🗊Ecology and fashion. Project was done by Borodina Ludmila from 10 “B”.

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Ecology and fashion.  Project was done by Borodina Ludmila from 10 “B”., слайд №1Ecology and fashion.  Project was done by Borodina Ludmila from 10 “B”., слайд №2Ecology and fashion.  Project was done by Borodina Ludmila from 10 “B”., слайд №3Ecology and fashion.  Project was done by Borodina Ludmila from 10 “B”., слайд №4Ecology and fashion.  Project was done by Borodina Ludmila from 10 “B”., слайд №5Ecology and fashion.  Project was done by Borodina Ludmila from 10 “B”., слайд №6Ecology and fashion.  Project was done by Borodina Ludmila from 10 “B”., слайд №7Ecology and fashion.  Project was done by Borodina Ludmila from 10 “B”., слайд №8Ecology and fashion.  Project was done by Borodina Ludmila from 10 “B”., слайд №9Ecology and fashion.  Project was done by Borodina Ludmila from 10 “B”., слайд №10

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Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1

Ecology and fashion.
Project was done by Borodina Ludmila from 10 “B”.
Описание слайда:
Ecology and fashion. Project was done by Borodina Ludmila from 10 “B”.

Слайд 2

The main problem.
How fashion depends on ecological situation. 
What does fashion mean in our interpretation. 
How must we fight  to clean our environment .
Peoples attitude to this problem. 
Peoples role in solution this problem.
Описание слайда:
The main problem. How fashion depends on ecological situation. What does fashion mean in our interpretation. How must we fight to clean our environment . Peoples attitude to this problem. Peoples role in solution this problem.

Слайд 3

Dependence оn fashion.
Nowadays only a few people think about  the connection of ecology with fashion. Fashion has an incredibly big influence on ecology.
What do you think, where   do fur clothes appear from?
Описание слайда:
Dependence оn fashion. Nowadays only a few people think about the connection of ecology with fashion. Fashion has an incredibly big influence on ecology. What do you think, where do fur clothes appear from?

Слайд 4

Ecology and fashion.  Project was done by Borodina Ludmila from 10 “B”., слайд №4
Описание слайда:

Слайд 5

Ecology and fashion.  Project was done by Borodina Ludmila from 10 “B”., слайд №5
Описание слайда:

Слайд 6

My opinion. 
I don’t see the way out in it. Is it really so important to be more beautiful in clothes, than in your soul? It’s obvious that in pursuit for animals death people kill some part of their soul, they murder nature in themselves, they simply become worse than every creature on Earth.
Описание слайда:
My opinion. I don’t see the way out in it. Is it really so important to be more beautiful in clothes, than in your soul? It’s obvious that in pursuit for animals death people kill some part of their soul, they murder nature in themselves, they simply become worse than every creature on Earth.

Слайд 7

   We know, animals kill only if they are hungry. We allow ourselves to make equal luxury in appearance and ugliness in soul. It is not the right  of Fashion, in my opinion, it is just a cover, under that cover there is not anything important, and people should not try to be better by price of somebody’s death. 
   We know, animals kill only if they are hungry. We allow ourselves to make equal luxury in appearance and ugliness in soul. It is not the right  of Fashion, in my opinion, it is just a cover, under that cover there is not anything important, and people should not try to be better by price of somebody’s death.
Описание слайда:
We know, animals kill only if they are hungry. We allow ourselves to make equal luxury in appearance and ugliness in soul. It is not the right of Fashion, in my opinion, it is just a cover, under that cover there is not anything important, and people should not try to be better by price of somebody’s death. We know, animals kill only if they are hungry. We allow ourselves to make equal luxury in appearance and ugliness in soul. It is not the right of Fashion, in my opinion, it is just a cover, under that cover there is not anything important, and people should not try to be better by price of somebody’s death.

Слайд 8

What we must do.
You  can watch quite common situation nowadays: people are quarrelling about some justice, they assert, that this world is unfair, but if we really want to change this situation, we must do something, not just speak. Words are empty, they are just a surface. There must be something, not emptiness under them .
Описание слайда:
What we must do. You can watch quite common situation nowadays: people are quarrelling about some justice, they assert, that this world is unfair, but if we really want to change this situation, we must do something, not just speak. Words are empty, they are just a surface. There must be something, not emptiness under them .

Слайд 9

Ecology and fashion.  Project was done by Borodina Ludmila from 10 “B”., слайд №9
Описание слайда:

Слайд 10

Ecology and fashion.  Project was done by Borodina Ludmila from 10 “B”., слайд №10
Описание слайда:

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