🗊All Eyes and Ears ENGLISH IDIOMS WITH “EYE” and “EAR”

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All Eyes and Ears  ENGLISH IDIOMS WITH “EYE” and “EAR”, слайд №1All Eyes and Ears  ENGLISH IDIOMS WITH “EYE” and “EAR”, слайд №2All Eyes and Ears  ENGLISH IDIOMS WITH “EYE” and “EAR”, слайд №3All Eyes and Ears  ENGLISH IDIOMS WITH “EYE” and “EAR”, слайд №4All Eyes and Ears  ENGLISH IDIOMS WITH “EYE” and “EAR”, слайд №5All Eyes and Ears  ENGLISH IDIOMS WITH “EYE” and “EAR”, слайд №6All Eyes and Ears  ENGLISH IDIOMS WITH “EYE” and “EAR”, слайд №7All Eyes and Ears  ENGLISH IDIOMS WITH “EYE” and “EAR”, слайд №8All Eyes and Ears  ENGLISH IDIOMS WITH “EYE” and “EAR”, слайд №9All Eyes and Ears  ENGLISH IDIOMS WITH “EYE” and “EAR”, слайд №10All Eyes and Ears  ENGLISH IDIOMS WITH “EYE” and “EAR”, слайд №11All Eyes and Ears  ENGLISH IDIOMS WITH “EYE” and “EAR”, слайд №12All Eyes and Ears  ENGLISH IDIOMS WITH “EYE” and “EAR”, слайд №13All Eyes and Ears  ENGLISH IDIOMS WITH “EYE” and “EAR”, слайд №14

Вы можете ознакомиться и скачать All Eyes and Ears ENGLISH IDIOMS WITH “EYE” and “EAR”. Презентация содержит 14 слайдов. Презентации для любого класса можно скачать бесплатно. Если материал и наш сайт презентаций Вам понравились – поделитесь им с друзьями с помощью социальных кнопок и добавьте в закладки в своем браузере.

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1

All Eyes and Ears
Описание слайда:
All Eyes and Ears ENGLISH IDIOMS WITH “EYE” and “EAR”

Слайд 2

turn a blind eye to something
turn a blind eye to something
Описание слайда:
turn a blind eye to something turn a blind eye to something

Слайд 3

blink of an eye
blink of an eye
Описание слайда:
blink of an eye blink of an eye

Слайд 4

the eye of the storm
the eye of the storm
Описание слайда:
the eye of the storm the eye of the storm

Слайд 5

more than meets the eye
more than meets the eye
Описание слайда:
more than meets the eye more than meets the eye

Слайд 6

eyes wide open
eyes wide open
Описание слайда:
eyes wide open eyes wide open

Слайд 7

eyes in the back of one’s head
eyes in the back of one’s head
Описание слайда:
eyes in the back of one’s head eyes in the back of one’s head

Слайд 8

in one’s mind’s eye
in one’s mind’s eye
Описание слайда:
in one’s mind’s eye in one’s mind’s eye

Слайд 9

be all ears
be all ears
Описание слайда:
be all ears be all ears

Слайд 10

give ear or lend ear
give ear or lend ear
Описание слайда:
give ear or lend ear give ear or lend ear

Слайд 11

be wet behind the ears
be wet behind the ears
Описание слайда:
be wet behind the ears be wet behind the ears

Слайд 12

assault the ear
assault the ear
Описание слайда:
assault the ear assault the ear

Слайд 13

(somebody’s) ears are flapping
(somebody’s) ears are flapping
Описание слайда:
(somebody’s) ears are flapping (somebody’s) ears are flapping

Слайд 14

music to someone’s ears
music to someone’s ears
Описание слайда:
music to someone’s ears music to someone’s ears

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