🗊Презентация Creative Bekanntmachung

Категория: Английский язык
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Creative Bekanntmachung, слайд №1Creative Bekanntmachung, слайд №2Creative Bekanntmachung, слайд №3Creative Bekanntmachung, слайд №4Creative Bekanntmachung, слайд №5Creative Bekanntmachung, слайд №6Creative Bekanntmachung, слайд №7Creative Bekanntmachung, слайд №8

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Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1

Creative   Bekanntmachung

Think of a word, which will characterize you  and will begin with the first letter of your name.
Hello! I am Liudmila. Liudmila is life!
Описание слайда:
Creative Bekanntmachung Think of a word, which will characterize you and will begin with the first letter of your name. Hello! I am Liudmila. Liudmila is life!

Слайд 2

Creative T-shirt

Look at this Т-shirt and imagine how you could use it in your lesson to repeat vocabulary or grammar?
Описание слайда:
Creative T-shirt Look at this Т-shirt and imagine how you could use it in your lesson to repeat vocabulary or grammar?

Слайд 3

You need to write a slogan on the T-shirt. Let's try together!
Описание слайда:
You need to write a slogan on the T-shirt. Let's try together!

Слайд 4

Souvenirs  on the lesson

Each of you has such magnets or small things that you brought from a certain city or country. Here is my bag of souvenirs. Try to guess how this or that souvenir is connected to me, maybe it's some journey,  workshops, a visit trip, and what I was doing in that city?
Описание слайда:
Souvenirs on the lesson Each of you has such magnets or small things that you brought from a certain city or country. Here is my bag of souvenirs. Try to guess how this or that souvenir is connected to me, maybe it's some journey, workshops, a visit trip, and what I was doing in that city?

Слайд 5

Creative     Writing

Mini-Maxi technique
It is important to speak aloud at the lesson. Please, make up a small dialogue.
Описание слайда:
Creative Writing Mini-Maxi technique It is important to speak aloud at the lesson. Please, make up a small dialogue.

Слайд 6

for teachers
held in Saransk
Played, read, wrote, went home
Описание слайда:
cinquain Seminar for teachers held in Saransk Played, read, wrote, went home Super!

Слайд 7

Описание слайда:

Слайд 8

To sum up the results of the lesson, instead of the usual smileys, draw your hand, on each finger write what we were doing, on the palm - a task liked the most.
Описание слайда:
To sum up the results of the lesson, instead of the usual smileys, draw your hand, on each finger write what we were doing, on the palm - a task liked the most.

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