🗊Презентация An the interesting meeting

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An the interesting meeting, слайд №1An the interesting meeting, слайд №2An the interesting meeting, слайд №3An the interesting meeting, слайд №4An the interesting meeting, слайд №5An the interesting meeting, слайд №6An the interesting meeting, слайд №7An the interesting meeting, слайд №8

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Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1

An the interesting meeting, слайд №1
Описание слайда:

Слайд 2

An the interesting meeting, слайд №2
Описание слайда:

Слайд 3

Time of meeting
Meeting with the Professor
His different and difficult work
Описание слайда:
Plan: Time of meeting Meeting with the Professor His different and difficult work

Слайд 4

Time of meeting
Because we study in Medicine university  every six months for practice we meet with different professors and   scientists.  Like this meetings help us to improve our lessons. We like them very much and looking forward to them.
Описание слайда:
Time of meeting Because we study in Medicine university every six months for practice we meet with different professors and scientists. Like this meetings help us to improve our lessons. We like them very much and looking forward to them.

Слайд 5

Meeting with the Professor
  Our last meeting was with Professor Ashimov, doctor of Medicine sciences.  Pr. Ashimov is specialized in pediatrics. He is high-qualified doctor and good-natured person. In the meeting we discussed interesting themes.
Описание слайда:
Meeting with the Professor Our last meeting was with Professor Ashimov, doctor of Medicine sciences. Pr. Ashimov is specialized in pediatrics. He is high-qualified doctor and good-natured person. In the meeting we discussed interesting themes.

Слайд 6

His different and difficult work
	Pr. Ashimov loves children very mush, so chosen pediatrics. Pr. Ashimov saves children’s lives, thousands  families are grateful for him.
	During the meeting Professor forced to go away, because was delivered a nine-year boy that needed an urgent help.
Описание слайда:
His different and difficult work Pr. Ashimov loves children very mush, so chosen pediatrics. Pr. Ashimov saves children’s lives, thousands families are grateful for him. During the meeting Professor forced to go away, because was delivered a nine-year boy that needed an urgent help.

Слайд 7

 1. What is Professor’s name:
     a) Alimov; b) Amirov; c) Ashimov. 
 2. What is a specialization of Professor:
      a) Pediatrician; b) Surgery; c) Cardiologist. 
3.  How many times in a year we have meetings with Professors: 
      a) 3; b) 2; c) 1.
4.  How old is boy, who was delivered for urgent help: 
      a) 11;  b) 9;  c) 8.
Описание слайда:
Test 1. What is Professor’s name: a) Alimov; b) Amirov; c) Ashimov. 2. What is a specialization of Professor: a) Pediatrician; b) Surgery; c) Cardiologist. 3. How many times in a year we have meetings with Professors: a) 3; b) 2; c) 1. 4. How old is boy, who was delivered for urgent help: a) 11; b) 9; c) 8.

Слайд 8

Описание слайда:

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