🗊Sports for children

Категория: Английский язык
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Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1

Sports for children
Описание слайда:
Sports for children

Слайд 2

an article «Why do children like Sport»
a questionnaire
crossword/riddles (descriptions of sports)
popular British sports
Famous athletes
Описание слайда:
Contents an article «Why do children like Sport» a questionnaire crossword/riddles (descriptions of sports) exercises popular British sports Famous athletes song

Слайд 3

Описание слайда:

Слайд 4

Rules with CAN or CAN`T. 

 Complete the rules with CAN or CAN`T. 
Marathon runners ____________drink during the race but 
      short-distance runners ____________.
Volleyball players __________ touch the net.
Tennis players ____________wear colourful clothes .
In football, goalkeepers __________touch the ball with their hands.
Описание слайда:
Rules with CAN or CAN`T. Complete the rules with CAN or CAN`T. Marathon runners ____________drink during the race but short-distance runners ____________. Volleyball players __________ touch the net. Tennis players ____________wear colourful clothes . In football, goalkeepers __________touch the ball with their hands.

Слайд 5

Describe the kind of sport according to the plan:

1. name    ________________________
2. place (where is it played?)_____________________
3. equipment, clothes  _________________________
4. rules (what can/can’t sportsmen  do?)___________
Описание слайда:
Describe the kind of sport according to the plan: 1. name ________________________ 2. place (where is it played?)_____________________ 3. equipment, clothes _________________________ 4. rules (what can/can’t sportsmen do?)___________

Слайд 6

    British Sports
Описание слайда:
British Sports

Слайд 7

Famous athletes
Описание слайда:
Famous athletes

Слайд 8

A plan to describe a sportsman
his/her name - sport
his/her background (age, place of birth, education)
his/her achievements
Описание слайда:
A plan to describe a sportsman his/her name - sport his/her background (age, place of birth, education) his/her achievements hobbies/family

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