🗊Презентация Crystal defects

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Crystal defects, слайд №1Crystal defects, слайд №2Crystal defects, слайд №3Crystal defects, слайд №4Crystal defects, слайд №5Crystal defects, слайд №6Crystal defects, слайд №7Crystal defects, слайд №8Crystal defects, слайд №9Crystal defects, слайд №10Crystal defects, слайд №11Crystal defects, слайд №12Crystal defects, слайд №13Crystal defects, слайд №14Crystal defects, слайд №15Crystal defects, слайд №16Crystal defects, слайд №17Crystal defects, слайд №18Crystal defects, слайд №19Crystal defects, слайд №20Crystal defects, слайд №21Crystal defects, слайд №22Crystal defects, слайд №23Crystal defects, слайд №24Crystal defects, слайд №25Crystal defects, слайд №26Crystal defects, слайд №27Crystal defects, слайд №28Crystal defects, слайд №29Crystal defects, слайд №30Crystal defects, слайд №31Crystal defects, слайд №32Crystal defects, слайд №33Crystal defects, слайд №34Crystal defects, слайд №35Crystal defects, слайд №36Crystal defects, слайд №37Crystal defects, слайд №38Crystal defects, слайд №39Crystal defects, слайд №40Crystal defects, слайд №41Crystal defects, слайд №42Crystal defects, слайд №43

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Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1

Crystal defects
Описание слайда:
Crystal defects

Слайд 2

Perfect Crystals
All atoms are at rest on their correct lattice position.
Hypothetically, only at zero Kelvin.

W=1, only one possible arrangement to have all N atoms exactly on their lattice points.

Vibration of atoms can be regarded as a form of defects.
Описание слайда:
Perfect Crystals All atoms are at rest on their correct lattice position. Hypothetically, only at zero Kelvin. S=0 W=1, only one possible arrangement to have all N atoms exactly on their lattice points. Vibration of atoms can be regarded as a form of defects.

Слайд 3

Classification of defects in solids
Zero-dimensional (point) defects
Vacancies, Interstitial atoms (ions), Foreign atoms (ions)

One-dimensional (linear) defects
Edge dislocation, screw dislocation

Two-dimensional (flat) defects
Antiphase boundary, shear plane, low angle twist 
boundary, low angle tilt boundary, grain boundary, surface

Three-dimensional (spatial) defects
Pores, foreign inclusions
Описание слайда:
Classification of defects in solids Zero-dimensional (point) defects Vacancies, Interstitial atoms (ions), Foreign atoms (ions) One-dimensional (linear) defects Edge dislocation, screw dislocation Two-dimensional (flat) defects Antiphase boundary, shear plane, low angle twist boundary, low angle tilt boundary, grain boundary, surface Three-dimensional (spatial) defects Pores, foreign inclusions

Слайд 4

Thermodynamics of defect formation
Perfect → imperfect
n vacancies created
H=n Hi	
Hi: enthalpy of formation of one vacant site

Sosc: change of oscillation entropy of atoms surrounding 	the vacancy
Sc:    change in cofigurational entropy of system on   	vacancies formation
Описание слайда:
Thermodynamics of defect formation Perfect → imperfect n vacancies created G=Gdef-Gper=H-TS H=n Hi Hi: enthalpy of formation of one vacant site S=Sosc+Sc Sosc: change of oscillation entropy of atoms surrounding the vacancy Sc: change in cofigurational entropy of system on vacancies formation

Слайд 5

Crystal defects, слайд №5
Описание слайда:

Слайд 6

Crystal defects, слайд №6
Описание слайда:

Слайд 7

Crystal defects, слайд №7
Описание слайда:

Слайд 8

Defect formation possible only due to increased configurational entropy in that process.
Defect formation possible only due to increased configurational entropy in that process.

After n exceeds a certain limit, no significant increase in Sc is produced
Описание слайда:
Defect formation possible only due to increased configurational entropy in that process. Defect formation possible only due to increased configurational entropy in that process. After n exceeds a certain limit, no significant increase in Sc is produced

Слайд 9

Crystal Defects
Defects can affect
Deformation style
Описание слайда:
Crystal Defects Defects can affect Strength Conductivity Deformation style Color

Слайд 10

Crystal defects, слайд №10
Описание слайда:

Слайд 11

Dissociation enthalpy for vacancies pairs ≈ 120 kJ/mol.

At room temperature, 1 of 1015 crystal positions are vacant.

Corresponds to 10000 Schottky defect in 1 mg.

These are responsible for electrical and optical properties of NaCl.
Описание слайда:
NaCl Dissociation enthalpy for vacancies pairs ≈ 120 kJ/mol. At room temperature, 1 of 1015 crystal positions are vacant. Corresponds to 10000 Schottky defect in 1 mg. These are responsible for electrical and optical properties of NaCl.

Слайд 12

Crystal defects, слайд №12
Описание слайда:

Слайд 13

Ag+ in interstitial sites.
(Ag+)i tetrahedrally surrounded by 4 Cl- and 4 Ag+.
Some covalent interaction between (Ag+)i and Cl- (further stabilization of Frenkel defects).

Na+ harder, no covalent interaction with Cl-. Frenkel defects don’t occur in NaCl.

CaF2, ZrO2 (Fluorite structure): anion in interstitial sites.
Na2O (anti fluorite): cation in interstitial sites.
Описание слайда:
AgCl Ag+ in interstitial sites. (Ag+)i tetrahedrally surrounded by 4 Cl- and 4 Ag+. Some covalent interaction between (Ag+)i and Cl- (further stabilization of Frenkel defects). Na+ harder, no covalent interaction with Cl-. Frenkel defects don’t occur in NaCl. CaF2, ZrO2 (Fluorite structure): anion in interstitial sites. Na2O (anti fluorite): cation in interstitial sites.

Слайд 14

Crystal Defects
2.  Line Defects
d)  Edge dislocation
Migration aids ductile deformation
Описание слайда:
Crystal Defects 2. Line Defects d) Edge dislocation Migration aids ductile deformation

Слайд 15

Crystal Defects
2.  Line Defects
e)  Screw dislocation    (aids mineral growth)
Описание слайда:
Crystal Defects 2. Line Defects e) Screw dislocation (aids mineral growth)

Слайд 16

Crystal Defects
3.  Plane Defects
f)  Lineage structure or mosaic crystal
Boundary of slightly mis-oriented volumes within a single crystal
Lattices are close enough to provide continuity (so not separate crystals)
Has short-range order, but not long-range  (V4)
Описание слайда:
Crystal Defects 3. Plane Defects f) Lineage structure or mosaic crystal Boundary of slightly mis-oriented volumes within a single crystal Lattices are close enough to provide continuity (so not separate crystals) Has short-range order, but not long-range (V4)

Слайд 17

Crystal Defects
3.  Plane Defects
g)  Domain structure (antiphase domains)
		  Also has short-range but not long-range order
Описание слайда:
Crystal Defects 3. Plane Defects g) Domain structure (antiphase domains) Also has short-range but not long-range order

Слайд 18

Crystal Defects
3.  Plane Defects
h)  Stacking faults
Common in clays and low-T disequilibrium
A - B - C  layers may be various clay types (illite, smectite, etc.)
Описание слайда:
Crystal Defects 3. Plane Defects h) Stacking faults Common in clays and low-T disequilibrium A - B - C layers may be various clay types (illite, smectite, etc.) ABCABCABCABABCABC AAAAAABAAAAAAA ABABABABABCABABAB

Слайд 19

Crystal defects, слайд №19
Описание слайда:

Слайд 20

Color depends on host crystal not on nature of vapor.
Color depends on host crystal not on nature of vapor.
	K vapors would produce the same color.

Color centres can be investigated by ESR.

Radiation with X-rays produce also color centres.
	Due to ionization of Cl-.
Описание слайда:
Color depends on host crystal not on nature of vapor. Color depends on host crystal not on nature of vapor. K vapors would produce the same color. Color centres can be investigated by ESR. Radiation with X-rays produce also color centres. Due to ionization of Cl-.

Слайд 21

Crystal defects, слайд №21
Описание слайда:

Слайд 22

Crystal defects, слайд №22
Описание слайда:

Слайд 23

Crystal defects, слайд №23
Описание слайда:

Слайд 24

Different types of color centres
Описание слайда:
Different types of color centres

Слайд 25

Colors in the solid state
Описание слайда:
Colors in the solid state

Слайд 26

Electromagnetic Radiation and the Visible Spectrum
UV	 100-400 nm	12.4 - 3.10 eV
Violet	 400-425 nm	3.10 - 2.92 eV
Blue	 425-492 nm	2.92 - 2.52 eV
Green	 492-575 nm	2.52 - 2.15 eV
Yellow	 575-585 nm	2.15 - 2.12 eV
Orange	 585-647 nm	2.12 - 1.92 eV
Red	 647-700 nm	1.92 - 1.77 eV
Near IR	 10,000-700 nm	1.77 - 0.12 eV	
If absorbance occurs in one region of the color wheel the material appears with the opposite (complimentary color).  For example: 
a material absorbs violet light  Color = Yellow
a material absorbs green light  Color = Red 
a material absorbs violet, blue & green  Color = Orange-Red
a material absorbs red, orange & yellow  Color = Blue
E = hc/ = {(4.1357 x 10-15 eV-s)(2.998 x 108 m/s)}/
E (eV) = 1240/(nm)
Описание слайда:
Electromagnetic Radiation and the Visible Spectrum UV 100-400 nm 12.4 - 3.10 eV Violet 400-425 nm 3.10 - 2.92 eV Blue 425-492 nm 2.92 - 2.52 eV Green 492-575 nm 2.52 - 2.15 eV Yellow 575-585 nm 2.15 - 2.12 eV Orange 585-647 nm 2.12 - 1.92 eV Red 647-700 nm 1.92 - 1.77 eV Near IR 10,000-700 nm 1.77 - 0.12 eV If absorbance occurs in one region of the color wheel the material appears with the opposite (complimentary color). For example: a material absorbs violet light  Color = Yellow a material absorbs green light  Color = Red a material absorbs violet, blue & green  Color = Orange-Red a material absorbs red, orange & yellow  Color = Blue E = hc/ = {(4.1357 x 10-15 eV-s)(2.998 x 108 m/s)}/ E (eV) = 1240/(nm)

Слайд 27

Color in Extended Inorganic Solids: absorption
Intra-tomic (Localized) excitations
Cr3+ Gemstones (i.e. Cr3+ in Ruby and Emerald)
Blue and Green Cu2+ compounds (i.e. malachite, turquoise)
Blue Co2+ compounds (i.e. Al2CoO4, azurite)
Charge-transfer excitations (metal-metal, anion-metal)
Fe2+  Ti4+ in sapphire
Fe2+  Fe3+ in Prussian Blue
O2-  Cr6+ in BaCrO4
Valence to Conduction Band Transitions in Semiconductors
WO3 (Yellow)
CdS (Yellow) & CdSe
HgS (Cinnabar - Red)/ HgS (metacinnabar - Black)
Intraband excitations in Metals
Strong absorption within a partially filled band leads to metallic lustre or black coloration
Most of the absorbed radiation is re-emitted from surface in the form of 
	visible light  high reflectivity (0.90-0.95)
Описание слайда:
Color in Extended Inorganic Solids: absorption Intra-tomic (Localized) excitations Cr3+ Gemstones (i.e. Cr3+ in Ruby and Emerald) Blue and Green Cu2+ compounds (i.e. malachite, turquoise) Blue Co2+ compounds (i.e. Al2CoO4, azurite) Charge-transfer excitations (metal-metal, anion-metal) Fe2+  Ti4+ in sapphire Fe2+  Fe3+ in Prussian Blue O2-  Cr6+ in BaCrO4 Valence to Conduction Band Transitions in Semiconductors WO3 (Yellow) CdS (Yellow) & CdSe HgS (Cinnabar - Red)/ HgS (metacinnabar - Black) Intraband excitations in Metals Strong absorption within a partially filled band leads to metallic lustre or black coloration Most of the absorbed radiation is re-emitted from surface in the form of visible light  high reflectivity (0.90-0.95)

Слайд 28

Описание слайда:

Слайд 29

Cr3+  Gemstones
Excitation of an electron from one d-orbital to another d-orbital on the same atom often gives rise to absorption in the visible region of the spectrum. The Cr3+ ion in octahedral coordination is a very interesting example of this.  Slight changes in it’s environment lead to changes in the splitting of the t2g and eg orbitals, which changes the color the material.  Hence, Cr3+ impurities are important in a number of gemstones.
Описание слайда:
Cr3+ Gemstones Excitation of an electron from one d-orbital to another d-orbital on the same atom often gives rise to absorption in the visible region of the spectrum. The Cr3+ ion in octahedral coordination is a very interesting example of this. Slight changes in it’s environment lead to changes in the splitting of the t2g and eg orbitals, which changes the color the material. Hence, Cr3+ impurities are important in a number of gemstones.

Слайд 30

Crystal defects, слайд №30
Описание слайда:

Слайд 31

Crystal defects, слайд №31
Описание слайда:

Слайд 32

Tunabe-Sugano Diagram Cr3+
The Tunabe-Sugano diagram below shows the allowed electronic excitations for Cr3+ in an octahedral crystal field (4A2  4T1 & 4A2  4T2).  The dotted vertical line shows the strength of the crystal field splitting for Cr3+ in Al2O3.  The 4A2  4T1 energy difference corresponds to the splitting between t2g and eg
Описание слайда:
Tunabe-Sugano Diagram Cr3+ The Tunabe-Sugano diagram below shows the allowed electronic excitations for Cr3+ in an octahedral crystal field (4A2  4T1 & 4A2  4T2). The dotted vertical line shows the strength of the crystal field splitting for Cr3+ in Al2O3. The 4A2  4T1 energy difference corresponds to the splitting between t2g and eg

Слайд 33

Ruby Red
Описание слайда:
Ruby Red

Слайд 34

Emerald Green
Описание слайда:
Emerald Green

Слайд 35

Crystal defects, слайд №35
Описание слайда:

Слайд 36

Crystal defects, слайд №36
Описание слайда:

Слайд 37

Crystal defects, слайд №37
Описание слайда:

Слайд 38

Crystal defects, слайд №38
Описание слайда:

Слайд 39

Crystal defects, слайд №39
Описание слайда:

Слайд 40

Charge Transfer in Sapphire
The deep blue color the gemstone sapphire is also based on impurity doping into Al2O3.  The color in sapphire arises from the following charge transfer excitation:
Fe2+ + Ti4+    Fe3+ + Ti3+    (max ~ 2.2 eV, 570 nm)
The transition is facilitated by the geometry of the Al2O3 structure where the two ions share an octahedral face, which allows for favorable overlap of the dz2 orbitals.
Unlike the d-d transition in Ruby, the charge-transfer excitation in sapphire is fully allowed.  Therefore, the color in sapphire requires only ~ 0.01% impurities, while ~ 1% impurity level is needed in ruby.
Описание слайда:
Charge Transfer in Sapphire The deep blue color the gemstone sapphire is also based on impurity doping into Al2O3. The color in sapphire arises from the following charge transfer excitation: Fe2+ + Ti4+  Fe3+ + Ti3+ (max ~ 2.2 eV, 570 nm) The transition is facilitated by the geometry of the Al2O3 structure where the two ions share an octahedral face, which allows for favorable overlap of the dz2 orbitals. Unlike the d-d transition in Ruby, the charge-transfer excitation in sapphire is fully allowed. Therefore, the color in sapphire requires only ~ 0.01% impurities, while ~ 1% impurity level is needed in ruby.

Слайд 41

Crystal defects, слайд №41
Описание слайда:

Слайд 42

Cu2+ Transitions
The d9 configuration of Cu2+, leads to a Jahn-Teller distortion of the regular octahedral geometry, and sets up a fairly low energy excitation from dx2-y2 level to a dz2 level.  If this absorption falls in the red or orange regions of the spectrum, a green or blue color can result.  Some notable examples include:

Malachite (green)
Turquoise (blue-green) 
Azurite (blue)
Описание слайда:
Cu2+ Transitions The d9 configuration of Cu2+, leads to a Jahn-Teller distortion of the regular octahedral geometry, and sets up a fairly low energy excitation from dx2-y2 level to a dz2 level. If this absorption falls in the red or orange regions of the spectrum, a green or blue color can result. Some notable examples include: Malachite (green) Cu2CO3(OH)2 Turquoise (blue-green) CuAl6(PO4)(OH)8*4H2O Azurite (blue) Cu3(CO3)2(OH)2

Слайд 43

Anion to Metal Charge Transfer
Normally charge transfer transitions from an anion (i.e. O2-) to a cation fall in the UV region of the spectrum and do not give rise to color.  However, d0 cations in high oxidation states are quite electronegative, lowering the energy of the transition metal based LUMO.  This moves the transition into the visible region of the spectrum. The strong covalency of the metal-oxygen bond also strongly favors tetrahedral coordination, giving rise to a structure containing isolated MO4n- tetrahedra. Some examples of this are as follows:
Ca3(VO4)2 (tetrahedral V5+)		Color = White
PbCrO4 (tetrahedral Cr6+)		Color = Yellow 
CaCrO4 & K2CrO4 (tetrahedral Cr6+)	Color = Yellow 
PbMoO4 (tetrahedral Mo6+)		Color = Yellow 
KMnO4 (tetrahedral Mn7+)		Color = Maroon
Описание слайда:
Anion to Metal Charge Transfer Normally charge transfer transitions from an anion (i.e. O2-) to a cation fall in the UV region of the spectrum and do not give rise to color. However, d0 cations in high oxidation states are quite electronegative, lowering the energy of the transition metal based LUMO. This moves the transition into the visible region of the spectrum. The strong covalency of the metal-oxygen bond also strongly favors tetrahedral coordination, giving rise to a structure containing isolated MO4n- tetrahedra. Some examples of this are as follows: Ca3(VO4)2 (tetrahedral V5+) Color = White PbCrO4 (tetrahedral Cr6+) Color = Yellow CaCrO4 & K2CrO4 (tetrahedral Cr6+) Color = Yellow PbMoO4 (tetrahedral Mo6+) Color = Yellow KMnO4 (tetrahedral Mn7+) Color = Maroon

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