🗊Презентация Domestic and International Politics

Категория: Английский язык
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Domestic and International Politics, слайд №1Domestic and International Politics, слайд №2Domestic and International Politics, слайд №3Domestic and International Politics, слайд №4Domestic and International Politics, слайд №5Domestic and International Politics, слайд №6Domestic and International Politics, слайд №7Domestic and International Politics, слайд №8Domestic and International Politics, слайд №9Domestic and International Politics, слайд №10Domestic and International Politics, слайд №11

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Слайд 1

Domestic and International 
Описание слайда:
Domestic and International Politics

Слайд 2

         Objectives of presentation
 — Basic differences between domestic and international political arenas;
 — The consequences of ‛anarchy’;
 — How international and domestic politics are connected.
Описание слайда:
Objectives of presentation — Basic differences between domestic and international political arenas; — The consequences of ‛anarchy’; — How international and domestic politics are connected.

Слайд 3

Domestic vs. International Politics
Domestic politics are administrative decisions which are directly related to all issues and activity within a nation's borders.
Domestic politics differ from international politics:
-For example, International Politics conducted under the shadow of war to a degree not seen in domestic political situations. 
Описание слайда:
Domestic vs. International Politics Domestic politics are administrative decisions which are directly related to all issues and activity within a nation's borders. Domestic politics differ from international politics: -For example, International Politics conducted under the shadow of war to a degree not seen in domestic political situations. 

Слайд 4

       Two different spheres
    Domestic and international politics work differently because they are governed by distinct rules.
― Domestic politics is the sphere of authority, administration, and law.
― International politics is the sphere of force and accommodation.
Описание слайда:
Two different spheres Domestic and international politics work differently because they are governed by distinct rules. ― Domestic politics is the sphere of authority, administration, and law. ― International politics is the sphere of force and accommodation.

Слайд 5

Organizing principles
    Domestic and International politics involve separate systems.
    A system is a set or arrangement of things that are interconnected such that a change in one of the things produces a change in one or more of the others.
― For example, the human body is a system.
Описание слайда:
Organizing principles Domestic and International politics involve separate systems. A system is a set or arrangement of things that are interconnected such that a change in one of the things produces a change in one or more of the others. ― For example, the human body is a system.

Слайд 6

Domestic vs. International Systems
 Domestic system                   International System
  - Hierarchy                                      - Anarchy
     Govt. monopoly on                      Govt. lacks of monopoly
     legitimate use of force                  on legitimate use of force
     inside border.                                outside border.
-    Distribution of capabilities          - Distribution of capabilities
Описание слайда:
Domestic vs. International Systems Domestic system International System - Hierarchy - Anarchy Govt. monopoly on Govt. lacks of monopoly legitimate use of force on legitimate use of force inside border. outside border. - Distribution of capabilities - Distribution of capabilities

Слайд 7

Consequences of Anarchy
Anarchic system lack third-party enforcers, i.e., parties that are responsible for making sure that others adhere to rules and agreements.
General implication: international action is regulated more by an actor`s sense of what the optimal course of action for it is than by external regulations that restrict certain types of behavior.
Specific implication: violence among actors is an omnipresent possibility.
Описание слайда:
Consequences of Anarchy Anarchic system lack third-party enforcers, i.e., parties that are responsible for making sure that others adhere to rules and agreements. General implication: international action is regulated more by an actor`s sense of what the optimal course of action for it is than by external regulations that restrict certain types of behavior. Specific implication: violence among actors is an omnipresent possibility.

Слайд 8

Governance without Government
Anarchy does not imply disorder
The international arena is organized even though it lacks overarching government.
The behavior of actors is regulated, although less effectively than in domestic arenas.
Описание слайда:
Governance without Government Anarchy does not imply disorder The international arena is organized even though it lacks overarching government. The behavior of actors is regulated, although less effectively than in domestic arenas.

Слайд 9

Behavior in the International Arena
Although international and domestic political arenas differ, they are also inextricably linked.
When governments weigh the costs and benefits of various international actions, their choices over the alternatives is inherently influenced by their domestic political situations.
Описание слайда:
Behavior in the International Arena Although international and domestic political arenas differ, they are also inextricably linked. When governments weigh the costs and benefits of various international actions, their choices over the alternatives is inherently influenced by their domestic political situations.

Слайд 10

German opposition to the US – led  War in Iraq (Operation Iraqi Freedom)
German choices:
Support war and get anger of German public
Oppose war and get anger of US
Appease US concerns about Iraqi weapons without going to war.
German voters gave Schroeder high marks.
The decision strained US-German relations.
Описание слайда:
Example German opposition to the US – led War in Iraq (Operation Iraqi Freedom) German choices: Support war and get anger of German public Oppose war and get anger of US Appease US concerns about Iraqi weapons without going to war. German voters gave Schroeder high marks. The decision strained US-German relations.

Слайд 11

Domestic and International Politics, слайд №11
Описание слайда:

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