🗊My Favorite Orenburg

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My Favorite Orenburg, слайд №1My Favorite Orenburg, слайд №2My Favorite Orenburg, слайд №3My Favorite Orenburg, слайд №4My Favorite Orenburg, слайд №5My Favorite Orenburg, слайд №6My Favorite Orenburg, слайд №7My Favorite Orenburg, слайд №8My Favorite Orenburg, слайд №9My Favorite Orenburg, слайд №10My Favorite Orenburg, слайд №11My Favorite Orenburg, слайд №12My Favorite Orenburg, слайд №13My Favorite Orenburg, слайд №14My Favorite Orenburg, слайд №15My Favorite Orenburg, слайд №16My Favorite Orenburg, слайд №17My Favorite Orenburg, слайд №18

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Слайд 1

My Favorite Orenburg
Описание слайда:
My Favorite Orenburg

Слайд 2

Love of Motherland.
Любовь к родине.

We know the English   word   "Motherland"  but it has two meanings. First  , it is place you were born in. Then    it   means   the   house or district in which one was born . Love  of  Motherland  comes to people in different ways. For some people their   motherland   begins   in a city street. For other people it is their own village or a house in which they   have   grown  up. Usually this place is "the best place in the world"
Описание слайда:
Love of Motherland. Любовь к родине. We know the English word "Motherland" but it has two meanings. First , it is place you were born in. Then it means the house or district in which one was born . Love of Motherland comes to people in different ways. For some people their motherland begins in a city street. For other people it is their own village or a house in which they have grown up. Usually this place is "the best place in the world"

Слайд 3

This district was founded in September 1  , 1938 with the main administrative center - town Orenburg. In the year 1998 it has celebrated its 60th Anniversary .People of different nationalities and different languages (though all of them speak Russian) live here Russians, Kazakhs, Tatars Ukrainians, German, Bashkir’s, and others. Of course. they form one big family.
This district was founded in September 1  , 1938 with the main administrative center - town Orenburg. In the year 1998 it has celebrated its 60th Anniversary .People of different nationalities and different languages (though all of them speak Russian) live here Russians, Kazakhs, Tatars Ukrainians, German, Bashkir’s, and others. Of course. they form one big family.
Описание слайда:
This district was founded in September 1 , 1938 with the main administrative center - town Orenburg. In the year 1998 it has celebrated its 60th Anniversary .People of different nationalities and different languages (though all of them speak Russian) live here Russians, Kazakhs, Tatars Ukrainians, German, Bashkir’s, and others. Of course. they form one big family. This district was founded in September 1 , 1938 with the main administrative center - town Orenburg. In the year 1998 it has celebrated its 60th Anniversary .People of different nationalities and different languages (though all of them speak Russian) live here Russians, Kazakhs, Tatars Ukrainians, German, Bashkir’s, and others. Of course. they form one big family.

Слайд 4

My Favorite Orenburg, слайд №4
Описание слайда:

Слайд 5

In  August 1968 the group of geologist found the  deposit of gas in the territory of our district and this event  brought the people to the creation of the biggest plant in our country gas plant . Now there hundreds of chinks or wells connection different gas objects on the left bank of the river Ural ? Covering the area of hundreds and more kilometers. Gas has not only the international meaning but it is a warm house with light , hot and cold water.
In  August 1968 the group of geologist found the  deposit of gas in the territory of our district and this event  brought the people to the creation of the biggest plant in our country gas plant . Now there hundreds of chinks or wells connection different gas objects on the left bank of the river Ural ? Covering the area of hundreds and more kilometers. Gas has not only the international meaning but it is a warm house with light , hot and cold water.
Описание слайда:
In August 1968 the group of geologist found the deposit of gas in the territory of our district and this event brought the people to the creation of the biggest plant in our country gas plant . Now there hundreds of chinks or wells connection different gas objects on the left bank of the river Ural ? Covering the area of hundreds and more kilometers. Gas has not only the international meaning but it is a warm house with light , hot and cold water. In August 1968 the group of geologist found the deposit of gas in the territory of our district and this event brought the people to the creation of the biggest plant in our country gas plant . Now there hundreds of chinks or wells connection different gas objects on the left bank of the river Ural ? Covering the area of hundreds and more kilometers. Gas has not only the international meaning but it is a warm house with light , hot and cold water.

Слайд 6

My Favorite Orenburg, слайд №6
Описание слайда:

Слайд 7

. Each day a great number of planes  transfer many people to different  towns, big cities and , of course, abroad. The first spaceman U.A.Gagarin got his future  profession in our town and made his first steps to the sky.
Описание слайда:
. Each day a great number of planes transfer many people to different towns, big cities and , of course, abroad. The first spaceman U.A.Gagarin got his future profession in our town and made his first steps to the sky.

Слайд 8

Another page of the Orenburg region/s history is the Orenburg Cossacks. In the year 1881 the number of the Orenburg Cossacs reached the point  295 thousand  people. They  served to the Tzar government. A great deal of them lived  Orenburg district. From the period of 1990 up to 1996 a great number of Cossacks organization formed in different Cossacks settlement: Nikolka, Pavlovka , and Blagoslovenka. The aim  of such organization is to increase the number of Cossacks and to form the classes of cadets to prepare them for their future military services. In the year  1841 the village Dedurovka was united to the Orenburg Cossacks.
Another page of the Orenburg region/s history is the Orenburg Cossacks. In the year 1881 the number of the Orenburg Cossacs reached the point  295 thousand  people. They  served to the Tzar government. A great deal of them lived  Orenburg district. From the period of 1990 up to 1996 a great number of Cossacks organization formed in different Cossacks settlement: Nikolka, Pavlovka , and Blagoslovenka. The aim  of such organization is to increase the number of Cossacks and to form the classes of cadets to prepare them for their future military services. In the year  1841 the village Dedurovka was united to the Orenburg Cossacks.
Описание слайда:
Another page of the Orenburg region/s history is the Orenburg Cossacks. In the year 1881 the number of the Orenburg Cossacs reached the point 295 thousand people. They served to the Tzar government. A great deal of them lived Orenburg district. From the period of 1990 up to 1996 a great number of Cossacks organization formed in different Cossacks settlement: Nikolka, Pavlovka , and Blagoslovenka. The aim of such organization is to increase the number of Cossacks and to form the classes of cadets to prepare them for their future military services. In the year 1841 the village Dedurovka was united to the Orenburg Cossacks. Another page of the Orenburg region/s history is the Orenburg Cossacks. In the year 1881 the number of the Orenburg Cossacs reached the point 295 thousand people. They served to the Tzar government. A great deal of them lived Orenburg district. From the period of 1990 up to 1996 a great number of Cossacks organization formed in different Cossacks settlement: Nikolka, Pavlovka , and Blagoslovenka. The aim of such organization is to increase the number of Cossacks and to form the classes of cadets to prepare them for their future military services. In the year 1841 the village Dedurovka was united to the Orenburg Cossacks.

Слайд 9

My Favorite Orenburg, слайд №9
Описание слайда:

Слайд 10

The well-know geologist, academician Fersman , called the Orenburg region 'The pearl of the Urals' for the unique and vast variety of minerals our land is rich in. Do you know that our region is the largest in Russia, it exceeds the territory of Latvia, Georgia, Armenia, Moldavia, Austria and Portugal and  can easily house Belgium, Switzerland, Denmark and Luxembourg taken together?0ur region is   "bridge" connecting Asia and Europe.
Описание слайда:
The well-know geologist, academician Fersman , called the Orenburg region 'The pearl of the Urals' for the unique and vast variety of minerals our land is rich in. Do you know that our region is the largest in Russia, it exceeds the territory of Latvia, Georgia, Armenia, Moldavia, Austria and Portugal and can easily house Belgium, Switzerland, Denmark and Luxembourg taken together?0ur region is   "bridge" connecting Asia and Europe.

Слайд 11

There are over 200 deposits of 75 different minerals, including oil, gas, brown coal, ferrous and non ferrous metals , salt , jasper and brick clays in our region.
There are over 200 deposits of 75 different minerals, including oil, gas, brown coal, ferrous and non ferrous metals , salt , jasper and brick clays in our region.
Описание слайда:
There are over 200 deposits of 75 different minerals, including oil, gas, brown coal, ferrous and non ferrous metals , salt , jasper and brick clays in our region. There are over 200 deposits of 75 different minerals, including oil, gas, brown coal, ferrous and non ferrous metals , salt , jasper and brick clays in our region.

Слайд 12

My Favorite Orenburg, слайд №12
Описание слайда:

Слайд 13

Orenburg is an administrative centre of the Region It is on the confluence of the river Ural and the river Samara. Its population is above 532.000 people. It has industries? Universities? The regional museum of local lore, the Regional Librarv named after Krupskaya, The Drama  theatre. The Oren burg folk choir. The Puppet theatre  the Art museum, the Concert Hall of the Philharmonic, the Theatre of Musical Comedy, the Tatar theatre, the dispensary "Rosinka“
In orenburg region enter:Buguruslan, Mednogorsk, Sorochinsk, AbdulIino, Kuvandyk, Orsk, Novotroitsk, Buzuluk.
Описание слайда:
Orenburg is an administrative centre of the Region It is on the confluence of the river Ural and the river Samara. Its population is above 532.000 people. It has industries? Universities? The regional museum of local lore, the Regional Librarv named after Krupskaya, The Drama  theatre. The Oren burg folk choir. The Puppet theatre the Art museum, the Concert Hall of the Philharmonic, the Theatre of Musical Comedy, the Tatar theatre, the dispensary "Rosinka“ In orenburg region enter:Buguruslan, Mednogorsk, Sorochinsk, AbdulIino, Kuvandyk, Orsk, Novotroitsk, Buzuluk.

Слайд 14

The monument to Pushkin and Dahl in the centre of Orenburg is the work of Orenburg sculptor Nadezhda Petina. It is not only a tribute to the history. It also show  the creative power and great abilities of Orenburg artists.
There are many creative unions and theatres in the city. Orenburg Drama Theatre, our Musical Theatre and Puppet Show Theatre "Pierrot" made several tours to Minsk, Ufa, Moscow, Pskov, Kazakhstan, Chelyabinsk, and Tolyatti. Tatar Drama Theatre is also popular not only in Orenburg. There some really good theatre in other towns of the region, too Orsk, Buguruslan.
Many people throughout the world enjoyed performances of Orenburg Academic Russian Folk Chorus.
Life of the famous musician Mstislav Rostropovich is closely connected with our region. He was visited Orenburg several times.
Описание слайда:
The monument to Pushkin and Dahl in the centre of Orenburg is the work of Orenburg sculptor Nadezhda Petina. It is not only a tribute to the history. It also show the creative power and great abilities of Orenburg artists. There are many creative unions and theatres in the city. Orenburg Drama Theatre, our Musical Theatre and Puppet Show Theatre "Pierrot" made several tours to Minsk, Ufa, Moscow, Pskov, Kazakhstan, Chelyabinsk, and Tolyatti. Tatar Drama Theatre is also popular not only in Orenburg. There some really good theatre in other towns of the region, too Orsk, Buguruslan. Many people throughout the world enjoyed performances of Orenburg Academic Russian Folk Chorus. Life of the famous musician Mstislav Rostropovich is closely connected with our region. He was visited Orenburg several times.

Слайд 15

My Favorite Orenburg, слайд №15
Описание слайда:

Слайд 16

WRITERS. Our Orenburg region is closely connected with names of G.R. Derzhavin who lived here with his parents during the period 1750-1754. He lived in his estate near the town Buzuluk and considered himself to be citizen of this district. The native of the Orenburg region was the author and the writer, also known as a historian- N.M. Karamzin./1766-1826/. I.A. Krilov, the author of many popular fables, spent his childhood and lived with his parents from year 1722 up to 1775 in the town Orenburg- which had its name "Yazikii gorodok" at the time. He also the witness of the historical event- E. Pugachev's uprising and later on he told about this event to A.S. Pushkin who was under his work of "Pugachev's history" at that time. S.T. Aksakov- he was born in the town Ufa, but he spent his childhood in the estate of his grandfather/ village Aksakovo, Busuluk region/, "The childhood in the native town Orenburg". He is writer our whole district.
Описание слайда:
WRITERS. Our Orenburg region is closely connected with names of G.R. Derzhavin who lived here with his parents during the period 1750-1754. He lived in his estate near the town Buzuluk and considered himself to be citizen of this district. The native of the Orenburg region was the author and the writer, also known as a historian- N.M. Karamzin./1766-1826/. I.A. Krilov, the author of many popular fables, spent his childhood and lived with his parents from year 1722 up to 1775 in the town Orenburg- which had its name "Yazikii gorodok" at the time. He also the witness of the historical event- E. Pugachev's uprising and later on he told about this event to A.S. Pushkin who was under his work of "Pugachev's history" at that time. S.T. Aksakov- he was born in the town Ufa, but he spent his childhood in the estate of his grandfather/ village Aksakovo, Busuluk region/, "The childhood in the native town Orenburg". He is writer our whole district.

Слайд 17

Favorite Orenburg.
Favorite Orenburg.
As the English people say "East or West, home is best" or "There is not place like home "You think about this little place as your motherland and only later you will see the whole country behind the word Motherland.
Love in your Motherland does not come to you of it own accord. You can love only what you know well. And you know a lot about the history of our country. Orenburg is my favorite town because it's my birthplace. The place I living in, is the greatest and most important for me.
Описание слайда:
Favorite Orenburg. Favorite Orenburg. As the English people say "East or West, home is best" or "There is not place like home "You think about this little place as your motherland and only later you will see the whole country behind the word Motherland. Love in your Motherland does not come to you of it own accord. You can love only what you know well. And you know a lot about the history of our country. Orenburg is my favorite town because it's my birthplace. The place I living in, is the greatest and most important for me.

Слайд 18

My Favorite Orenburg, слайд №18
Описание слайда:

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