🗊Speaking about the Future

Категория: Английский язык
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Speaking about the Future, слайд №1Speaking about the Future, слайд №2Speaking about the Future, слайд №3Speaking about the Future, слайд №4Speaking about the Future, слайд №5Speaking about the Future, слайд №6Speaking about the Future, слайд №7Speaking about the Future, слайд №8Speaking about the Future, слайд №9

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Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1

Speaking about the Future
Описание слайда:
Speaking about the Future

Слайд 2

Future Simple 
(Простое будущее время)
Правильно говорить о действиях и событиях, которые будут происходить в будущем, нам помогает Future Simple.
Описание слайда:
Future Simple (Простое будущее время) Правильно говорить о действиях и событиях, которые будут происходить в будущем, нам помогает Future Simple.

Слайд 3

Future Simple
Описание слайда:
Future Simple

Слайд 4

Let’s speak!
Read and translate:
I will do my homework in an hour.
We will play basketball tomorrow.
You will get a very nice birthday present tomorrow.
She will send me a postcard next week.
It will be snowy next winter.
They will come to Russia next year.
Описание слайда:
Let’s speak! Read and translate: I will do my homework in an hour. We will play basketball tomorrow. You will get a very nice birthday present tomorrow. She will send me a postcard next week. It will be snowy next winter. They will come to Russia next year.

Слайд 5

Let’s speak!
Complete the sentences:
Описание слайда:
Let’s speak! Complete the sentences:

Слайд 6

Let’s speak!
Ask your partner what she will do tomorrow:
e.g. Will you do your homework tomorrow? – Yes, I will./No, I will not.
Описание слайда:
Let’s speak! Ask your partner what she will do tomorrow: e.g. Will you do your homework tomorrow? – Yes, I will./No, I will not.

Слайд 7

When can we use the Future Simple?
Make the weather forecast (прогноз погоды) for summer months.
Описание слайда:
When can we use the Future Simple? Make the weather forecast (прогноз погоды) for summer months.

Слайд 8

Making the weather forecasts
Look and say what the weather will be tomorrow in other cities:
e.g. In Pskov it will be rainy tomorrow.
Описание слайда:
Making the weather forecasts Look and say what the weather will be tomorrow in other cities: e.g. In Pskov it will be rainy tomorrow.

Слайд 9

Making the weather forecasts
Say what the weather will be in your city this week:
Описание слайда:
Making the weather forecasts Say what the weather will be in your city this week:

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