🗊Презентация Countries and Continents

Категория: Английский язык
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Countries and Continents, слайд №1Countries and Continents, слайд №2Countries and Continents, слайд №3Countries and Continents, слайд №4Countries and Continents, слайд №5Countries and Continents, слайд №6Countries and Continents, слайд №7Countries and Continents, слайд №8Countries and Continents, слайд №9

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Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1

Countries and Continents
The earth is a garden,
It’s a beautiful place
For all living creatures,
For all the human race.
Описание слайда:
Countries and Continents The earth is a garden, It’s a beautiful place For all living creatures, For all the human race.

Слайд 2

The National Symbol of Scotland
Описание слайда:
The National Symbol of Scotland

Слайд 3

The National Symbol of Scotland
Ancient Scandinavians wanted to plunder 
When they decided to attack the  Scots, they took-----------off not to make noise.
But one of them ------------ on a thistle and sudden and sharp pain made him scream.
Описание слайда:
The National Symbol of Scotland Ancient Scandinavians wanted to plunder ----------------and-----------------there. When they decided to attack the Scots, they took-----------off not to make noise. But one of them ------------ on a thistle and sudden and sharp pain made him scream.

Слайд 4

Check up your answer!
Ancient Scandinavians wanted to plunder 
the land of Scotland and settle there.
When they decided to attack the  Scots, they took their shoes off not to make noise.
But one of them stepped on a thistle and sudden and sharp pain made him scream.
Описание слайда:
Check up your answer! Ancient Scandinavians wanted to plunder the land of Scotland and settle there. When they decided to attack the Scots, they took their shoes off not to make noise. But one of them stepped on a thistle and sudden and sharp pain made him scream.

Слайд 5

An interesting historical fact
No one knows for sure where the name “ Yankee” comes from.
Some think that the Indians who came to the village of New Plymouth called the Englishmen “Yankee”
Some think that it comes from the Dutch name Jan Kees or from a Dutch pirate named Yankey.
Whatever the origin is, still in colonial times the British soldiers used this word as a rude name for the Americans whom they disliked.
Описание слайда:
An interesting historical fact No one knows for sure where the name “ Yankee” comes from. Some think that the Indians who came to the village of New Plymouth called the Englishmen “Yankee” Some think that it comes from the Dutch name Jan Kees or from a Dutch pirate named Yankey. Whatever the origin is, still in colonial times the British soldiers used this word as a rude name for the Americans whom they disliked.

Слайд 6

Des Moines – Stavropol
Twin - Cities
Описание слайда:
Des Moines – Stavropol Twin - Cities

Слайд 7

Описание слайда:

Слайд 8

Countries and Continents, слайд №8
Описание слайда:

Слайд 9

Countries and Continents, слайд №9
Описание слайда:

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