🗊Sightseeing in Minsk Trinity Suburb

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Sightseeing in Minsk  Trinity Suburb, слайд №1Sightseeing in Minsk  Trinity Suburb, слайд №2Sightseeing in Minsk  Trinity Suburb, слайд №3Sightseeing in Minsk  Trinity Suburb, слайд №4Sightseeing in Minsk  Trinity Suburb, слайд №5Sightseeing in Minsk  Trinity Suburb, слайд №6Sightseeing in Minsk  Trinity Suburb, слайд №7Sightseeing in Minsk  Trinity Suburb, слайд №8

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Слайд 1

Sightseeing in Minsk
Trinity Suburb
Описание слайда:
Sightseeing in Minsk Trinity Suburb

Слайд 2

One of  the chief glories of Minsk is Trinity Suburb, a delight of every visitor of taste. It is a tangle of narrow streets lined with fascinating little shops. Delightful small houses seem to whisper their secrets to each other across the cobbled way. It's the way Minsk used to look like before The Second World War. We also call it an Old Town.
Описание слайда:
One of the chief glories of Minsk is Trinity Suburb, a delight of every visitor of taste. It is a tangle of narrow streets lined with fascinating little shops. Delightful small houses seem to whisper their secrets to each other across the cobbled way. It's the way Minsk used to look like before The Second World War. We also call it an Old Town.

Слайд 3

The Trinity Suburb is the oldest part of Minsk. It consists of many low-dwelling houses and the distance between them is very small.
Описание слайда:
The Trinity Suburb is the oldest part of Minsk. It consists of many low-dwelling houses and the distance between them is very small.

Слайд 4

Along with modern buildings, you will come across old churches and monuments. To have an insight into the old Minsk, travel to the east of the Svisloch River, whereTrinity Suburb (Troitskoye Predmestie) was rebuilt in the 18th–19th century style.
Описание слайда:
Along with modern buildings, you will come across old churches and monuments. To have an insight into the old Minsk, travel to the east of the Svisloch River, whereTrinity Suburb (Troitskoye Predmestie) was rebuilt in the 18th–19th century style.

Слайд 5

The suburb’s high street was Troitskaya St., 
renamed Alexandrovskaya in the 19th century (now Bogdanovich St.). In this street there was a house where the classic of the Belarusian literature Maxim Bogdanovich was born.Unfortunately the house was demolished during the war, but the poet's museum is situated not far from the place.
Описание слайда:
The suburb’s high street was Troitskaya St., renamed Alexandrovskaya in the 19th century (now Bogdanovich St.). In this street there was a house where the classic of the Belarusian literature Maxim Bogdanovich was born.Unfortunately the house was demolished during the war, but the poet's museum is situated not far from the place.

Слайд 6

One of the chief glories of Minsk…
The Trinity Suburb…
A delight for every visitor…
Описание слайда:
One of the chief glories of Minsk… The Trinity Suburb… A delight for every visitor…

Слайд 7

1. Where is Trinity Suburb situated?
2. What was the suburb’s high street?
3. What museum is situated in the suburb?
4. What century style was Trinity Suburb rebuilt in?
5.What river is situated nearby the suburb?
6.What is your favorite sight in Minsk?
Описание слайда:
Exercises 1. Where is Trinity Suburb situated? 2. What was the suburb’s high street? 3. What museum is situated in the suburb? 4. What century style was Trinity Suburb rebuilt in? 5.What river is situated nearby the suburb? 6.What is your favorite sight in Minsk?

Слайд 8

1. I wish I (have) more free time to visit (достопримечательности) in Minsk
2. If only you (can) show me the place you’re talk about (прямо сейчас)! 
3. I wish we (visit) National Art Museum last time. But now, when we haven’t any time, we (должны) do it.
4. If only it (not rain) when we went to the (экскурсия)!
Описание слайда:
Exercises 1. I wish I (have) more free time to visit (достопримечательности) in Minsk 2. If only you (can) show me the place you’re talk about (прямо сейчас)! 3. I wish we (visit) National Art Museum last time. But now, when we haven’t any time, we (должны) do it. 4. If only it (not rain) when we went to the (экскурсия)!

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