy instruments
Open market operations
Reserve require ratio
Discount rate policy
Описание слайда:
Main policy instruments Open market operations Reserve require ratio Discount rate policy

Слайд 8

Open market operations
Do not require the immediate printing of new currency 
Most frequently used tool of central bank
Описание слайда:
Open market operations Do not require the immediate printing of new currency Most frequently used tool of central bank

Слайд 9

Required reserve ratio
Описание слайда:
Required reserve ratio

Слайд 10

Discount rate policy
Affect the balance between demand and supply
Taken into account before starting business
Описание слайда:
Discount rate policy Affect the balance between demand and supply Taken into account before starting business

Слайд 11

Central bank system becomes the most important mean of economy policy in crisis period
Описание слайда:
Conclusion Central bank system becomes the most important mean of economy policy in crisis period

Слайд 12

Thank you for
 your attention.
Описание слайда:
Thank you for your attention.

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