🗊Презентация British school

Категория: Английский язык
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British school, слайд №1British school, слайд №2British school, слайд №3British school, слайд №4British school, слайд №5British school, слайд №6British school, слайд №7British school, слайд №8

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Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1

British school, слайд №1
Описание слайда:

Слайд 2

 1. When does the school year start in Britain?
 1. When does the school year start in Britain?
  2. At what age do British children go to secondary  school?
  3. How long does a lesson in a British school last?
  4. Do British students wear a school uniform?
  5. What are the most popular colours for the school uniform in Britain?
  6. Do children in Britain like to wear a school uniform?
  7. Do British children learn foreign languages at school?
  8. What school holidays do British children have?
  9. What do children in Britain have in the
       middle of each term?
 10. How long do these special holidays last?
Описание слайда:
1. When does the school year start in Britain? 1. When does the school year start in Britain? 2. At what age do British children go to secondary school? 3. How long does a lesson in a British school last? 4. Do British students wear a school uniform? 5. What are the most popular colours for the school uniform in Britain? 6. Do children in Britain like to wear a school uniform? 7. Do British children learn foreign languages at school? 8. What school holidays do British children have? 9. What do children in Britain have in the middle of each term? 10. How long do these special holidays last?

Слайд 3

The history of the school uniform in Great Britain
The 16th century
Christ's Hospital School in London
Описание слайда:
The history of the school uniform in Great Britain The 16th century Christ's Hospital School in London

Слайд 4

The Blue Coats
Long blue jackets, knee breeches and yellow stockings 
Blue was the cheapest dye (краска)
It showed humility (смирение) of the pupils
Описание слайда:
The Blue Coats Long blue jackets, knee breeches and yellow stockings Blue was the cheapest dye (краска) It showed humility (смирение) of the pupils

Слайд 5

The History of the School Uniform in Great Britain
Girls: a blouse, a tunic dress and a pinafore
Описание слайда:
The History of the School Uniform in Great Britain Girls: a blouse, a tunic dress and a pinafore

Слайд 6

British school, слайд №6
Описание слайда:

Слайд 7

The School Uniform
in Modern Great Britain
Описание слайда:
The School Uniform in Modern Great Britain

Слайд 8

British school, слайд №8
Описание слайда:

Теги British school
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