🗊Welcome to the…2018 OLIMPIC GAMES

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Welcome to the…2018  OLIMPIC GAMES, слайд №1Welcome to the…2018  OLIMPIC GAMES, слайд №2Welcome to the…2018  OLIMPIC GAMES, слайд №3Welcome to the…2018  OLIMPIC GAMES, слайд №4Welcome to the…2018  OLIMPIC GAMES, слайд №5Welcome to the…2018  OLIMPIC GAMES, слайд №6Welcome to the…2018  OLIMPIC GAMES, слайд №7Welcome to the…2018  OLIMPIC GAMES, слайд №8

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Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1

Welcome to the…2018
Описание слайда:
Welcome to the…2018 OLIMPIC GAMES

Слайд 2

I think that Russia will host the Olympic Games, because it is very big, beautiful and sports country.
I think that Russia will host the Olympic Games, because it is very big, beautiful and sports country.
Описание слайда:
I think that Russia will host the Olympic Games, because it is very big, beautiful and sports country. I think that Russia will host the Olympic Games, because it is very big, beautiful and sports country.

Слайд 3

The flag will change. 
The flag will change. 
It will consist from a silk fabric, on which small people will be represented.
I think that the flame and the motto does not change.
Описание слайда:
The flag will change. The flag will change. It will consist from a silk fabric, on which small people will be represented. I think that the flame and the motto does not change.

Слайд 4

The red colour symbolize Olympic Flame.
The red colour symbolize Olympic Flame.
The orange colour symbolize sun.
The blue colour symbolize sky.
The green colour symbolize grass.
The medals does not change.
Описание слайда:
The red colour symbolize Olympic Flame. The red colour symbolize Olympic Flame. The orange colour symbolize sun. The blue colour symbolize sky. The green colour symbolize grass. The medals does not change.

Слайд 5

Now the symbol of the Olympic Games is squirrel, because it is fast, hardy.
Описание слайда:
Now the symbol of the Olympic Games is squirrel, because it is fast, hardy.

Слайд 6

There are will be football, biathlon, basketball, swimming, figured skating, hockey.
There are will be football, biathlon, basketball, swimming, figured skating, hockey.
New Olympic sport is “Races by helicopters”.
Описание слайда:
There are will be football, biathlon, basketball, swimming, figured skating, hockey. There are will be football, biathlon, basketball, swimming, figured skating, hockey. New Olympic sport is “Races by helicopters”.

Слайд 7

Each country team has its own sport clothes.
Each country team has its own sport clothes.
The Russian team will wear:blue jacket, white trousers and red t-short and trainers.
Описание слайда:
Each country team has its own sport clothes. Each country team has its own sport clothes. The Russian team will wear:blue jacket, white trousers and red t-short and trainers.

Слайд 8

All sportsmen will be on parade. They will wear on costume.
All sportsmen will be on parade. They will wear on costume.
There will be a concert 30 Seconds To Mars.
Then the fire will be lit.
The sportsmen will throw air balls in the sky.
And the competitions will begin.
Описание слайда:
All sportsmen will be on parade. They will wear on costume. All sportsmen will be on parade. They will wear on costume. There will be a concert 30 Seconds To Mars. Then the fire will be lit. The sportsmen will throw air balls in the sky. And the competitions will begin.

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