🗊 American press

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Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1

American press
Описание слайда:
American press

Слайд 2

  American press  , слайд №2
Описание слайда:

Слайд 3

The oldest editions
The New Hampshire Gazette (founded in 1756)
Hartford Courant (founded in 1764)
The Augusta Chronicle (founded in 1785)
Daily Hampshire Gazette (founded in 1786)
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette (founded in 1786)
The Berkshire Eagle (founded in 1789)
The Recorder (founded in 1792)
Rutland Herald (founded in 1794)
The Bulletin (founded in 1796)
The Keene Sentinel (founded in 1799)
New York Post (founded in 1801)
The Post and Courier (founded in 1803)
The Post-Standard (founded in 1829)
Описание слайда:
The oldest editions The New Hampshire Gazette (founded in 1756) Hartford Courant (founded in 1764) The Augusta Chronicle (founded in 1785) Daily Hampshire Gazette (founded in 1786) Pittsburgh Post-Gazette (founded in 1786) The Berkshire Eagle (founded in 1789) The Recorder (founded in 1792) Rutland Herald (founded in 1794) The Bulletin (founded in 1796) The Keene Sentinel (founded in 1799) New York Post (founded in 1801) The Post and Courier (founded in 1803) The Post-Standard (founded in 1829)

Слайд 4

Most runner
Описание слайда:
Most runner

Слайд 5

Magazines for travelers
The most influential in the world and limited edition publication, focused on the tourism industry, based in the United States and published - is a monthly magazine Conde Nast Traveler and Travel + Leisure.
Описание слайда:
Magazines for travelers The most influential in the world and limited edition publication, focused on the tourism industry, based in the United States and published - is a monthly magazine Conde Nast Traveler and Travel + Leisure.

Слайд 6

Thank you!
Описание слайда:
Thank you!

Теги American press
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