🗊DIFFERENTIATED NOUNS Made by: Bokach Olga, REPH-31 Checked by: Kakzhanova F.A. Karaganda 2010

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DIFFERENTIATED NOUNS  Made by: Bokach Olga, REPH-31  Checked by: Kakzhanova F.A.  Karaganda 2010, слайд №1DIFFERENTIATED NOUNS  Made by: Bokach Olga, REPH-31  Checked by: Kakzhanova F.A.  Karaganda 2010, слайд №2DIFFERENTIATED NOUNS  Made by: Bokach Olga, REPH-31  Checked by: Kakzhanova F.A.  Karaganda 2010, слайд №3DIFFERENTIATED NOUNS  Made by: Bokach Olga, REPH-31  Checked by: Kakzhanova F.A.  Karaganda 2010, слайд №4DIFFERENTIATED NOUNS  Made by: Bokach Olga, REPH-31  Checked by: Kakzhanova F.A.  Karaganda 2010, слайд №5DIFFERENTIATED NOUNS  Made by: Bokach Olga, REPH-31  Checked by: Kakzhanova F.A.  Karaganda 2010, слайд №6DIFFERENTIATED NOUNS  Made by: Bokach Olga, REPH-31  Checked by: Kakzhanova F.A.  Karaganda 2010, слайд №7DIFFERENTIATED NOUNS  Made by: Bokach Olga, REPH-31  Checked by: Kakzhanova F.A.  Karaganda 2010, слайд №8DIFFERENTIATED NOUNS  Made by: Bokach Olga, REPH-31  Checked by: Kakzhanova F.A.  Karaganda 2010, слайд №9DIFFERENTIATED NOUNS  Made by: Bokach Olga, REPH-31  Checked by: Kakzhanova F.A.  Karaganda 2010, слайд №10DIFFERENTIATED NOUNS  Made by: Bokach Olga, REPH-31  Checked by: Kakzhanova F.A.  Karaganda 2010, слайд №11DIFFERENTIATED NOUNS  Made by: Bokach Olga, REPH-31  Checked by: Kakzhanova F.A.  Karaganda 2010, слайд №12DIFFERENTIATED NOUNS  Made by: Bokach Olga, REPH-31  Checked by: Kakzhanova F.A.  Karaganda 2010, слайд №13DIFFERENTIATED NOUNS  Made by: Bokach Olga, REPH-31  Checked by: Kakzhanova F.A.  Karaganda 2010, слайд №14DIFFERENTIATED NOUNS  Made by: Bokach Olga, REPH-31  Checked by: Kakzhanova F.A.  Karaganda 2010, слайд №15DIFFERENTIATED NOUNS  Made by: Bokach Olga, REPH-31  Checked by: Kakzhanova F.A.  Karaganda 2010, слайд №16DIFFERENTIATED NOUNS  Made by: Bokach Olga, REPH-31  Checked by: Kakzhanova F.A.  Karaganda 2010, слайд №17DIFFERENTIATED NOUNS  Made by: Bokach Olga, REPH-31  Checked by: Kakzhanova F.A.  Karaganda 2010, слайд №18DIFFERENTIATED NOUNS  Made by: Bokach Olga, REPH-31  Checked by: Kakzhanova F.A.  Karaganda 2010, слайд №19DIFFERENTIATED NOUNS  Made by: Bokach Olga, REPH-31  Checked by: Kakzhanova F.A.  Karaganda 2010, слайд №20DIFFERENTIATED NOUNS  Made by: Bokach Olga, REPH-31  Checked by: Kakzhanova F.A.  Karaganda 2010, слайд №21DIFFERENTIATED NOUNS  Made by: Bokach Olga, REPH-31  Checked by: Kakzhanova F.A.  Karaganda 2010, слайд №22DIFFERENTIATED NOUNS  Made by: Bokach Olga, REPH-31  Checked by: Kakzhanova F.A.  Karaganda 2010, слайд №23DIFFERENTIATED NOUNS  Made by: Bokach Olga, REPH-31  Checked by: Kakzhanova F.A.  Karaganda 2010, слайд №24DIFFERENTIATED NOUNS  Made by: Bokach Olga, REPH-31  Checked by: Kakzhanova F.A.  Karaganda 2010, слайд №25DIFFERENTIATED NOUNS  Made by: Bokach Olga, REPH-31  Checked by: Kakzhanova F.A.  Karaganda 2010, слайд №26DIFFERENTIATED NOUNS  Made by: Bokach Olga, REPH-31  Checked by: Kakzhanova F.A.  Karaganda 2010, слайд №27DIFFERENTIATED NOUNS  Made by: Bokach Olga, REPH-31  Checked by: Kakzhanova F.A.  Karaganda 2010, слайд №28DIFFERENTIATED NOUNS  Made by: Bokach Olga, REPH-31  Checked by: Kakzhanova F.A.  Karaganda 2010, слайд №29DIFFERENTIATED NOUNS  Made by: Bokach Olga, REPH-31  Checked by: Kakzhanova F.A.  Karaganda 2010, слайд №30DIFFERENTIATED NOUNS  Made by: Bokach Olga, REPH-31  Checked by: Kakzhanova F.A.  Karaganda 2010, слайд №31


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Слайд 1

Made by: Bokach Olga, REPH-31
Checked by: Kakzhanova F.A.
Karaganda 2010
Описание слайда:
DIFFERENTIATED NOUNS Made by: Bokach Olga, REPH-31 Checked by: Kakzhanova F.A. Karaganda 2010

Слайд 2

Differentiated nouns are nouns where ending -s   (in plural number) changes the semantic meaning of a word.
Описание слайда:
Differentiated nouns are nouns where ending -s (in plural number) changes the semantic meaning of a word.

Слайд 3

On the surface of semantic relations, the meaning of the singular will be understood as simply "one", as opposed to the meaning of the plural as "many" in the sense of "more than one".
On the surface of semantic relations, the meaning of the singular will be understood as simply "one", as opposed to the meaning of the plural as "many" in the sense of "more than one".
This is apparently obvious                   for such correlations                           as book — books,                             lake — lakes and the like.
Описание слайда:
On the surface of semantic relations, the meaning of the singular will be understood as simply "one", as opposed to the meaning of the plural as "many" in the sense of "more than one". On the surface of semantic relations, the meaning of the singular will be understood as simply "one", as opposed to the meaning of the plural as "many" in the sense of "more than one". This is apparently obvious for such correlations as book — books, lake — lakes and the like.

Слайд 4

However, alongside of these semantically unequivocal correlations, there exist plurals and singulars 			      that cannot be fully accounted for by the above ready-made approach. 
However, alongside of these semantically unequivocal correlations, there exist plurals and singulars 			      that cannot be fully accounted for by the above ready-made approach.
Описание слайда:
However, alongside of these semantically unequivocal correlations, there exist plurals and singulars that cannot be fully accounted for by the above ready-made approach. However, alongside of these semantically unequivocal correlations, there exist plurals and singulars that cannot be fully accounted for by the above ready-made approach.

Слайд 5

This becomes clear when we take for comparison such forms as 	                       potato (one item of the vegetables) and potatoes (food), 			        paper (material) 				    and papers (notes or documents),      sky (the vault of heaven)                     and  skies (the same sky                    taken as a direct or                 figurative background), etc.
Описание слайда:
This becomes clear when we take for comparison such forms as potato (one item of the vegetables) and potatoes (food), paper (material) and papers (notes or documents), sky (the vault of heaven) and skies (the same sky taken as a direct or figurative background), etc.

Слайд 6

As a result of the comparison we conclude that the broader sememic mark of the plural, or "plurality" in the grammatical sense, should be described as the potentially dismembering reflection of the structure of the referent,
 while the sememic mark of         	    the singular will be 	            understood as the non-dismembering reflection of 	     the structure of the referent,		 i.e. the presentation of the       referent in its indivisible entireness.
Описание слайда:
As a result of the comparison we conclude that the broader sememic mark of the plural, or "plurality" in the grammatical sense, should be described as the potentially dismembering reflection of the structure of the referent, while the sememic mark of the singular will be understood as the non-dismembering reflection of the structure of the referent, i.e. the presentation of the referent in its indivisible entireness.

Слайд 7

On the other hand, there are semantic varieties of the plural forms that differ from one another in their plural quality as such. The extreme point of this semantic scale is marked by the lexicalisation of the plural form, i.e. by its serving as a means of rendering not specificational, but purely 	          notional difference in meaning.
Cf. colours as a "flag",		         attentions as "wooing", 		         pains as "effort", 		             quarters as "abode", etc.
Описание слайда:
On the other hand, there are semantic varieties of the plural forms that differ from one another in their plural quality as such. The extreme point of this semantic scale is marked by the lexicalisation of the plural form, i.e. by its serving as a means of rendering not specificational, but purely notional difference in meaning. Cf. colours as a "flag", attentions as "wooing", pains as "effort", quarters as "abode", etc.

Слайд 8

Ilyish says that “the difference between the two numbers may increase to such a degree that the plural form develops a completely new meaning which the singular has not got at all. Thus, for example, the plural form colours has the meaning 'banner' which is restricted to the plural (e. g. to serve under the colours of liberty). In a similar manner, the plural attentions has acquired the meaning 'wooing' (pay attentions to a young lady). 
Ilyish says that “the difference between the two numbers may increase to such a degree that the plural form develops a completely new meaning which the singular has not got at all. Thus, for example, the plural form colours has the meaning 'banner' which is restricted to the plural (e. g. to serve under the colours of liberty). In a similar manner, the plural attentions has acquired the meaning 'wooing' (pay attentions to a young lady). 
Since, in these cases, a difference in lexical meaning develops between the plural and the singular,          it is natural to say that the plural form                      has been lexicalised.
What is essential from the grammatical 	            viewpoint is the very fact that a difference 	            in meaning which is purely grammatical 	           in its origins is apt under certain conditions 	           to be overshadowed by a lexical                     difference.”
Описание слайда:
Ilyish says that “the difference between the two numbers may increase to such a degree that the plural form develops a completely new meaning which the singular has not got at all. Thus, for example, the plural form colours has the meaning 'banner' which is restricted to the plural (e. g. to serve under the colours of liberty). In a similar manner, the plural attentions has acquired the meaning 'wooing' (pay attentions to a young lady). Ilyish says that “the difference between the two numbers may increase to such a degree that the plural form develops a completely new meaning which the singular has not got at all. Thus, for example, the plural form colours has the meaning 'banner' which is restricted to the plural (e. g. to serve under the colours of liberty). In a similar manner, the plural attentions has acquired the meaning 'wooing' (pay attentions to a young lady). Since, in these cases, a difference in lexical meaning develops between the plural and the singular, it is natural to say that the plural form has been lexicalised. What is essential from the grammatical viewpoint is the very fact that a difference in meaning which is purely grammatical in its origins is apt under certain conditions to be overshadowed by a lexical difference.”

Слайд 9

Some examples 
differentiated nouns
Описание слайда:
Some examples of differentiated nouns

Слайд 10

обращение; речь; официальное выступление

(уст.) ухаживание
Описание слайда:
Address обращение; речь; официальное выступление Addresses (уст.) ухаживание

Слайд 11


военная служба
Описание слайда:
Arm рука Arms вооружение военная служба война

Слайд 12


подмостки, сцена; сценическая профессия
Описание слайда:
Board доска Boards подмостки, сцена; сценическая профессия

Слайд 13

кость (часть скелета позвоночных)

скелет; костяк; 
человек; тело
останки, мощи
Описание слайда:
Bone кость (часть скелета позвоночных) Bones скелет; костяк; человек; тело останки, мощи

Слайд 14

хим. элемент
элемент, составная часть

основы, азы 
непогода (ветер, дождь)
Описание слайда:
Element хим. элемент элемент, составная часть Elements основы, азы непогода (ветер, дождь)

Слайд 15

основное правило; принцип

Описание слайда:
Fundamental основное правило; принцип Fundamentals основы

Слайд 16

кишка; (разг.) брюхо

(разг.) внутреннее 
(разг.) мужество, 
характер, сила воли
Описание слайда:
Gut кишка; (разг.) брюхо Guts (разг.) внутреннее cодержание (разг.) мужество, характер, сила воли

Слайд 17


лицевая сторона 
монеты (с изображением головы), орёл
Описание слайда:
Head голова Heads руда лицевая сторона монеты (с изображением головы), орёл

Слайд 18

сердце, душа

черви (масть)
Описание слайда:
Heart сердце, душа Hearts черви (масть)

Слайд 19

вред, зло

неприятности, проблемы
Описание слайда:
ill вред, зло ills неприятности, проблемы

Слайд 20


кандалы, оковы
Описание слайда:
iron железо irons кандалы, оковы

Слайд 21

собачья конура
свора собак 

собачий питомник
Описание слайда:
Kennel собачья конура свора собак Kennels псарня; собачий питомник

Слайд 22

земля, суша
страна; государство

Описание слайда:
Land земля, суша почва страна; государство Lands поместья

Слайд 23

законность; легальность
следование закону

обязательства, налагаемые законом
Описание слайда:
Legality законность; легальность следование закону Legalities обязательства, налагаемые законом

Слайд 24


Описание слайда:
Letter буква письмо Letters литература

Слайд 25


(юр.) вольности, привилегии
Описание слайда:
Liberty свобода Liberties (юр.) вольности, привилегии

Слайд 26

свет; освещение

мнение, оценка; система принципов
Описание слайда:
Light свет; освещение Lights мнение, оценка; система принципов

Слайд 27

линия, черта, штрих

план, чертеж
строй (солдат)
стихи, поэзия
Описание слайда:
Line линия, черта, штрих строка контур экватор Lines план, чертеж строй (солдат) стихи, поэзия

Слайд 28

манера, поведение

воспитанность, умение себя вести
Описание слайда:
Manner манера, поведение Manners воспитанность, умение себя вести

Слайд 29

случай, событие

(уст.) дела
Описание слайда:
Occasion случай, событие Occasions (уст.) дела

Слайд 30

точка, пункт

достоинства, преимущества
Описание слайда:
Point точка, пункт вопрос Points достоинства, преимущества пуанты

Слайд 31

Correspondencia to predicate
Both singular and plural 
They looked at me like I was nuts.
The bizarre rantings in the notes left behind by the serial killer convinced the police that these guys were nuts.
Описание слайда:
Correspondencia to predicate Both singular and plural They looked at me like I was nuts. The bizarre rantings in the notes left behind by the serial killer convinced the police that these guys were nuts.

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