🗊Презентация Different Countries- different landscapes (Part II)

Категория: Английский язык
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Different Countries- different landscapes (Part II), слайд №1Different Countries- different landscapes (Part II), слайд №2Different Countries- different landscapes (Part II), слайд №3Different Countries- different landscapes (Part II), слайд №4Different Countries- different landscapes (Part II), слайд №5Different Countries- different landscapes (Part II), слайд №6Different Countries- different landscapes (Part II), слайд №7Different Countries- different landscapes (Part II), слайд №8

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Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1

Part II
Описание слайда:
Part II

Слайд 2

Ex.2.1), p.5 listen and name the country the text is about
Ex.2.1), p.5 listen and name the country the text is about
Описание слайда:
Ex.2.1), p.5 listen and name the country the text is about Ex.2.1), p.5 listen and name the country the text is about

Слайд 3

Mind using the article “THE” with the geographical names when you describe a country
Mind using the article “THE” with the geographical names when you describe a country
Описание слайда:
Mind using the article “THE” with the geographical names when you describe a country Mind using the article “THE” with the geographical names when you describe a country

Слайд 4

Give your examples of the geographical names with the article and without it
Описание слайда:
Give your examples of the geographical names with the article and without it

Слайд 5

Ex. 2.3), p. 6. Let’s divide into three groups. Choose any card from these ones, then return it –you’ll see the picture. Find your partners with the same picture on the card(pictures are the flags of three countries –Australia, The USA, The UK) from the reverse side of the card. Make a group
Ex. 2.3), p. 6. Let’s divide into three groups. Choose any card from these ones, then return it –you’ll see the picture. Find your partners with the same picture on the card(pictures are the flags of three countries –Australia, The USA, The UK) from the reverse side of the card. Make a group
Описание слайда:
Ex. 2.3), p. 6. Let’s divide into three groups. Choose any card from these ones, then return it –you’ll see the picture. Find your partners with the same picture on the card(pictures are the flags of three countries –Australia, The USA, The UK) from the reverse side of the card. Make a group Ex. 2.3), p. 6. Let’s divide into three groups. Choose any card from these ones, then return it –you’ll see the picture. Find your partners with the same picture on the card(pictures are the flags of three countries –Australia, The USA, The UK) from the reverse side of the card. Make a group

Слайд 6

Describe the country on your card, using ex. 2.3),p. 6
Describe the country on your card, using ex. 2.3),p. 6
Описание слайда:
Describe the country on your card, using ex. 2.3),p. 6 Describe the country on your card, using ex. 2.3),p. 6

Слайд 7

What have you learned today?
What have you learned today?
What was difficult (interesting) for you today?
Estimate you classmates’ work at the lesson.
Homework: AB ex. 10, p. 15
Описание слайда:
What have you learned today? What have you learned today? What was difficult (interesting) for you today? Estimate you classmates’ work at the lesson. Homework: AB ex. 10, p. 15

Слайд 8

Thank you for your work!
Описание слайда:
Thank you for your work! 

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