🗊Презентация Effect of anodizing parameters on growth of selfordering TiO2

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Effect of anodizing parameters on growth of selfordering TiO2, слайд №1

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Слайд 1

Low-dimensional nanostructural materials have attracted increasing scientific and technological attention due to their physical properties and their potential application. Dimensionality has a crucial role in determining the properties and performance of nanomaterials. Therefore, the control of size and shape of nanomaterials is of great importance [1, 2]. The intrinsic band gap of nanotube titania of about 3.1–3.3 eV allows the material to absorb light only in the ultraviolet range (up to 400 nm). Thus, in order to achieve more effective solar energy conversion applications with titania nanotube (TiNT) arrays, the light absorption range needs to be extended. Decoration of titania nanotubes (TiNTs) with lower band gap semiconducting nanoparticles, comparing to bare TiO2, results in heterojunction formation, thus enabling a visible-light photoresponse. However, the coupling of TiNTs by uniformly seeded nanoparticles of metal oxides with strong interfacial contact remains challenging. In this study, we report cost-efficient and simple process for decoration of TiNT walls with pure Cu2O nanoparticles of controllable size and content. 
Low-dimensional nanostructural materials have attracted increasing scientific and technological attention due to their physical properties and their potential application. Dimensionality has a crucial role in determining the properties and performance of nanomaterials. Therefore, the control of size and shape of nanomaterials is of great importance [1, 2]. The intrinsic band gap of nanotube titania of about 3.1–3.3 eV allows the material to absorb light only in the ultraviolet range (up to 400 nm). Thus, in order to achieve more effective solar energy conversion applications with titania nanotube (TiNT) arrays, the light absorption range needs to be extended. Decoration of titania nanotubes (TiNTs) with lower band gap semiconducting nanoparticles, comparing to bare TiO2, results in heterojunction formation, thus enabling a visible-light photoresponse. However, the coupling of TiNTs by uniformly seeded nanoparticles of metal oxides with strong interfacial contact remains challenging. In this study, we report cost-efficient and simple process for decoration of TiNT walls with pure Cu2O nanoparticles of controllable size and content.
Описание слайда:
Low-dimensional nanostructural materials have attracted increasing scientific and technological attention due to their physical properties and their potential application. Dimensionality has a crucial role in determining the properties and performance of nanomaterials. Therefore, the control of size and shape of nanomaterials is of great importance [1, 2]. The intrinsic band gap of nanotube titania of about 3.1–3.3 eV allows the material to absorb light only in the ultraviolet range (up to 400 nm). Thus, in order to achieve more effective solar energy conversion applications with titania nanotube (TiNT) arrays, the light absorption range needs to be extended. Decoration of titania nanotubes (TiNTs) with lower band gap semiconducting nanoparticles, comparing to bare TiO2, results in heterojunction formation, thus enabling a visible-light photoresponse. However, the coupling of TiNTs by uniformly seeded nanoparticles of metal oxides with strong interfacial contact remains challenging. In this study, we report cost-efficient and simple process for decoration of TiNT walls with pure Cu2O nanoparticles of controllable size and content. Low-dimensional nanostructural materials have attracted increasing scientific and technological attention due to their physical properties and their potential application. Dimensionality has a crucial role in determining the properties and performance of nanomaterials. Therefore, the control of size and shape of nanomaterials is of great importance [1, 2]. The intrinsic band gap of nanotube titania of about 3.1–3.3 eV allows the material to absorb light only in the ultraviolet range (up to 400 nm). Thus, in order to achieve more effective solar energy conversion applications with titania nanotube (TiNT) arrays, the light absorption range needs to be extended. Decoration of titania nanotubes (TiNTs) with lower band gap semiconducting nanoparticles, comparing to bare TiO2, results in heterojunction formation, thus enabling a visible-light photoresponse. However, the coupling of TiNTs by uniformly seeded nanoparticles of metal oxides with strong interfacial contact remains challenging. In this study, we report cost-efficient and simple process for decoration of TiNT walls with pure Cu2O nanoparticles of controllable size and content.

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