🗊 Everyone Loves a Horror Story Olga Donchenko Runova Margarita 11-V

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  Everyone Loves a Horror Story  Olga Donchenko  Runova Margarita  11-V  , слайд №5  
  Everyone Loves a Horror Story  Olga Donchenko  Runova Margarita  11-V  , слайд №6  
  Everyone Loves a Horror Story  Olga Donchenko  Runova Margarita  11-V  , слайд №7  
  Everyone Loves a Horror Story  Olga Donchenko  Runova Margarita  11-V  , слайд №8  
  Everyone Loves a Horror Story  Olga Donchenko  Runova Margarita  11-V  , слайд №9  
  Everyone Loves a Horror Story  Olga Donchenko  Runova Margarita  11-V  , слайд №10  
  Everyone Loves a Horror Story  Olga Donchenko  Runova Margarita  11-V  , слайд №11  
  Everyone Loves a Horror Story  Olga Donchenko  Runova Margarita  11-V  , слайд №12  
  Everyone Loves a Horror Story  Olga Donchenko  Runova Margarita  11-V  , слайд №13  
  Everyone Loves a Horror Story  Olga Donchenko  Runova Margarita  11-V  , слайд №14  
  Everyone Loves a Horror Story  Olga Donchenko  Runova Margarita  11-V  , слайд №15  
  Everyone Loves a Horror Story  Olga Donchenko  Runova Margarita  11-V  , слайд №16

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Слайд 1

Everyone Loves a Horror Story
Olga Donchenko
Runova Margarita
Описание слайда:
Everyone Loves a Horror Story Olga Donchenko Runova Margarita 11-V

Слайд 2

Poe’s Childhood
Parents:  David Poe Elizabeth Atkins
Edgar Poe was born in Boston on January 19, 1809, to David and Elizabeth Poe.  Elizabeth died in 1811 shortly after separating from David and taking the three children David, Edgar, and Rosalie, with her. Edgar was adopted by Mr. and Mrs. John Allan. a successful and stable Richmond merchant.
Описание слайда:
Poe’s Childhood Parents: David Poe Elizabeth Atkins Edgar Poe was born in Boston on January 19, 1809, to David and Elizabeth Poe. Elizabeth died in 1811 shortly after separating from David and taking the three children David, Edgar, and Rosalie, with her. Edgar was adopted by Mr. and Mrs. John Allan. a successful and stable Richmond merchant.

Слайд 3

Poe’s Young Adult Years
When Poe was 6, he went to school in England for 5 years. He learned Latin and French, as well as math and history. Later he returned to school in America and continued his studies. Edgar Allan went to the University of Virginia in 1826. He was 17. Poe spent most of 1826 at the University of West Virginia, doing well in his studies, but running up gambling debts and drinking.
Описание слайда:
Poe’s Young Adult Years When Poe was 6, he went to school in England for 5 years. He learned Latin and French, as well as math and history. Later he returned to school in America and continued his studies. Edgar Allan went to the University of Virginia in 1826. He was 17. Poe spent most of 1826 at the University of West Virginia, doing well in his studies, but running up gambling debts and drinking.

Слайд 4

Trouble Follows Poe
Edgar Allan had no money, no job skills, and had been shunned by John Allan. Edgar went to Boston and joined the U.S. Army in 1827. He did reasonably well in the Army and attained the rank of sergeant major. In 1829, Mrs. Allan died and John Allan tried to be friendly towards Edgar and signed Edgar's application to West Point. In 1830, Edgar Allan entered West Point as a cadet. He didn't stay long because John Allan refused to send him any money.
Описание слайда:
Trouble Follows Poe Edgar Allan had no money, no job skills, and had been shunned by John Allan. Edgar went to Boston and joined the U.S. Army in 1827. He did reasonably well in the Army and attained the rank of sergeant major. In 1829, Mrs. Allan died and John Allan tried to be friendly towards Edgar and signed Edgar's application to West Point. In 1830, Edgar Allan entered West Point as a cadet. He didn't stay long because John Allan refused to send him any money.

Слайд 5

Struggling Writer

In 1831, Edgar Allan Poe went to New York City where he had some of his poetry published. He submitted stories to a number of magazines and they were all rejected. Poe had no friends, no job, and was in financial trouble. He sent a letter to John Allan begging for help but none came. John Allan died in 1834 and did not mention Edgar in his will.
Описание слайда:
Struggling Writer In 1831, Edgar Allan Poe went to New York City where he had some of his poetry published. He submitted stories to a number of magazines and they were all rejected. Poe had no friends, no job, and was in financial trouble. He sent a letter to John Allan begging for help but none came. John Allan died in 1834 and did not mention Edgar in his will.

Слайд 6

Career and marriage
Poe worked as a newspaper editor and writer throughout his life, but he never made enough money to be comfortable. In 1836, Poe married Virginia Clemm.  She died in 1847 from tuberculosis.
Описание слайда:
Career and marriage Poe worked as a newspaper editor and writer throughout his life, but he never made enough money to be comfortable. In 1836, Poe married Virginia Clemm. She died in 1847 from tuberculosis.

Слайд 7

Poe’s Death
On October 3, 1849, Poe was found on the streets of Baltimore delirious, "in great distress, and... in need of immediate assistance", according to the man who found him, Joseph W. Walker. He was taken to the Washington College Hospital, where he died on Sunday, October 7, 1849, at 5:00 in the morning
Описание слайда:
Poe’s Death On October 3, 1849, Poe was found on the streets of Baltimore delirious, "in great distress, and... in need of immediate assistance", according to the man who found him, Joseph W. Walker. He was taken to the Washington College Hospital, where he died on Sunday, October 7, 1849, at 5:00 in the morning

Слайд 8

Mystery of Poe’s Death
Some sources say Poe's final words were "Lord help my poor soul." All medical records, including his death certificate, have been lost. Newspapers at the time reported Poe's death as "congestion of the brain" or "cerebral inflammation", common euphemisms  for deaths from disreputable causes such as alcoholism.
Описание слайда:
Mystery of Poe’s Death Some sources say Poe's final words were "Lord help my poor soul." All medical records, including his death certificate, have been lost. Newspapers at the time reported Poe's death as "congestion of the brain" or "cerebral inflammation", common euphemisms for deaths from disreputable causes such as alcoholism.

Слайд 9

father of modern short story
father of detective story
father of psychoanalytic criticism
Описание слайда:
Significance father of modern short story father of detective story father of psychoanalytic criticism

Слайд 10

Poe’s Masterpieces Written
Poe published some of best known works:
The Raven
The Tell-Tale Heart
The Black Cat
The Bells
The Murders in the Rue Morgue
The Masque of the Red Death
Описание слайда:
Poe’s Masterpieces Written Poe published some of best known works: The Raven The Tell-Tale Heart The Black Cat The Bells The Murders in the Rue Morgue The Masque of the Red Death

Слайд 11

The Black Cat by Edgar Allan Poe
Описание слайда:
The Black Cat by Edgar Allan Poe

Слайд 12

The guilt trapped within one’s conscience will haunt them to their downfall.
Описание слайда:
Theme The guilt trapped within one’s conscience will haunt them to their downfall.

Слайд 13

Important Symbols
Pluto and New Cat-narrator’s conscience (it is always there with the gallows and inability to be killed, as a reminder of the terrible crime)
The New’s Cat resemblance in that it is missing an eye and the white spot on the fur in the shape of gallows is there to haunt and constantly remind him of the crime.
The coincidence that the cats are black symbolizes the evil that follows him.
Alcoholism-evil within him.His own intemperance drives him to wound the cat and smother his morals.
The wall-temporary containment of narrator’s conscience/representation of bad deeds
Описание слайда:
Important Symbols Pluto and New Cat-narrator’s conscience (it is always there with the gallows and inability to be killed, as a reminder of the terrible crime) The New’s Cat resemblance in that it is missing an eye and the white spot on the fur in the shape of gallows is there to haunt and constantly remind him of the crime. The coincidence that the cats are black symbolizes the evil that follows him. Alcoholism-evil within him.His own intemperance drives him to wound the cat and smother his morals. The wall-temporary containment of narrator’s conscience/representation of bad deeds

Слайд 14

Character Relationships
Protagonist-The narrator(tries to ignore his wrongdoings)
Antagonist- The Cat( serves as his conscience of everything he has done)
In the story this man transforms from an animal lover  to an animal abuser and murderer under the influence of alcohol. He blames his actions on the cat.Some would say that the second Cat was  the reincarnation of Pluto.
Описание слайда:
Character Relationships Protagonist-The narrator(tries to ignore his wrongdoings) Antagonist- The Cat( serves as his conscience of everything he has done) In the story this man transforms from an animal lover to an animal abuser and murderer under the influence of alcohol. He blames his actions on the cat.Some would say that the second Cat was the reincarnation of Pluto.

Слайд 15

Major Conflict
Narrator vs Cat
The narrator’s physical battle with the Cat ,expressed through his violent and abusive 
actions towards it. It shows battle with his own conscience.It begins at the inciting incident.
Описание слайда:
Major Conflict Narrator vs Cat The narrator’s physical battle with the Cat ,expressed through his violent and abusive actions towards it. It shows battle with his own conscience.It begins at the inciting incident.

Слайд 16

Описание слайда:
Literature http://rmc.library.cornell.edu/poe/exhibition/familyhistory/ http://www.awesomestories.com/assets/john-allan http://www.awesomestories.com/assets/frances-allan http://www.shmoop.com/black-cat-poe/ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edgar_Allan_Poe

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