🗊Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply

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Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply, слайд №1Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply, слайд №2Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply, слайд №3Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply, слайд №4Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply, слайд №5Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply, слайд №6Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply, слайд №7Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply, слайд №8Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply, слайд №9Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply, слайд №10Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply, слайд №11Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply, слайд №12Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply, слайд №13Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply, слайд №14Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply, слайд №15Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply, слайд №16Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply, слайд №17Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply, слайд №18Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply, слайд №19Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply, слайд №20Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply, слайд №21Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply, слайд №22

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Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1

Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply
Описание слайда:
Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply

Слайд 2

Aggregate Demand
Real GDP desired at each price level
Inverse relationship
Real balances effect
Interest effect
Foreign purchases effect
Описание слайда:
Aggregate Demand Real GDP desired at each price level Inverse relationship Real balances effect Interest effect Foreign purchases effect

Слайд 3

Aggregate Demand
Описание слайда:
Aggregate Demand

Слайд 4

Changes in Aggregate Demand
Описание слайда:
Changes in Aggregate Demand

Слайд 5

Consumer Spending
Consumer wealth
Household borrowing
Consumer expectations
Personal taxes
Описание слайда:
Consumer Spending Consumer wealth Household borrowing Consumer expectations Personal taxes

Слайд 6

Investment Spending
Real interest rates
Expected returns
Expectations about future business conditions
Degree of excess capacity
Business taxes
Описание слайда:
Investment Spending Real interest rates Expected returns Expectations about future business conditions Technology Degree of excess capacity Business taxes

Слайд 7

Government Spending
Government spending increases
Aggregate demand increases (as long as interest rates and tax rates do not change)
More transportation projects
Government spending decreases
Aggregate demand decreases
Less military spending
Описание слайда:
Government Spending Government spending increases Aggregate demand increases (as long as interest rates and tax rates do not change) More transportation projects Government spending decreases Aggregate demand decreases Less military spending

Слайд 8

Net Export Spending
National income abroad
Exchange rates
Dollar depreciation
Dollar appreciation
Описание слайда:
Net Export Spending National income abroad Exchange rates Dollar depreciation Dollar appreciation

Слайд 9

Aggregate Supply
Total real output produced at each price level
Relationship depends on time horizon
Immediate short run
Short run
Long run
Описание слайда:
Aggregate Supply Total real output produced at each price level Relationship depends on time horizon Immediate short run Short run Long run

Слайд 10

AS: Immediate Short Run
Описание слайда:
AS: Immediate Short Run

Слайд 11

Aggregate Supply: Short Run
Описание слайда:
Aggregate Supply: Short Run

Слайд 12

Aggregate Supply: Long Run
Описание слайда:
Aggregate Supply: Long Run

Слайд 13

Changes in Aggregate Supply
Determinants of aggregate supply
Shift factors
Collectively position the AS curve
Changes raise or lower per-unit production costs
Описание слайда:
Changes in Aggregate Supply Determinants of aggregate supply Shift factors Collectively position the AS curve Changes raise or lower per-unit production costs

Слайд 14

Changes in Aggregate Supply
Описание слайда:
Changes in Aggregate Supply

Слайд 15

Input Prices
Domestic resource prices
Prices of imported resources
Imported oil
Exchange rates
Описание слайда:
Input Prices Domestic resource prices Labor Capital Land Prices of imported resources Imported oil Exchange rates

Слайд 16

Real output per unit of input
Increases in productivity reduce costs
Decreases in productivity increase costs
Описание слайда:
Productivity Real output per unit of input Increases in productivity reduce costs Decreases in productivity increase costs

Слайд 17

Legal-Institutional Environment
Legal changes alter per-unit costs of output
Taxes and subsidies
Extent of government regulation
Описание слайда:
Legal-Institutional Environment Legal changes alter per-unit costs of output Taxes and subsidies Extent of government regulation

Слайд 18

Описание слайда:

Слайд 19

Increases in AD: Demand-Pull Inflation
Описание слайда:
Increases in AD: Demand-Pull Inflation

Слайд 20

Decreases in AD: Recession
Описание слайда:
Decreases in AD: Recession

Слайд 21

Decreases in AS: Cost-Push Inflation
Описание слайда:
Decreases in AS: Cost-Push Inflation

Слайд 22

Increases in AS: Full-Employment
Описание слайда:
Increases in AS: Full-Employment

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