🗊Презентация About myself

Категория: Английский язык
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About myself, слайд №1About myself, слайд №2About myself, слайд №3About myself, слайд №4About myself, слайд №5About myself, слайд №6About myself, слайд №7About myself, слайд №8

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Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1

About myself, слайд №1
Описание слайда:

Слайд 2

About myself
My family
My hobby
My childhood
Описание слайда:
About myself Plan: My family My hobby My childhood

Слайд 3

             My childhood
  I  was born in 15th July of  1997 year  in Shamalgan, Almaty region. I am boy, who  was  born  after  4 girls in my family .My  childhood  very happy. When I was  two, our  family  moved to Astana. In new capital  of  our country  I went to kindergarten. After   three years we returned to Almaty , I went to  kinder garden  in Tastak  micro region. In  2004 I went  to first  class  of secondary  school.
Описание слайда:
My childhood I was born in 15th July of 1997 year in Shamalgan, Almaty region. I am boy, who was born after 4 girls in my family .My childhood very happy. When I was two, our family moved to Astana. In new capital of our country I went to kindergarten. After three years we returned to Almaty , I went to kinder garden in Tastak micro region. In 2004 I went to first class of secondary school.

Слайд 4

About myself, слайд №4
Описание слайда:

Слайд 5

               My family
 I have  a big  family. There  are  seven  members in my family .My father Sharafaddin  Amirov is 55. He is a  journalist. My mother Manshuk  Nurbayeva is 53. She  is a teacher of history  at school  number  145. I have four  elder sisters. My eldest  sister`s  name  is Nargiza. She is 30. My second  sister is Ainur , she is 28. My third sister`s name is Aktoty she is 25. My fourth and lovely sister  is Balausa. She is 20.I Love, respect and  proud  of my  big and  friendly  family. My goal  is to  study very  well  so my  sisters and become  a  highly  skilled  doctor.
Описание слайда:
My family I have a big family. There are seven members in my family .My father Sharafaddin Amirov is 55. He is a journalist. My mother Manshuk Nurbayeva is 53. She is a teacher of history at school number 145. I have four elder sisters. My eldest sister`s name is Nargiza. She is 30. My second sister is Ainur , she is 28. My third sister`s name is Aktoty she is 25. My fourth and lovely sister is Balausa. She is 20.I Love, respect and proud of my big and friendly family. My goal is to study very well so my sisters and become a highly skilled doctor.

Слайд 6

              My hobby

 I have some  hobbies  and  interests. I like playing tennis, going gym  and reading historical books. My favorite book is «Chingis  khan»of Mukhtar Magauin. When I was little , I liked to swim and play water ball. Also I like to watch  football. My favorite football club is Chelsea  and  I am fan of  national  football  team  of  Germany.
Описание слайда:
My hobby I have some hobbies and interests. I like playing tennis, going gym and reading historical books. My favorite book is «Chingis khan»of Mukhtar Magauin. When I was little , I liked to swim and play water ball. Also I like to watch football. My favorite football club is Chelsea and I am fan of national football team of Germany.

Слайд 7

1.How many members in my family?
2.What is my father`s name and how old is he?
3.What profession  has my mother?
4.Which football club is my favorite one?
5.Where I was born?
6.What is my hobby?
Описание слайда:
QWESTION: 1.How many members in my family? 2.What is my father`s name and how old is he? 3.What profession has my mother? 4.Which football club is my favorite one? 5.Where I was born? 6.What is my hobby?

Слайд 8

Описание слайда:

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