🗊London is beautiful.

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London is beautiful., слайд №1London is beautiful., слайд №2London is beautiful., слайд №3London is beautiful., слайд №4London is beautiful., слайд №5London is beautiful., слайд №6London is beautiful., слайд №7London is beautiful., слайд №8London is beautiful., слайд №9London is beautiful., слайд №10London is beautiful., слайд №11London is beautiful., слайд №12London is beautiful., слайд №13London is beautiful., слайд №14London is beautiful., слайд №15London is beautiful., слайд №16London is beautiful., слайд №17London is beautiful., слайд №18London is beautiful., слайд №19London is beautiful., слайд №20London is beautiful., слайд №21London is beautiful., слайд №22London is beautiful., слайд №23London is beautiful., слайд №24London is beautiful., слайд №25London is beautiful., слайд №26London is beautiful., слайд №27

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Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1

London is beautiful.
Описание слайда:
London is beautiful.

Слайд 2

View from Tower Bridge
Описание слайда:
View from Tower Bridge

Слайд 3

The Thames is the deepest river.
Описание слайда:
The Thames is the deepest river.

Слайд 4

The Thames is the most beautiful river in Britain.
Описание слайда:
The Thames is the most beautiful river in Britain.

Слайд 5

It runs below the London Eye.
Описание слайда:
It runs below the London Eye.

Слайд 6

London Eye is the biggest wheel in Britain.
Описание слайда:
London Eye is the biggest wheel in Britain.

Слайд 7

London is beautiful., слайд №7
Описание слайда:

Слайд 8

London Bridge
Описание слайда:
London Bridge

Слайд 9

Tower Bridge is one of the oldest bridges.
Описание слайда:
Tower Bridge is one of the oldest bridges.

Слайд 10

It is over a hundred years.
Описание слайда:
It is over a hundred years.

Слайд 11

The Tower is a very big castle.
Описание слайда:
The Tower is a very big castle.

Слайд 12

It is the oldest place in London
Описание слайда:
It is the oldest place in London

Слайд 13

It was a castle, a palace, a zoo and a museum.
Описание слайда:
It was a castle, a palace, a zoo and a museum.

Слайд 14

Buckingham Palace is the home of the Queen.
Описание слайда:
Buckingham Palace is the home of the Queen.

Слайд 15

London is beautiful., слайд №15
Описание слайда:

Слайд 16

London is beautiful., слайд №16
Описание слайда:

Слайд 17

Admiral Nelson Column is on 
Trafalgar Square. It is the most popular place
Описание слайда:
Admiral Nelson Column is on Trafalgar Square. It is the most popular place

Слайд 18

Westminster is beautiful.
Описание слайда:
Westminster is beautiful.

Слайд 19

Westminster is a coronation place of British kings and Queens.
Описание слайда:
Westminster is a coronation place of British kings and Queens.

Слайд 20

Westminster is a symbol of English tradition.
Описание слайда:
Westminster is a symbol of English tradition.

Слайд 21

Big Ben
Описание слайда:
Big Ben

Слайд 22

Natural History Museum
Описание слайда:
Natural History Museum

Слайд 23

History Natural Museum
Описание слайда:
History Natural Museum

Слайд 24

St. Paul's Cathedral is the greatest monument.
Описание слайда:
St. Paul's Cathedral is the greatest monument.

Слайд 25

Piccadilly Circus
Описание слайда:
Piccadilly Circus

Слайд 26

National Gallery
Описание слайда:
National Gallery

Слайд 27

Houses of Parliament
Описание слайда:
Houses of Parliament

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