🗊Ira Levin (1929 - 2007)

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Ira Levin (1929  - 2007), слайд №1Ira Levin (1929  - 2007), слайд №2Ira Levin (1929  - 2007), слайд №3Ira Levin (1929  - 2007), слайд №4Ira Levin (1929  - 2007), слайд №5Ira Levin (1929  - 2007), слайд №6Ira Levin (1929  - 2007), слайд №7Ira Levin (1929  - 2007), слайд №8Ira Levin (1929  - 2007), слайд №9Ira Levin (1929  - 2007), слайд №10

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Слайд 1

Ira Levin (1929  - 2007)
Описание слайда:
Ira Levin (1929 - 2007)

Слайд 2

Levin was born in the Bronx. But his family relocated to the Upper West Side of Manhattan when he was 13. 
He graduated New York University with a degree in English and philosophy in 1950. During his senior year in college, he took second place ($200) in a screenwriting competition sponsored by CBS TV.  Later the same script was bought by NBC for $400.
Описание слайда:
Levin was born in the Bronx. But his family relocated to the Upper West Side of Manhattan when he was 13. He graduated New York University with a degree in English and philosophy in 1950. During his senior year in college, he took second place ($200) in a screenwriting competition sponsored by CBS TV.  Later the same script was bought by NBC for $400.

Слайд 3

A Kiss Before Dying
	Levin's first novel, A Kiss Before Dying, was well received, earning him the 1954 Edgar Award for Best First Novel. A Kiss Before Dying was turned into a movie twice, first in 1956, and again in 1991.
Описание слайда:
A Kiss Before Dying Levin's first novel, A Kiss Before Dying, was well received, earning him the 1954 Edgar Award for Best First Novel. A Kiss Before Dying was turned into a movie twice, first in 1956, and again in 1991.

Слайд 4

	Levin's best-known play is Deathtrap, the longest-running comedy-thriller on Broadway and it brought Levin his second Edgar Award. In 1982, it was  also made into a film. 
Описание слайда:
Deathtrap Levin's best-known play is Deathtrap, the longest-running comedy-thriller on Broadway and it brought Levin his second Edgar Award. In 1982, it was also made into a film. 

Слайд 5

Ira Levin (1929  - 2007), слайд №5
Описание слайда:

Слайд 6

This Perfect Day

	This Perfect Day belongs to the genre of anti-utopian novels.
	 The action begins in the year 141 of the Unification -  the establishment of global government, which finally led to consolidating all the world's super-computers into one colossal apparatus lodged deep below the Swiss Alps UniComp knows everything; where you are, what you are doing, who you should marry, what sort of work you should do - everything!
Описание слайда:
This Perfect Day This Perfect Day belongs to the genre of anti-utopian novels. The action begins in the year 141 of the Unification - the establishment of global government, which finally led to consolidating all the world's super-computers into one colossal apparatus lodged deep below the Swiss Alps UniComp knows everything; where you are, what you are doing, who you should marry, what sort of work you should do - everything!

Слайд 7

UniComp’s world
	Everyone wears a bracelet. If you want to go somewhere, you hold your bracelet over a scanner and UniComp decides whether or not you will be admitted.  UniComp decides whether or not you'll have children. But sometimes a person wants something that UniComp will not allow. These people are mentally ill but UniComp lovingly repairs their minds.
Описание слайда:
UniComp’s world Everyone wears a bracelet. If you want to go somewhere, you hold your bracelet over a scanner and UniComp decides whether or not you will be admitted.  UniComp decides whether or not you'll have children. But sometimes a person wants something that UniComp will not allow. These people are mentally ill but UniComp lovingly repairs their minds.

Слайд 8

Chip is a maverick
      We first see Li RM35M4419 as a child, nicknamed "Chip" by his nonconformist grandfather. Chip grows up and his career begins.
	He is suddenly recruited by a group of secret resisters, who meet in the local pre-Unification museum and coach Chip into acting drugged to get his mind-altering treatments reduced. Chip is careless, and is discovered, and through him the whole group. Later Chip plans to destroy UniComp…
Описание слайда:
Chip is a maverick We first see Li RM35M4419 as a child, nicknamed "Chip" by his nonconformist grandfather. Chip grows up and his career begins. He is suddenly recruited by a group of secret resisters, who meet in the local pre-Unification museum and coach Chip into acting drugged to get his mind-altering treatments reduced. Chip is careless, and is discovered, and through him the whole group. Later Chip plans to destroy UniComp…

Слайд 9

Levin was married and divorced twice, and had three sons (from the first marriage) and four grandsons
Ira Levin died in Manhattan from a heart attack on November 12, 2007.
Описание слайда:
Levin was married and divorced twice, and had three sons (from the first marriage) and four grandsons Ira Levin died in Manhattan from a heart attack on November 12, 2007.

Слайд 10

Ira Levin (1929  - 2007), слайд №10
Описание слайда:

Теги Ira Levin (1929 - 2007)
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