🗊Christmas Around the World

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Christmas Around the World, слайд №1Christmas Around the World, слайд №2Christmas Around the World, слайд №3Christmas Around the World, слайд №4Christmas Around the World, слайд №5Christmas Around the World, слайд №6Christmas Around the World, слайд №7Christmas Around the World, слайд №8Christmas Around the World, слайд №9Christmas Around the World, слайд №10Christmas Around the World, слайд №11Christmas Around the World, слайд №12Christmas Around the World, слайд №13Christmas Around the World, слайд №14Christmas Around the World, слайд №15Christmas Around the World, слайд №16Christmas Around the World, слайд №17Christmas Around the World, слайд №18Christmas Around the World, слайд №19Christmas Around the World, слайд №20Christmas Around the World, слайд №21Christmas Around the World, слайд №22Christmas Around the World, слайд №23Christmas Around the World, слайд №24Christmas Around the World, слайд №25Christmas Around the World, слайд №26Christmas Around the World, слайд №27

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Слайд 1

Christmas Around the World
Описание слайда:
Christmas Around the World

Слайд 2

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Слайд 3

Описание слайда:
Christmas History Traditions Today

Слайд 4

Celebrates the birth of Jesus, Savior to Christians
Gifts are exchanged partly because the Bible tells of the wise men (magi) bringing gifts to the Christ-child as they came to worship Him
Описание слайда:
Christmas Celebrates the birth of Jesus, Savior to Christians Gifts are exchanged partly because the Bible tells of the wise men (magi) bringing gifts to the Christ-child as they came to worship Him

Слайд 5

Nativity scene comes from the Bible, especially in the books of Matthew and Luke
Описание слайда:
Christmas Nativity scene comes from the Bible, especially in the books of Matthew and Luke

Слайд 6

Catholic Church set December 25th as the celebration date to combine with the Roman holiday of the winter solstice (when sun has no apparent North or South movement) in 336 A.D.
Описание слайда:
Christmas Catholic Church set December 25th as the celebration date to combine with the Roman holiday of the winter solstice (when sun has no apparent North or South movement) in 336 A.D.

Слайд 7

Santa Claus comes from a real person in 325 A.D. – Saint Nicholas in Turkey*
Reputation for kindness and generosity
Legends of financial miracles on behalf of the poor and unhappy
* Mostly Christian nation at this time
Описание слайда:
Turkey Santa Claus comes from a real person in 325 A.D. – Saint Nicholas in Turkey* Reputation for kindness and generosity Legends of financial miracles on behalf of the poor and unhappy * Mostly Christian nation at this time

Слайд 8

Santa’s red and white suit came from the traditional Bishop’s robes that Saint Nicholas would have worn
Описание слайда:
Turkey Santa’s red and white suit came from the traditional Bishop’s robes that Saint Nicholas would have worn

Слайд 9

Stockings were originally hung, hoping that Saint Nicholas would bring gold coins (as legend says he did for three poor girls that needed money to get married)
Most were filled with small gifts, especially fruit and nuts
Описание слайда:
Turkey Stockings were originally hung, hoping that Saint Nicholas would bring gold coins (as legend says he did for three poor girls that needed money to get married) Most were filled with small gifts, especially fruit and nuts

Слайд 10

Christmas tree is a German tradition, dating to about 700 A.D.
“Yule” log was a large foundational log placed in the fireplace
Name comes from an associated celebratory cry heard about Christmastime because the nights were becoming shorter
Описание слайда:
Germany Christmas tree is a German tradition, dating to about 700 A.D. “Yule” log was a large foundational log placed in the fireplace Name comes from an associated celebratory cry heard about Christmastime because the nights were becoming shorter

Слайд 11

Dutch name for Nicholas was Sinterklaas, which became Santa Claus
Gifts are exchanged on Christmas day partly because of the Dutch Santa Claus legends
Описание слайда:
Holland Dutch name for Nicholas was Sinterklaas, which became Santa Claus Gifts are exchanged on Christmas day partly because of the Dutch Santa Claus legends

Слайд 12

Legends from folktales told of a magician that punished naughty children and rewarded good children with presents
Описание слайда:
Scandinavia Legends from folktales told of a magician that punished naughty children and rewarded good children with presents

Слайд 13

Mistletoe was used as a Christmas decoration for years, but was associated with pagan rituals
A goddess of love – probably where kissing under the mistletoe comes from
Holly replaced it, where the thorns remind of Christ’s crown on the cross and the red berries of His shed blood
Описание слайда:
Scandinavia Mistletoe was used as a Christmas decoration for years, but was associated with pagan rituals A goddess of love – probably where kissing under the mistletoe comes from Holly replaced it, where the thorns remind of Christ’s crown on the cross and the red berries of His shed blood

Слайд 14

Naughty children in Italy were the first to get a lump of coal in the stocking
Описание слайда:
Italy Naughty children in Italy were the first to get a lump of coal in the stocking

Слайд 15

Songs or “carols” [songs] were sung by small choirs for the pleasure of those that happened to walk by
Christmas cards started in London in 1843
Описание слайда:
England Songs or “carols” [songs] were sung by small choirs for the pleasure of those that happened to walk by Christmas cards started in London in 1843

Слайд 16

Singing “carols” [songs] accompanied by a group dance
Noel in French is translated Christmas
Описание слайда:
France Singing “carols” [songs] accompanied by a group dance Noel in French is translated Christmas

Слайд 17

Christmas is abbreviated Xmas because the word for Christ in Greek is Xristos
Описание слайда:
Greece Christmas is abbreviated Xmas because the word for Christ in Greek is Xristos

Слайд 18

Christmas eve is celebrated because the Jewish tradition is that the new day starts at sundown [therefore Christmas eve is actually the start of Christmas day]
Some Jews (by heritage) are also Christians (by faith)
Описание слайда:
Israel Christmas eve is celebrated because the Jewish tradition is that the new day starts at sundown [therefore Christmas eve is actually the start of Christmas day] Some Jews (by heritage) are also Christians (by faith)

Слайд 19

Nochebuena, the Mexican name of the flower English-speakers call poinsettia, was discovered in Taxco and the valleys surrounding Cuernavaca. Known by the Aztecs in their native Nahuatl language as cuetlaxochitl, it is believed that they brought the plant from the tropical climate of Cuernavaca to their Aztec highlands for cultivation in special nurseries. Prized in the prehispanic era for the curative properties of the milk that dripped from the leaves, stems and flowers when cut, the pigment from the red leaves was also used to dye cotton fibers.
Описание слайда:
Mexico Nochebuena, the Mexican name of the flower English-speakers call poinsettia, was discovered in Taxco and the valleys surrounding Cuernavaca. Known by the Aztecs in their native Nahuatl language as cuetlaxochitl, it is believed that they brought the plant from the tropical climate of Cuernavaca to their Aztec highlands for cultivation in special nurseries. Prized in the prehispanic era for the curative properties of the milk that dripped from the leaves, stems and flowers when cut, the pigment from the red leaves was also used to dye cotton fibers.

Слайд 20

Epcot Center in Florida
Each country pavilion has a section dedicated to the history and traditions of Christmas (during the Christmas season)
Описание слайда:
Epcot Center in Florida Each country pavilion has a section dedicated to the history and traditions of Christmas (during the Christmas season)

Слайд 21

Christmas in America
Pilgrims did not celebrate Christmas
Immigrants brought their Christmas traditions, especially in the 1700s and early 1800s
Christmas as a national celebration gathered momentum during the mid-1800s
Описание слайда:
Christmas in America Pilgrims did not celebrate Christmas Immigrants brought their Christmas traditions, especially in the 1700s and early 1800s Christmas as a national celebration gathered momentum during the mid-1800s

Слайд 22

U.S. Ambassador to Mexico, J.R. Poinsett, imported (what became) the poinsettia for Christmas in 1828
Описание слайда:
Christmas U.S. Ambassador to Mexico, J.R. Poinsett, imported (what became) the poinsettia for Christmas in 1828

Слайд 23

Christmas in America
Santa’s sleigh, reindeer, etc. came from 2 published works in 1822 and 1863-1886
1822 – “The Night Before Christmas”
1863-1886 – magazine published pictures of Santa’s workshop, Santa reading letters, Santa checking his list, etc.
Описание слайда:
Christmas in America Santa’s sleigh, reindeer, etc. came from 2 published works in 1822 and 1863-1886 1822 – “The Night Before Christmas” 1863-1886 – magazine published pictures of Santa’s workshop, Santa reading letters, Santa checking his list, etc.

Слайд 24

Christmas in America
Started to become popular in 1860s, and by 1874 Macy’s in New York developed Christmas theme window displays
Tree decorations became common in 1880 when Woolworth’s began to sell manufactured ornaments
Описание слайда:
Christmas in America Started to become popular in 1860s, and by 1874 Macy’s in New York developed Christmas theme window displays Tree decorations became common in 1880 when Woolworth’s began to sell manufactured ornaments

Слайд 25

Outdoor White House tree tradition started in 1923 with President Coolidge
Описание слайда:
Christmas Outdoor White House tree tradition started in 1923 with President Coolidge

Слайд 26

Christmas in America
Two most popular secular songs at Christmas are:
Bing Crosby’s “White Christmas” (1942)
Gene Autry’s “Rudolf the Red-nosed Reindeer” (1949)
Based upon the Montgomery Wards booklet of the same named given away free in 1939 – written by a father attempting to cheer up a sad daughter grieving over a dieing mother
Описание слайда:
Christmas in America Two most popular secular songs at Christmas are: Bing Crosby’s “White Christmas” (1942) Gene Autry’s “Rudolf the Red-nosed Reindeer” (1949) Based upon the Montgomery Wards booklet of the same named given away free in 1939 – written by a father attempting to cheer up a sad daughter grieving over a dieing mother

Слайд 27

There’s something to celebrate for everybody:
Great traditions incorporating aspects from many countries
Significant religious events
Описание слайда:
Christmas There’s something to celebrate for everybody: Great traditions incorporating aspects from many countries Significant religious events

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