
Категория: Английский язык
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happy/sad, слайд №1happy/sad, слайд №2happy/sad, слайд №3happy/sad, слайд №4happy/sad, слайд №5happy/sad, слайд №6happy/sad, слайд №7

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Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1

Описание слайда:

Слайд 2

Описание слайда:

Слайд 3

Описание слайда:

Слайд 4

Описание слайда:

Слайд 5

Make up questions and answer them
1. month, the, shortest, what, is?
- What is the shortest month?
2. the, is, warmest, what, season?
What is the warmest season?
3. on, is, the land, who, animal, biggest, the?
Who is the biggest animal on the land?
4. in, who, the sea, is, biggest, animal, the?
Who is the biggest animal in the sea?
5. fastest, the, who, is, on, animal, the land?
 - Who is the fastest animal on the land?
Описание слайда:
Make up questions and answer them 1. month, the, shortest, what, is? - What is the shortest month? 2. the, is, warmest, what, season? What is the warmest season? 3. on, is, the land, who, animal, biggest, the? Who is the biggest animal on the land? 4. in, who, the sea, is, biggest, animal, the? Who is the biggest animal in the sea? 5. fastest, the, who, is, on, animal, the land? - Who is the fastest animal on the land?

Слайд 6

Open the brackets
Hobbit is (old) than Roo.
The church is (big) than farmhouse.
Winnie-the-Pooh is (clever) than Buratino.
Buratino’s nose is the (long).
Artemon has (many) friends than Jack.
Hobbit’s garden is (beautiful) here.
Elephants are (big) animals on the land. 
Basilio is (bad) than Artemon.
Malvina is (beautiful) than Fox Alice.
Описание слайда:
Open the brackets Hobbit is (old) than Roo. The church is (big) than farmhouse. Winnie-the-Pooh is (clever) than Buratino. Buratino’s nose is the (long). Artemon has (many) friends than Jack. Hobbit’s garden is (beautiful) here. Elephants are (big) animals on the land. Basilio is (bad) than Artemon. Malvina is (beautiful) than Fox Alice.

Слайд 7

This……..    is the …   in the country.
      yard                clean
     house                   nice
       river                   deep
      horse                   fast
      cow                     big
    sheep                    fat
flowerbed              beautiful
Описание слайда:
This…….. is the … in the country. yard clean house nice river deep horse fast cow big sheep fat flowerbed beautiful

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